It never ceases to amaze me the healing powers that animals hold. Whether they realize that they are a comfort or a joy to their owners, I don't know. If they don't, then their antics must be pretty coincidental.
Today, when I got home from getting groceries, it was so nice out that I told Duncan and Brie that we'd go down to the beach for a bit. Both of them LOVE the beach, especially Brie because it's one terrain that she can still tear back and forth on. Even though her front end goes one way and her ass end another, she can still run circles around us :o)
It must be the right time of year because for the past week there have been loads of gulls and cormorants out in the water fishing. When we got down to the beach, there were a flock of gulls off to the right. The tide was coming in but it's nice and shallow where we are so I told Duncan to go get them. One thing you have to know about Duncan...he doesn't 'get' anything.
I was hopeful at first though because he started running towards them! All of a sudden he stops right in the middle of the beautiful surf and...dumps a load. Yup, he decides he's going to crap far enough out in the water that I can't scoop the poop :oS It would have been a million dollar shot but guess what? That's right, no camera. HA!
So, we're on our way back when I see Duncan sniffing around one of the huge boulders. He's got his nose way up in the air and I know he's onto something. The next thing I know, he's trying to jump up the boulder that's four times his height! Nope, not even close to successful. He's got his perturbed look but he's still fascinated with the area.
Of course he has hooked my interest by this point and I join in on the search. We both start climbing up the smaller boulders covered in seaweed. The flies should have been my first clue. They should have but I ignored them... Just as I saw it, Duncan was on it...a nice gooey fish head :oP Ewwwww! Luckily I managed to get him down before he snatched it up.
I don't know if I shared this with you before or not but when Duncan was staying with my in-laws over the winter, he came home with five different deer legs over that period of time. FIVE! Don't worry, the deer were already dead but it seems that Duncan has quite a talent for sniffing out dead things. DH and I are wondering if he should be a cadaver dog as grotesque as that may be. But Duncan loves doing it and he's so proud when he finds something. He's like a cat that brings home a dead mouse to his master only we have a dog that brings home deer legs.
That's our boy though; full of personality, never boring and seems to know when I need a good laugh ;o)
Today, when I got home from getting groceries, it was so nice out that I told Duncan and Brie that we'd go down to the beach for a bit. Both of them LOVE the beach, especially Brie because it's one terrain that she can still tear back and forth on. Even though her front end goes one way and her ass end another, she can still run circles around us :o)
It must be the right time of year because for the past week there have been loads of gulls and cormorants out in the water fishing. When we got down to the beach, there were a flock of gulls off to the right. The tide was coming in but it's nice and shallow where we are so I told Duncan to go get them. One thing you have to know about Duncan...he doesn't 'get' anything.
I was hopeful at first though because he started running towards them! All of a sudden he stops right in the middle of the beautiful surf and...dumps a load. Yup, he decides he's going to crap far enough out in the water that I can't scoop the poop :oS It would have been a million dollar shot but guess what? That's right, no camera. HA!
So, we're on our way back when I see Duncan sniffing around one of the huge boulders. He's got his nose way up in the air and I know he's onto something. The next thing I know, he's trying to jump up the boulder that's four times his height! Nope, not even close to successful. He's got his perturbed look but he's still fascinated with the area.
Of course he has hooked my interest by this point and I join in on the search. We both start climbing up the smaller boulders covered in seaweed. The flies should have been my first clue. They should have but I ignored them... Just as I saw it, Duncan was on it...a nice gooey fish head :oP Ewwwww! Luckily I managed to get him down before he snatched it up.
I don't know if I shared this with you before or not but when Duncan was staying with my in-laws over the winter, he came home with five different deer legs over that period of time. FIVE! Don't worry, the deer were already dead but it seems that Duncan has quite a talent for sniffing out dead things. DH and I are wondering if he should be a cadaver dog as grotesque as that may be. But Duncan loves doing it and he's so proud when he finds something. He's like a cat that brings home a dead mouse to his master only we have a dog that brings home deer legs.
That's our boy though; full of personality, never boring and seems to know when I need a good laugh ;o)

LOL what is it with you and poop today
glad you had a fun time on the beach
Oh good lad, he just fancied some fish and before he fancied a bit of venison!!
Too funny. But a great day at the beach anyway. Must be fun to live close to the water.
Duncan is one funny fella and cute as a button.
Doggy style? :-o can't tell what this tittle made me think about but I'm sure some unwanted people will end up on your blog !!! lol lol Sorry !!!
Duncan is a cutie ;-)
Sounds like you are settling into a comfortable routine in your new neighbourhood. Makes me yearn for the days when we lived in Victoria BC...time gazing out over the water was so good for my soul.
that's too funny. How goes the house?
What a nice walk and your dogs are so funny!
MMM, fish heads. Reminds me of that old song, Fish Heads:
Fish heads, fish heads, yummy, yummy fish heads
Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!
one word... "eeeeeeeeewww!!!" LOL
Gotta love em! Thank you for the smile!
As always, Duncan is good for a laugh. He still is a loving and cute dog!
Very funny :)
We had a deer leg mysteriously appear in our burn pit last fall. We figured that a wild animal (coyote maybe) found it in the woods and traded it in for something more interesting. I feel better now thinking that maybe it was just a neighbor's dog that did it!
I hope we are getting a post on how you spend your birthday!!
Cause I'm nosey like that...LOL
Happy Birthday, Cathey! I hope you're having a great day. :)
LOL, too funny! OMG, I can almost smell the fish head from here. LOL
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