Where have I been? LOL! Well, still here on earth although stretched well beyond my means. So much so that I came down with another bout of vertigo :o( At least, when I get the chance, I will have a lot of stuff to show and write about ;o)
The first thing on the list though is some much overdue thank yous! I have been the very lucky recipient of some lovely gifts from some very wonderful friends and they should be acknowledged :o)
Karen never fails to send the neatest breast cancer items to me -
My pin collection has really grown thanks to her ;o) Do you see that gorgeous fob? Karen made it with some of her hand blown glass beads!!!! I think it looks quite stunning on my Ginghers :o) Oups! I just realized there is one thing missing from the picture! Karen sent Brie a little squeaky toy in the shape of a piece of cake. Brie absolutely LOVES this toy and the squeaker still works!!!! That is totally amazing since she can kill a squeaker in five seconds flat. LOL!
The next package to arrive was from Rachael -
I had won her contest for the Shepherd's Bush charts but was totally surprised to see a little something else in the envelope :o) That lovely pin keep was made by Rachael herself and she is one beautiful stitcher when it comes to Hardanger. She is one talented gal :o)
Last, but not least, was this huge surprise from Cindy -
I couldn't believe it when Cindy told me she made the Ort Pouch herself!!!! You should see this in person...its perfect! I'm not kidding. I told her she should sell them. I LOVE the color combination and the little froggies make me chuckle. She even made a fob (seen here on my new pair of Sarah Ginghers) with a frog charm at the end (comes with matching counting pin). LOL! I finally got my Garden Stars by Ink Circles :o) This multi-talented lady even made the dishcloth that matches my kitchen perfectly!
What can I say? I have the most wonderful, talented, caring friends around me and a gal can't be thankful enough for this. I truly appreciate these wonderful gifts and there are huge thank yous going out to you all :o)
The first thing on the list though is some much overdue thank yous! I have been the very lucky recipient of some lovely gifts from some very wonderful friends and they should be acknowledged :o)
Karen never fails to send the neatest breast cancer items to me -
My pin collection has really grown thanks to her ;o) Do you see that gorgeous fob? Karen made it with some of her hand blown glass beads!!!! I think it looks quite stunning on my Ginghers :o) Oups! I just realized there is one thing missing from the picture! Karen sent Brie a little squeaky toy in the shape of a piece of cake. Brie absolutely LOVES this toy and the squeaker still works!!!! That is totally amazing since she can kill a squeaker in five seconds flat. LOL!
The next package to arrive was from Rachael -
I had won her contest for the Shepherd's Bush charts but was totally surprised to see a little something else in the envelope :o) That lovely pin keep was made by Rachael herself and she is one beautiful stitcher when it comes to Hardanger. She is one talented gal :o)
Last, but not least, was this huge surprise from Cindy -
I couldn't believe it when Cindy told me she made the Ort Pouch herself!!!! You should see this in person...its perfect! I'm not kidding. I told her she should sell them. I LOVE the color combination and the little froggies make me chuckle. She even made a fob (seen here on my new pair of Sarah Ginghers) with a frog charm at the end (comes with matching counting pin). LOL! I finally got my Garden Stars by Ink Circles :o) This multi-talented lady even made the dishcloth that matches my kitchen perfectly!
What can I say? I have the most wonderful, talented, caring friends around me and a gal can't be thankful enough for this. I truly appreciate these wonderful gifts and there are huge thank yous going out to you all :o)

What lovely surprises in your mail! Sure beats the usual monthly bills. I so love that Ort Pouch...practical and so so sassy with those frogs...the only type we want!
Have a wonderful Canada Day in your new home.
What fun goodies. Sorry about the vertigo. I sent you an e-mail related to that subject.
I sure hope that you are feeling much better!
You really received a lot of wonderful goodies :)
Awww... hope you're feeling better. Can tell you're loved by all these gorgeous gifts :o) I read some more of your blog today & just now learned that you're a breast cancer survivor. My mom was diagnosed this past October & is going thru chemo now for breast cancer.
lovely gifts that ORT pouch is brill
Lovely gifts! It's great to see posts from you again, my dear.
Nice parcel of packages you got there.
Hope that vertigo gets better for you
I hope you're feeling better now that a couple of days have passed. You received some wonderful gifts for your birthday! I especially like the fob that Karen made for you. Just lovely! My cousin was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so those gifts in particular struck a chord with me.
What were you doing hidden in my google among other posts? lol I don't know why but only your posts appear very small with no pictures (so we can easily miss them ;-) )
Glad you look better on the right;-)
I want the exact same pouch: I love the ideas of the frog!!! Youare sooooooooo lucky to have it !!! It will look so perfect on my sofa !!! lol (yes I'm very jealous ! lol)
I hope you are feeling better now. Try to rest more.
What wonderful gifts you've got from your friends! Enjoy!
What lovely gifties!
Hey, girl!
I didn't fall off the planet yet, LOL.
Those are great girft... congrats! :o)
What lovely gifts you got, you've certainly been spoilt by the mailman. I love the frog fabric on the ort holder, perfect. Glad Duncan and Brie had such fun at the shore. Jaz loves to find stinky things too, but thankfully I haven't had to deal with fish heads, yuck!
Beautiful gifts-love that ort bag! You totally deserve to be spoiled!
These are some very lovely gifties for you. Lucky girl!
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