Today I'm going to share with you another favourite room in my house :o) This is our dining room -
Not only do I love the furniture but I also love the fact that DH and I can actually sit down at a table and have a meal. For years we've been eating suppers in front of the television so this is a wonderful change. We also have a beautiful view of our backyard through the patio doors.
My shamrock plant seems to love this room as well -
We've also hung some important pieces on the wall. In this picture you can see a print that we picked up in Bar Harbour, Maine. It's called The Wedding Night and it's by Russel Dalessio. You should check out his work. We visit his studio every time we visit the island.
The other piece on the wall is by yours truly -
It's a picture I took down here. I enlarged it and combined it with a frame that my in-laws gave me. Now it looks like you're looking out a window :o)
The china cabinet, or what they call a server, was an excellent purchase. We bought sight unseen and luckily it matched out dining room set perfectly! It's got loads of storage and now I can see all my pretty crystal pieces :o)
Here's one last look -
I hope you enjoyed another open house. Our new furniture arrived today so as soon as I get those rooms looking respectable, I'll bring you on another tour :o)
Before I sign off I want to share with you another typical Cathey adventure of 'What Not To Do'. DH was working last night so it was my job to take the dogs out to do their final business before I went to bed. So, at 11pm, I took them out the side door. Duncan did his job right away so I let him back in the house. Brie, as usual, was taking her sweet old time.
Somehow and for some reason, I ended up closing the door. What's so wrong with that you might wonder? Well, our doors lock automatically 'unless' you unlock them yourself. Yup, that's right; I locked myself OUT of the house IN my pyjamas with one dog in the house and the other outside with me!
I looked in the window and pleaded with Duncan to open the door. His response? He walked downstairs to bed. Great! And then I thought, I have a cell phone...I'll call DH! Said cell phone was 'inside' the house. Then I thought, I'll just climb in the car and wait for DH to get home (it was only going to be another couple of hours). That's not possible when your keys are 'inside' the house.
Accepting defeat, I walked over to our next door neighbours' place, with much hesitation mind you because these are people I hardly know. Imagine their surprise when I knock on their door and there I am in my pyjamas, holding a wiener dog. You can stop laughing now!
So, always make sure you have an extra key handy for such instances ;o) I asked DH how long he thought it would take for this news to get around the neighbourhood and his response - "It already has."
Not only do I love the furniture but I also love the fact that DH and I can actually sit down at a table and have a meal. For years we've been eating suppers in front of the television so this is a wonderful change. We also have a beautiful view of our backyard through the patio doors.
My shamrock plant seems to love this room as well -
We've also hung some important pieces on the wall. In this picture you can see a print that we picked up in Bar Harbour, Maine. It's called The Wedding Night and it's by Russel Dalessio. You should check out his work. We visit his studio every time we visit the island.
The other piece on the wall is by yours truly -
It's a picture I took down here. I enlarged it and combined it with a frame that my in-laws gave me. Now it looks like you're looking out a window :o)
The china cabinet, or what they call a server, was an excellent purchase. We bought sight unseen and luckily it matched out dining room set perfectly! It's got loads of storage and now I can see all my pretty crystal pieces :o)
Here's one last look -
I hope you enjoyed another open house. Our new furniture arrived today so as soon as I get those rooms looking respectable, I'll bring you on another tour :o)
Before I sign off I want to share with you another typical Cathey adventure of 'What Not To Do'. DH was working last night so it was my job to take the dogs out to do their final business before I went to bed. So, at 11pm, I took them out the side door. Duncan did his job right away so I let him back in the house. Brie, as usual, was taking her sweet old time.
Somehow and for some reason, I ended up closing the door. What's so wrong with that you might wonder? Well, our doors lock automatically 'unless' you unlock them yourself. Yup, that's right; I locked myself OUT of the house IN my pyjamas with one dog in the house and the other outside with me!
I looked in the window and pleaded with Duncan to open the door. His response? He walked downstairs to bed. Great! And then I thought, I have a cell phone...I'll call DH! Said cell phone was 'inside' the house. Then I thought, I'll just climb in the car and wait for DH to get home (it was only going to be another couple of hours). That's not possible when your keys are 'inside' the house.
