The tour continues! I gave you a peek of the kitchen in Part 1 and now it's clean enough that I can share the rest of it with you ;o)
First up is the cooking area -
This is DH's domain. We invested in a propane/gas stove and so far, I haven't blown up the house ;o) But then again, I don't do a lot of the cooking. LOL!
If you go to the left of the picture, that will take you to the half bathroom and my stitching room :o) To the right of the picture, is the dining room and patio doors that lead out to the deck.
Here is the clean up area -
See those cacti? DH and I grew them from seeds when we first met. He says when they die, then so does our marriage. I've been trying to kill those things for years now but they're quite resilient! I guess that says something ;o)
Now that we have our new furniture, I can show you those rooms as well. They're not complete by any means so they're a bit sparse.
Take a view of our new living room -
I LOVE this furniture! Looks like leather doesn't it? It's not :o) They call it a 'leather-like' fabric.
We'll need to add some color to this room -
So far I've added The Quiltmaker. Hey, it's a start!
Finally we have our new 'media' room -
DH and I took the third bedroom, removed the closet, and now it's our new room where we veg after a long day :o)
Here is my side of the sofa -
This is THE perfect sofa. DH has a recliner on his side and I have a chaise on mine. It's a win-win situation :o) If you're wondering what that piece of wood is that's up in the air, it's actually the arm of a lamp. I found this table at an antique store in town. DH just needs to re-wire it and I'm good to go. I even bought an Ott-Lite bulb for it so my original Ott-Lite can stay in my stitching room.
Ahhhhh...notice that I have not put up pictures of my stitching room yet. I guess you're just going to have to wait around and see ;o)
First up is the cooking area -
This is DH's domain. We invested in a propane/gas stove and so far, I haven't blown up the house ;o) But then again, I don't do a lot of the cooking. LOL!
If you go to the left of the picture, that will take you to the half bathroom and my stitching room :o) To the right of the picture, is the dining room and patio doors that lead out to the deck.
Here is the clean up area -
See those cacti? DH and I grew them from seeds when we first met. He says when they die, then so does our marriage. I've been trying to kill those things for years now but they're quite resilient! I guess that says something ;o)
Now that we have our new furniture, I can show you those rooms as well. They're not complete by any means so they're a bit sparse.
Take a view of our new living room -
I LOVE this furniture! Looks like leather doesn't it? It's not :o) They call it a 'leather-like' fabric.
We'll need to add some color to this room -
So far I've added The Quiltmaker. Hey, it's a start!
Finally we have our new 'media' room -
DH and I took the third bedroom, removed the closet, and now it's our new room where we veg after a long day :o)
Here is my side of the sofa -
This is THE perfect sofa. DH has a recliner on his side and I have a chaise on mine. It's a win-win situation :o) If you're wondering what that piece of wood is that's up in the air, it's actually the arm of a lamp. I found this table at an antique store in town. DH just needs to re-wire it and I'm good to go. I even bought an Ott-Lite bulb for it so my original Ott-Lite can stay in my stitching room.
Ahhhhh...notice that I have not put up pictures of my stitching room yet. I guess you're just going to have to wait around and see ;o)

Wow, these rooms are lovely just like the rest of your home!
Cathey, you have created a very warm and welcoming home! Looks like everything is falling into place! I'm sure that is due to hard work and not just good luck. Wishing you & DH many happy years in this piece of heaven.
Your house looks awesome :)
Lookin' good. Want to come clean my house while I stitch, or I could decorate yours while you clean mine. Deal? The recliner looks like a perfect place to stitch and watch movies. Fun!
Lovely, can't wait to see the stitching room.
Simply lovely. What a nice house.
I can't wait until my boys are grown some more and I can revamp some of our living areas...mainly the basement into the "media room" so that I can stitch upstairs in my current living room/media room without three gumbling males!
Your house looks just so nice and relaxing - very comfortable! I love the color choices for the media room.
And if you ever need a cactus killed, I am your girl. I have the WORST luck with cacti - they just die on me no matter what I do with them. The only ones I can grow are the christmas cactus ones.
Again, I repeat myself. Can I move in?
Your house absolutely gorgeous. I decorate very similar, so of course I love it! :)
Have so much catching up to do with your blog Cathey, been very busy for me lately. Thank you so much for your sweet posts always. Oh my goodness your home is just so gorgeous. I just love your furniture. I would love to have a sofa like that with the chaise. Gorgeous! would you adopt me? LOL
Lovely, lovely rooms Cathey! And there is so much room on the wall for your future creation! :-)
Why the tour of the house NEVER appears in my reader? Is someone afraid I'mm move in soon? lol Everything looks terrific but I want to see where I'm going to stitch !!! lol
I have loved the colors in every room you've shown so far. Very much my style. It's totally beautiful!
Just beautiful! I really like your media room-that rug is perfect with your couch. I can't wait ti see the sewing room-I am so jealous-LOL
I love your house can I move in
Wow! House and garden! My home never looks as good as this in the tidiness stakes.
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