Voila! Here's the f-i-n-a-l-e -
Isn't he just the cutest! This is Chilly's Gift by Stitchy Kitty. The pattern was part of a freebie package from The Busy Needle. It's part of an annual program to raise money for diabetes. When you make a donation, you get a package containing freebies from different designers plus a handmade stitched ornament :o) He's still not finished finished yet but I imagine he'll turn into an ornament.
I'm not a happy camper. I've lost about three days on Stargazer :o( I hope to get back to her today. I'm working on her upper body now but there's not enough difference to post a picture yet.
DH got home last night! Thank goodness! It's a good thing because I think I lost a bit more weight ;o) It's sad, I know. LOL! But he's such a good cook and I just can't be bothered. I'm going to have to come up with something though because he'll be on the road quite frequently with his new job. This ended up being a very bad week for me to begin with but yesterday I got out of the house and I finally started to feel better. It's amazing what a few nights of sound sleeping will do as well ;o) I'm so anxious when DH is gone that I can't seem to relax. What do you do to keep busy when your SO is gone? Do you have any great ideas for me?

Isn't he just the cutest! This is Chilly's Gift by Stitchy Kitty. The pattern was part of a freebie package from The Busy Needle. It's part of an annual program to raise money for diabetes. When you make a donation, you get a package containing freebies from different designers plus a handmade stitched ornament :o) He's still not finished finished yet but I imagine he'll turn into an ornament.
I'm not a happy camper. I've lost about three days on Stargazer :o( I hope to get back to her today. I'm working on her upper body now but there's not enough difference to post a picture yet.
DH got home last night! Thank goodness! It's a good thing because I think I lost a bit more weight ;o) It's sad, I know. LOL! But he's such a good cook and I just can't be bothered. I'm going to have to come up with something though because he'll be on the road quite frequently with his new job. This ended up being a very bad week for me to begin with but yesterday I got out of the house and I finally started to feel better. It's amazing what a few nights of sound sleeping will do as well ;o) I'm so anxious when DH is gone that I can't seem to relax. What do you do to keep busy when your SO is gone? Do you have any great ideas for me?

Well, I'm afraid I don't have good news on this matter.
DH used to go to the hotel two or three times a week in his former job. I never got used to it. I mean, it's sometimes cool, but most of the time, you have the feeling you're just waiting and waiting and waiting and it's such a boooooore...
And I did put on weight as I was eating junk food to compensate...
Worst of all: I didn't have cross stitch then. Tell me if that makes any difference... Lol!
All I can say is that, the more his return date was approaching, the better I felt. When he had just left, it was terrible. I just don't understand why we have to depend THAT much upon this strange male species... Lol!
Big hugs,
your Chilly is so cute !!!
My DH sometimes goes on weekends away with friends, but then I'm happy with the free time ;-) it's only two times a year....
I stitch a lot then ...
Congrats on that cute fella!!
My DH has to go away again soon as well he's going to Milan for a few days,at least it's not more.
I haven't been feeling the best either,I have put it down to the miserable weather!! (hugs)
Aw! Chilly is so adorable! I love those colors!
When I was married my DH traveled internationally so he'd be gone for weeks at a time. In the beginning it was extremely difficult (I could tell you some stories!), but eventually I learned to cope. Once I figured out I was capable of doing things by myself I'd start planning little projects and trips for the times when he was gone. So hang in there! It'll get better!
Well, after 3 months of having mine gone every weekday... I'm not sure I have alot of suggestions. I fill my time cleaning and sorting, I do alot of stitching. I watch t.v shows or movies I know he wouldn't want to watch. And as for eating ? That's a problem for me too, so I try to cook my meals ahead of time on the weekend when he's home, and have them ready to just "nuke" when I get home at night. Otherwise, I'd never be eating - dinner in particular. Oh - and I email friends well into the night to not feel quite so lonely :) Haven't you noticed ? lol
It does get easier. But you'll still be oh so happy when the day of his return comes.
Your finish is absolutely adorable ! I LOVE him !!!
Love your "Chilly" friend :)
Sorry, no advice... I'm sure I could find things to do, if I ever found myself without him for days at a time. :) The hardest for me, would be not to have transportation when necessary, I think. Sad, I know.
Your Chilly looks awesome !! I also donated and got the pattern, but have put stitching him on hold. Can you have DH make some frozen dinners for you and just heat them up.