Accepting defeat, I walked over to our next door neighbours' place, with much hesitation mind you because these are people I hardly know. Imagine their surprise when I knock on their door and there I am in my pyjamas, holding a wiener dog. You can stop laughing now!
So, always make sure you have an extra key handy for such instances ;o) I asked DH how long he thought it would take for this news to get around the neighbourhood and his response - "It already has."

Just imagine if you were wearing your sexy sheer nightie ! LOL
Your dinning room looks lovely.
Oh Cathey: You didn't tell me about your night episode when I was talking to you this afternoon. Dad and I had a chuckle, ok, maybe I had a bit more than a chuckle when we read your blog. LOL
On a more serious note, the pictures of your new home really look nice. Looking forward to seeing the livingroom area as we did not see your new furniture when we were there.
{{{Hugs & Love}}}
LOL sorry but that is funny,
great photos
Ha ha! Poor Cathey - wandering the neighborhood in her jammies! Well that's certainly one way to make an impression on the neighbors.
I agree - have a key hidden outside the house somewhere in a not so obvious place. Of course, we're still trying to figure out where to put ours, and it doesn't help that DH has yet to figure out how to work the keyless entry pad on our garage door. (nevermind that we've been here over a year)
I do have a good tip for you - tape a spare car key to the back of your license plate. It's hard for someone else to remove it (if they even know it's there) without someone noticing, but you can usually get the plate off with a coin. Trust me, this little trick has come in handy - just don't let anyone see you putting it on there.
BTW - LOVE the color in the dining room. What is it, do you know?
"OH NO"!! I can just imagine your neighbours reaction.
Your dining room looks fantastic, love the scenery photo that you framed.
:o) At least you had on pajamas lol Love, love, love your house - did I mention that I love it??
Your dining room looks so nice. Your night adventure is very funny.
Take care!
Beautiful dining room-love your server! Just be glad you at least had bottoms on-however I did get a good mental picture of that! LOL
ROFL, sounds like something I could have done... Hang on, I DID do that! Minus the wiener... ;o) Thank goodness for lovely neighbours, I hope yours were too!
I love the pictures of your new house that you show in the last posts. Must be wonderful to live in there.
Locked out - who doesn't know that, lol. Happened to me as well, now I never leave without a key in my hand.
LOL! You are lucky that your neighbors were still awake *and* they answered the door :)
Your dining room looks the picture in the frame that looks like a window!!
I think I saw this on an episode of Desperate Housewives. ;-)
Love the view from your dining room. Very elegant place to share a meal.
Love the dining room. Loved your story too!
You had asked where I live on my blog; I live in southern Ontario. I am from the prairies and west coast originally; we moved here two years ago. Quite a culture shock, but I am loving all the visible history (and of course the antiques!) and the climate.
Take care - and put a key under the mat for heaven's sake! LOL
Hope you had a great PJ's !!! lol At least, all your neighbors know you by now!!! lol
Thankjs for showing me where I'll eat !!! lol can't wait to see my stitching spot on your new sofa !!! lol
LOL! I think everybody in the nieghbourhood will love you now. This is funny and too cute!
It will take years for you to be taken seriously though...
What a lovely house you have... I would never dare showing mine, it's NEVER that tidy...
Give Brie and Duncan the biggest amount of hugs.
Lots of love, sweetie,
Cathey...glad to hear I`m not the only one guilty of locking myself outside!
ROFLOL Thank goodness it's summertime. Could you imagine doing this in winter? I wonder what Brie thought about while this was going on!
One question, were these decent jammies or waiting-on-DH-to-get-home jammies???
Your house is absolutely adorable. Your kitchen table is very similar to ours, except ours is the pub style. I would have loved the longer one like yours, but I don't think our dining area would have been big enough to handle.
Are you surprised that I'm not suprised you've locked yourself out of your house with your dog and you in your pajamas. It seems a very 'you' think to happen. ROFLMAO!!!!
Your DH's response to your question is bang on! Love it! LOL
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