I just finished ironing my shower curtain. Sounds funny, doesn't it? Well, I've been staring at that thing for the past week now and I just couldn't stand the wrinkles anymore! Wrinkles be gone! LOL!
Whew! It's been B-U-S-Y here and no wonder my poor Blog has been so neglected. Not to mention my emails and my Blog reading :o( I really do apologize. Please bear with me; I will be back at some point, although I'm not sure when right now. I have my parents coming to visit next weekend and it looks like my in-laws might be here the first part of July. So with moving in, unpacking, more cleaning and organizing, plus decorating, I've been stretching myself quite thin. The odd thing is, I've been enjoying it :o)
It's been a week today that we've been officially living in the new house! It really does feel like home and I love watching it grow around us with all of our special touches that we've been putting in. The flooring WAS finally finished before we moved in. It was close but it got done. Our dining room furniture was delivered and I'm just enamoured with it :o) I have all of these beautiful glass pieces in my china cabinet and they look so pretty.
Speaking of loving something...I am SO IN LOVE with my new washer and dryer!!!! They are awesome! We bought new front loading ones and I used them for the first time yesterday. Washing is as easy as 1-2-3 and the clothes come out almost dried. And talk about QUIET! Oh, I love, love, love them! Who would have thought that I would enjoy washing clothes so much ;o)
We're still waiting on our other furniture to be delivered but that's okay. I'm in a cleaning frenzy and want the living room done before they arrive. My poor stitching room has been sorely neglected and will probably be the last room to get done :o( I do have my new desk in there, plus my stash, but I need a good size storage unit and I'm waiting on my new recliner :o)
I also have to apologize that the birthday girl has been late with her post. I want to thank those that sent emails, comments, e-cards and real birthday cards :o) I will get around to thanking everyone personally. My big day was just a day. I was a little blue this year because it was the first time away from family and friends. I didn't have Mom to bake me a cake but DH came through and brought me home a little chocolate one just for me (I did share it with him btw).
It's a good thing for the stash cash that I received from some very special people :o) When I'm blue, the best thing is to shop!!!! LOL! And shop I will but I want to wait until after Market to see all the new stuff that's coming out.
I had better end this post before it gets any longer. I promise I will take pictures as soon as the house is deemed clean enough ;o) I've also got some new projects on the go and I guess I'll have to share those as well. I kinda got a small case of startitis about a week ago :oS
Whew! It's been B-U-S-Y here and no wonder my poor Blog has been so neglected. Not to mention my emails and my Blog reading :o( I really do apologize. Please bear with me; I will be back at some point, although I'm not sure when right now. I have my parents coming to visit next weekend and it looks like my in-laws might be here the first part of July. So with moving in, unpacking, more cleaning and organizing, plus decorating, I've been stretching myself quite thin. The odd thing is, I've been enjoying it :o)
It's been a week today that we've been officially living in the new house! It really does feel like home and I love watching it grow around us with all of our special touches that we've been putting in. The flooring WAS finally finished before we moved in. It was close but it got done. Our dining room furniture was delivered and I'm just enamoured with it :o) I have all of these beautiful glass pieces in my china cabinet and they look so pretty.
Speaking of loving something...I am SO IN LOVE with my new washer and dryer!!!! They are awesome! We bought new front loading ones and I used them for the first time yesterday. Washing is as easy as 1-2-3 and the clothes come out almost dried. And talk about QUIET! Oh, I love, love, love them! Who would have thought that I would enjoy washing clothes so much ;o)
We're still waiting on our other furniture to be delivered but that's okay. I'm in a cleaning frenzy and want the living room done before they arrive. My poor stitching room has been sorely neglected and will probably be the last room to get done :o( I do have my new desk in there, plus my stash, but I need a good size storage unit and I'm waiting on my new recliner :o)
I also have to apologize that the birthday girl has been late with her post. I want to thank those that sent emails, comments, e-cards and real birthday cards :o) I will get around to thanking everyone personally. My big day was just a day. I was a little blue this year because it was the first time away from family and friends. I didn't have Mom to bake me a cake but DH came through and brought me home a little chocolate one just for me (I did share it with him btw).
It's a good thing for the stash cash that I received from some very special people :o) When I'm blue, the best thing is to shop!!!! LOL! And shop I will but I want to wait until after Market to see all the new stuff that's coming out.
I had better end this post before it gets any longer. I promise I will take pictures as soon as the house is deemed clean enough ;o) I've also got some new projects on the go and I guess I'll have to share those as well. I kinda got a small case of startitis about a week ago :oS

sounds like you have been very busy , maybe mum will bake you a cake when she visits :O)
Oh I am glad you are enjoying the moving in and getting sorted!
How sweet of your DH to get you a little cake, it's the little things like that mean so much
Take it easy
I'm totally jealous of your new washer & dryer! I wants those so bad! LOL
Happy be-lated birthday, Cathey!
I hate laundry, maybe I need a new pair, thanks for the heads up, lol
Have fun in the new house
Awww... glad you're enjoying the new house & things are coming together for ya. Happy belated birthday!
Cathey, so glad to see you are enjoying your new home and we can't wait to see you, your hubby and your new home. Counting the days.
It was nice talking to you yesterday, especially when we did talk twice.
{{{Love and Hugs}}}
I know the feeling of being so distracted and disconnected from what is typically "the norm".
Happy belated birthday!! So glad you are enjoying your new surroundings and furnishings.
Oh, please don't make us wait for pictures! We don't care if you've got dust bunnies or not ... ;o) I'm glad to hear all is going so wonderfully well for you & DH!
Glad to hear that you are doing fine and enjoying your new home. Happy belated birthday!
Happy Birthday! Glad you are getting settled in. Love your avatar, BTW
Happy to hear things are falling into place for you. Happy belated Birthday!
A belated Happy Birthday, Cathey! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your new home!
Sorry I missed your Bday!
So happy to read this post? Feeling at home is such a great feeling...
How's our little Brie?
Many many hugs to you, sweetie,
Whew! You've been busy. LOL, when my sisters moved in with us, we inherited their front loading, energy-efficient washer and dryer. I LOVE them.
Happy Belated!
Sounds great, your new home. And happy belated birthday! Enjoy spending your stash-cash, lol.
The front loaders are amazing! I love ours too.
So sorry I missed your birthday.
Looking forward to pics of the new house.
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