Oh my gosh, that little guy is just too cute!! 53!!!!
My husband hasn't had to travel for work for longer than 2 days in the last 3 years. On his previous job/project, he was gone for 8 weeks one time and a couple of weeks at a time on other occasions. That was before our son was born. I think I ate cereal for supper on occasion and stitched A LOT. I remember renting a lot of movies.
I also recall sleeping with the radio on so that I wouldn't hear "house noises" and get all freaked out.
Hi Cathey, We are a Navy family and my huband is away alot, some are six months long. The kids tend to keep me busy with school stuff and after school activities. I do get alot more stitching done when he is away. I keep busy with stitching and a book club and always kid stuff. I also get to watch all the movies and tv shows that he doesn't like.What helps me sleep at night is the fact that we have a big dog, a Doberman Pinscher. He is a sweet heart but people who don't know him don't know that!!! As for cooking, well he is the cook. The kids like normal kid stuff and I will get something frozen or cereal. But I am trying to be better and cook more. Once you get into your own routine things get better. We always try to get together with friends the day that he leaves so we aren't in the house alone.
Great finish!! I wish I could help with some suggestions about staying by yourself, but it doesn't bother me, when I'm alone I don't even think about it ;)
I love your chilly friend. Where can I get info on donating for this?
oh, BTW. I need your addy. Got a little thing I want you to have.
Chilly is so cute. I have no advice. when DH is fishing on weekends I eat junk food and stitch, lol.
I love that design lol mind you I love anything with penguins
DH spends a lot of time away , I don't think it gets easier you just learn to cope in different ways, I rarely cook if he is away I just have fruit or cereal and sometimes giant chocolate buttons, try and get out more during the day even if its just for a walk
Such an adorable finish! I'm going to check out that link...hope it isn't too late :)
I'm sorry, but I don't have any good advice. I'm a terrible cook, and wind up doing a lot of "grazing". When I have weekends to myself, I normally wind up doing an awful lot of guilt-free stitching...followed by a flurry of getting something done around the house :)
I love the penguin; thanks for posting the link to such a great fundraiser. I will definitely remember that for next Christmas.
My DH used to be in the navy, and when he was gone I didn't eat that well. Then one year he was gone for 9 out of 12 months; I had to learn to cook so I wouldn't starve! I didn't cross stitch then, and if I had I don't think I would have taken up cooking! Anyway, turns out I love to cook, and that plus cross stitching are my two biggest hobbies.
I watched a lot of chick-flicks while he was away, and just enjoyed my own schedule of going to the library or museum when I wanted, and eating scrambled eggs for dinner. It takes getting used to, but eventually you will feel more comfortable.
Chilly is adorable, what a cute finish. Your mitten finish in your earlier post was lovely too. So sorry to hear the frog came to visit Stargazer (although I loved the picture of him in the pot you posted, just to cute). Stargazer is so pretty, I'll look forward to your posting an update of her soon. As to dealing with being alone, can't help much there, although for my part I think I'd starve if it wasn't for cereal, boxed macaroni and cheese, and all the various varieties of frozen meals.
Chilly is too adorable.
I still have trouble sleeping when hubby is away at night. He's been working nightshifts since we got married 7 years ago and I thought I would have gotten used to it by now.
Food for 1 is hard. I usually stick with sandwiches and easy to prepare stuff. Salad sandwiches are pretty easy and healthy.
I LOVE Chilly :) TOO adorable!!
(((hugs to you)))
Cathey, my SO will be gone for 3 weeks, starting Jan 23. You & I can keep one another company! ;o)
I used to be married to a long-haul trucker & swore I'd never live that life again, but like others here have said, I find myself planning what I can do while T's gone - chick flicks, foods I like that he doesn't, etc. The sleeping's not such a big thing for me 'cause T never comes to bed when I do, thanks to his PTSD. I always turn one of his pillows to have a "body" next to me when I sleep.
The weight loss is great (except I think you're sending it to me! *lol*) but you have to remember that you have to take care of yourself - eat well, get out for walks or whatever. Your health is important, both physical & mental. Maybe you can make plans with local friends to meet for dinner more often? Is there something local - like a museum or library or whatever interests you - that you could become involved with?
And Stargazer - she's beautiful! I love seeing your progress!
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