What do you think?
Stargazer is completely cross stitched and now the beading will begin! I'm one month ahead of schedule too :o) WOOHOO! The downside is that I think I'll only be able to bead during the daylight hours :o( That might set me back a bit but we'll see how things go. If I can bead in a car then I should be able to bead almost anywhere. LOL! Now DH has to put my stand back together again, after we just put it away, because I'll need both hands to operate that invisible thread.
Flood Watch in our area has officially begun! As I drove into town yesterday, I noticed that the river had risen considerably from when I saw it on the weekend. We go through this every year though but even so, people act like they are never prepared.
In our province, we have a huge main artery that runs right through called the St. John River. It flows down from the north and since the north part of the province usually gets more snow, the river tends to rise and swell at this time of year. It's a big thing to keep watch and the city puts up their 'flood chart' so that you can actually see how much the river rises each day. As of yesterday, it had completely covered the walking trail and benches along its banks.
A few years ago we had a lot of flooding and some poor guy down river had the water going in one window and out the other in his basement :oS People don't seem to learn though. They desperately want water front property and houses keep going up. I can find you LOTS of river front property at a really good price! Be prepared to build a tree house though if you want to avoid flooding ;o) LOL!
I really have to laugh at the stupidity of some people and this is one good example. Oh how I wish I had taken a picture too! We live by the Keswick River and it flows off the St. John River. As the main river rises, so does the one by us. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Anyway, just down the road is the bridge that crosses over the Keswick. Right 'before' flooding season, someone put a piece of property up for sale, located right on the banks of the river.
On any good year that land is wet but that year we had a lot of flooding. So much so that the water went over the bridge and access was cut off. All you could see of the real estate sign was the very, VERY top of the post sticking out of the water. ROFL! Talk about your waterfront property! And would you believe they were asking $15,000? I guess you could always moor a houseboat ;o)

Stargazer is completely cross stitched and now the beading will begin! I'm one month ahead of schedule too :o) WOOHOO! The downside is that I think I'll only be able to bead during the daylight hours :o( That might set me back a bit but we'll see how things go. If I can bead in a car then I should be able to bead almost anywhere. LOL! Now DH has to put my stand back together again, after we just put it away, because I'll need both hands to operate that invisible thread.
Flood Watch in our area has officially begun! As I drove into town yesterday, I noticed that the river had risen considerably from when I saw it on the weekend. We go through this every year though but even so, people act like they are never prepared.
In our province, we have a huge main artery that runs right through called the St. John River. It flows down from the north and since the north part of the province usually gets more snow, the river tends to rise and swell at this time of year. It's a big thing to keep watch and the city puts up their 'flood chart' so that you can actually see how much the river rises each day. As of yesterday, it had completely covered the walking trail and benches along its banks.
A few years ago we had a lot of flooding and some poor guy down river had the water going in one window and out the other in his basement :oS People don't seem to learn though. They desperately want water front property and houses keep going up. I can find you LOTS of river front property at a really good price! Be prepared to build a tree house though if you want to avoid flooding ;o) LOL!
I really have to laugh at the stupidity of some people and this is one good example. Oh how I wish I had taken a picture too! We live by the Keswick River and it flows off the St. John River. As the main river rises, so does the one by us. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Anyway, just down the road is the bridge that crosses over the Keswick. Right 'before' flooding season, someone put a piece of property up for sale, located right on the banks of the river.
On any good year that land is wet but that year we had a lot of flooding. So much so that the water went over the bridge and access was cut off. All you could see of the real estate sign was the very, VERY top of the post sticking out of the water. ROFL! Talk about your waterfront property! And would you believe they were asking $15,000? I guess you could always moor a houseboat ;o)

Stargazer is STUNNING!!!!!
Well that's great property...if you're a duck! lol
(by the way, NHStitcher - Robin is wondering where you are on SanMan ;) -- she's another of my real life friends, small world! lol)
I hope the water doesn't make a sneak approach while you are enjoying your Bangor trip!
Stargazer is gorgeous! And that's before the bling.
stargazer looks great, we have had our flood watch taken off now , hope you do not have any problems
She is gorgeous! Thank you for posting!
Whoever buys that property should invest in insurance. Or else ask for a reduction in the price.
I'm always amazed at the general stupidity and ignorance of the general public in regards to flood plains and such. It never fails that some developer gets his hands on several acres, plans out a subdivision of McMansions, starts building, people move in...then the yards flood and the basements get water in them when it rains. WHY?? WHAT's WRONG WITH MY NEW HOUSE?!?! Ummm...the subdivision was built on the flood plain and 1. the developer was dumb enough to put a subdivision there and 2. you were dumb enough to buy a house there. DUH!
I may be cruel, but I have a hard time finding much sympathy for people in that situation, especially when there is info out there (for free even!) that can tell you where the flood plains are and what the water table in the soil is...plus much much more about where and where not to build a house.
Oh, that is so pretty. Maybe someday I, too, will start on a Mirabilia. I have a bunch, but they are always so intimidating. I will need to finish some WiPs before I think about ANOTHER start.
Wow, wow and wow!!! She's stunning. I wonder how long it will take you to bead her ;)
She is absolutely beautiful !!!
Stargazer looks amazing! I'm so tempted to order it for myself to stitch but DH has me on an stash embargo until I finish up some of my other projects.
She's absolutely gorgeous! When the beads are on, I'll bet you'll be a Stargazer-gazer...she'll be too beautiful to tear your eyes away from!
Your Stargazer is beautiful. Good Luck on the beading.
Hope you get spared from watertrouble....
Waow!!! I didn't know you made such great progress in satrgazer as you hid it from us !!! lol
When I used to live in Texas, we had occasional floodings and even though the authorities were telling : never pass with your car to a flooded road, you always had a crazy guy with a big SUV who thought he knew better ... and had to be rescued ... stupido ;-)
Seeing stargazer finished in such a short time makes me want to hang my head, thinking about my Angel. Too embarassed to say when I started.
Beautiful job!
Free boat with all flood plain sales!! lol. It reminds me of the commercial where there are natural disasters caused by global warming and people are washing their cars, and basically going on with life in the midst of it. (shaking my head and chuckling)
Stargazer is beautiful! Congrats on your almost-finish!! Will you do the beading while you're in Bangor? Hope you have a great, relaxing, fun time!
Stargazer looks fabulous! Bring on the bling!
Stargazer is gorgeous! Good luck with the beading!
Hope you're having fun in Bangor!!
Stargazer is amazing. I'm so green with envy that you could finish her this quickly! Just have to remind myself that one day my babies will have all fled the nest and I can spend all day stitching and missing my little girls.
So beautiful! And will become more dazzling with the beaded embellishing ...
She's beautiful! Looking forward to seeing her all beaded :)
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