Where's that you ask? Here. Right here. I've always joked that we lived in the arm pit of the country but after this week, I KNOW we do!
Now don't get me wrong, this city has a low crime rate, it's easy to get around and it's the most beautiful city in the province. But as far as variety goes, it...SUCKS! You go out to buy clothes; every store has the same thing. If there's something specific you're looking for, you're never going to find it. Want something different or unique? If you're lucky, you 'might' find it but that's after spending approximately five hours of shopping from one end of the city to the other.
DH and I decided to install a closet organizer in the extra bedroom to...well, organize it ;o) Everything had been so difficult to get to. My books were beneath heavy boxes or high up on the shelf. Our box full of wrapping paper, bows and tags had been buried under anything that was thrown into the closet. Not the easiest thing to get to. Items I had picked up for finishing projects were all over the place!
So my idea was to find some magazine holders, boxes or baskets to make the space on the new shelves more efficient. Sounds easy doesn't it? HA! Over the past week, DH and I, together or separately, have been to FIVE of the bigger stores in the city. You would 'think' that after seeing all these great products by Debbie Travis or House & Home that it would be a piece of cake to pick up these items. I'd rather gouge out my eyes!
Why does something so easy end up being so difficult? It's because of where we live. This city dislikes change. Why have five McDonald's, only two kinds of grocery stores, more dollar stores than you can shake a stick at and so many Tim Horton's that it's like they multiply overnight? It's because they're the same and they're safe. The city threw a hissy fit when Winners wanted to open a store here and we're almost one of the last major cities to 'finally' get a Home Depot, Michael's, and Eastside Mario's.
The new stores are still under construction and whether they will last or not remains to be seen. It's about time that this city grew up and grew some balls though! Unfortunately that does not fix my current situation but at least it gave me a chance to rant ;o)

Now don't get me wrong, this city has a low crime rate, it's easy to get around and it's the most beautiful city in the province. But as far as variety goes, it...SUCKS! You go out to buy clothes; every store has the same thing. If there's something specific you're looking for, you're never going to find it. Want something different or unique? If you're lucky, you 'might' find it but that's after spending approximately five hours of shopping from one end of the city to the other.
DH and I decided to install a closet organizer in the extra bedroom to...well, organize it ;o) Everything had been so difficult to get to. My books were beneath heavy boxes or high up on the shelf. Our box full of wrapping paper, bows and tags had been buried under anything that was thrown into the closet. Not the easiest thing to get to. Items I had picked up for finishing projects were all over the place!
So my idea was to find some magazine holders, boxes or baskets to make the space on the new shelves more efficient. Sounds easy doesn't it? HA! Over the past week, DH and I, together or separately, have been to FIVE of the bigger stores in the city. You would 'think' that after seeing all these great products by Debbie Travis or House & Home that it would be a piece of cake to pick up these items. I'd rather gouge out my eyes!
Why does something so easy end up being so difficult? It's because of where we live. This city dislikes change. Why have five McDonald's, only two kinds of grocery stores, more dollar stores than you can shake a stick at and so many Tim Horton's that it's like they multiply overnight? It's because they're the same and they're safe. The city threw a hissy fit when Winners wanted to open a store here and we're almost one of the last major cities to 'finally' get a Home Depot, Michael's, and Eastside Mario's.
The new stores are still under construction and whether they will last or not remains to be seen. It's about time that this city grew up and grew some balls though! Unfortunately that does not fix my current situation but at least it gave me a chance to rant ;o)

I don't know how your dollar stores are, but ours can be goldmines when it comes to organizational stuff.
What you really need is a Bed, Bath and Beyond. You will freaking LOVE that place. Also, you will want one of these
I remember the lack of variety in Halifax, too. Many stores, all carryin exactly the same thing! What's up with that? So frustrating.
I agree with Jennifer, the Wrap N Craft Giftwrap Organizer is grand.
I think most towns here in the UK have the same shops, very annoying when you want something different but very useful when one shop doesn't have what you want the one in the next town may well have it lol.
I need you over here to organize me lol
I wouldn't be against one of these Tim Horton's. Just one...
I see what you mean. Around here, things tend to become the same everywhere. You leave France, go to belgium and find the same clothes and all. That's frustrating...
I think you should come south.
I think it's just a thing of they never have what you want when you want it. That even happens when you have choice. I forget what I was looking for and they didn't have. Something simple, too. Like a white comforter.
I felt that way when we lived outside of Edmonton. To get anywhere with interesting shopping was always a chore, and it always ended up being a VERY expensive day, because you just wanted to get everything in one trip. I found Fredericton to be the same, only I had a lot less money then and there were no Tim Hortons! I'm learning that getting completely organized is pretty much like chasing one big, fat, carrot though....
We live in a "village" here in central Ohio ... we won't let McD's in because then Starbucks & all the rest follow. And, most days, that's ok. Suburbs right next to ours have all kinds of stores - there's a huge variety within 20-30 miles of us, all parts of Columbus. And that's great - except the traffic in those areas is usually awful & I'm often just too lazy to fight it. *sigh* Why can't I just wiggle my nose & have what I want, when I want it, right here in front of me? *lol* Yep, lazy I am.
As I just told T tonight - you get some, you give some. The little NH town he's staying in has very little in the way of most anything retail ... everyone knows everyone ... the library doesn't even use cards to check out books - you just sign your name & the title of the book! But, it's quiet & peaceful.
We just all need to win the lotteries we don't play ... then we could have the best of all worlds! :o)
I've got to be honest with you: we have all those stores, and I STILL can't find anything. I think you'll be surprised about the "sameness" all those different stores actually have.
I believe that here in Orange County, NY, the Lowes and Home Depot have some sort of agreement. They are across the street from one another (who are the planning geniuses who came up with THAT one, I'd like to know), and because they carry the same things, I believe they have an agreement that one will carry certain items and the other will carry other items. Yes, they both still carry lights and faucets, but when it comes to parts for a project, I'll find some parts at one, and some at another. Perfect example: When we built a porch this spring, I found rails, lumber, and stair risers at Home Depot--but no posts for the rails to attach to. Guess who had them? Lowes. There wasn't even a spot for them in Home Depot. Bizarre and completely frustrating.
So even having the stores near you doesn't always solve the problem. That's the truth.
Gosh, feeling lucky to live in Moncton, but wishing a had money to shop :( lol.
When my Mom lived outside of Freddy Town, she also complains of the same things. But she just makes a trip to see us and problem solved... usually.
Sorry you're frustrated. You guys could so use a LNS as well. :)
Sorry you're having such a time finding what you want, that would be so frustrating. I'm lucky in the area I live in, at least in terms of furniture/home depot/etc.. type stores. Although I wish we had something like a Container Store or an IKEA store. Hope you find something that you like soon.
Noticed you're up to 8 cadbury eggs. My DD left me a message to please hurry up and get her Valentine's Day goodie package in the mail as she's sure they'll be some cadbury eggs in it and she's having a craving for them, LOL.
The Follow Your Heart was in the January newsletter. I loved doing it, and the colors are even prettier in real life. I got that one and the Remember Your Mittens one (I lucked out and Sandy had one left). I started Mittens the day before yesterday, it's looking so cute, I love the blues.
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