Hear ye! Hear ye! Come and join me for the Grand Opening because The Needlework Shop is officially open for business -
Didn't the landscapers do a fantastic job? I was really lucky because just as they were finishing, I was able to locate someone to put the sign up as well ;o)
Things must have really been in my favour because the interior decorator had a last minute cancellation and she was able to fit me in sooner than expected. The shop has honey oak flooring throughout, with beautiful coloured area rugs. When you walk in the door, your eyes might spot the seating area in the middle of the room. I made sure I had one there so anyone can come in and stitch anytime they want to :o) There are two comfortable sofas and two chairs with ottomans so you can put your feet up and rest awhile. This is a NRA shop (no rushing allowed) so leave your husbands at home. LOL!
The fibers, embellishments and accessories are all on the first floor. You're surrounded by loads of color and bling -
As you sit and stitch, or even if you're just browsing around, your eyes will see plenty of eye candy because the walls are adorned with stitched models. After coming here, you'll never have another moment when you ask yourself, "What am I going to stitch next?" LOL!
The second floor is dedicated solely to fabric, and lots of it -
I put in a huge cutting table in the middle of the room. The fabrics line the walls and are arranged by count AND by color so there appears to be a rainbow all around you :o) The selection is easy to see and you can't help but touch the linens. In amongst all the stitching fabric you're going to spot something new. I've added special fabric for finishing those flat folds, pin keeps and stand ups. They coordinate perfectly with the stitching fabric so there's no need to drive around town with little color samples in your purse ;o)
Before you leave, make sure that you've tried out our selection of teas and don't forget to grab a few business cards to give out to friends and family!

Didn't the landscapers do a fantastic job? I was really lucky because just as they were finishing, I was able to locate someone to put the sign up as well ;o)
Things must have really been in my favour because the interior decorator had a last minute cancellation and she was able to fit me in sooner than expected. The shop has honey oak flooring throughout, with beautiful coloured area rugs. When you walk in the door, your eyes might spot the seating area in the middle of the room. I made sure I had one there so anyone can come in and stitch anytime they want to :o) There are two comfortable sofas and two chairs with ottomans so you can put your feet up and rest awhile. This is a NRA shop (no rushing allowed) so leave your husbands at home. LOL!
The fibers, embellishments and accessories are all on the first floor. You're surrounded by loads of color and bling -
As you sit and stitch, or even if you're just browsing around, your eyes will see plenty of eye candy because the walls are adorned with stitched models. After coming here, you'll never have another moment when you ask yourself, "What am I going to stitch next?" LOL!
The second floor is dedicated solely to fabric, and lots of it -
I put in a huge cutting table in the middle of the room. The fabrics line the walls and are arranged by count AND by color so there appears to be a rainbow all around you :o) The selection is easy to see and you can't help but touch the linens. In amongst all the stitching fabric you're going to spot something new. I've added special fabric for finishing those flat folds, pin keeps and stand ups. They coordinate perfectly with the stitching fabric so there's no need to drive around town with little color samples in your purse ;o)
Before you leave, make sure that you've tried out our selection of teas and don't forget to grab a few business cards to give out to friends and family!

I think I want to move in! Looks great! Congrats on successful finish.
That is darling! The colours are so bright and vibrant.
Congrats on a sweet finish.
Its wonderful. I love the colours
Wow the shop sounds great. I think one day I will have to come to US just to do a tour of stitching shops. There are so many I would love to visit in person! Any pics anywhere?
I was going to ask if I could come work there, but then thought better of it as I think it'd be sooo busy I'd have no time for stitching myself!
Beautiful stitching. The colours are so bright and cheerful. Congratulations on the Grand Opening ^.^ Love the close up pictures.
You realize you've created such a wonderful image, that now you have to open your own shop...I can almost feel one of the chairs against my back as I enjoy a cup of tea and some stitchy conversation!
Do you have Sunday hours?
Oh, I love it! Especially the NRA policy. :o)
beautiful finish Cathey!!! Makes me want to pull that one out & get started on it!!!!! Love your story too!!!
Ooooh I love your shop. I will be shopping there for sure :)
Cathey, you didn't tell us you were opening your own shop. I can see you running such a shop. When you open it up, I can bake you some cookies to serve with tea or coffee.
Beautiful work as usual. Love the decorations on the front of the shop. {{{Hugs}}}
Congratulations ! Not only does the shop look great, it sounds just like the place I would love to sit and stitch and shop at.
It turned out wonderfully! My new favorite LNS! Great job!
The finish is lovely (such beautiful stitches!!!) and the description makes me itch to stitch it too now... Why don't you open a shop like that? I'd travel from France to be your customer...
Enjoy your week end!
You should have a job in Advertising!!
Soooooo pretty. I love the colours in this piece... actually reminds me of a little candy shoppe :)
Beautiful finish and your description of the shop sounds like a dream!! Meet you upstairs... I want to play with the fabric!
Gorgeous hon!!! ANd your stitching is so perfect!
Great job. I'll be right over. ;o)
Your piece turned out lovely and you might need to expand the shop so all of us will fit in there. Hopefully Brie has a special spot, too.
Very pretty stitching. Congratulations on the Grand Opening! Could I place an order for some linen please?
Wow! I don't know what's better, the actual stitched piece or your accompanying narrative! I've always enjoyed listening to people who could really spin a yarn!! Fabulous work, Cathey!
Gorgeous finish Cathey! Congrats.
Clearly you need to own your own REAL stitching shop. It sounds heavenly!
What a beautiful piece. You described everything so well.
Congrats on your lovely finish! Your stitching is so neat & tidy & positively perfecto!
Great, now I feel like shopping ;)
Congrats on the finish !!! It's gorgeous !!
And thanks for the tour ;-)
Congratulations, that's gorgeous!
WOO HOO!!! you did a great job on this one as always!!!!
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