It's been SO long since I've posted anything remotely related to stitching that I hang my head in shame. LOL! Do not fear though because this Pumpkin still has a needle in hand and has been working on a number of different projects :o) Now to just light that fire under my a$$ and take some pictures...
For awhile I have been promising you an updated picture (sorry it's so dreadful) of Roses Of Provence by Mirabilia so here she is -
Her dress has expanded since my last update. I've also done more since this picture was taken but I've also taken a break from her. Not to worry, I'm not getting sick of her! I just find that in the heat of the summer, I stick to smaller projects and she's not as portable either. My hands are itching to get back to her though and I'm sure it won't be long before they do. I miss her :o)
So, has everyone gotten their JCS Halloween special edition magazine yet? There are some beautiful projects in there but I was a bit disappointed though because there didn't seem to be a lot of ornament sized pieces. Am I the only one that thought this? I can tell you one thing though, I absolutely LOVE Ghoul Tidings by Plum Street Samplers! BTW, there is an error on the chart for this design. Now to patiently wait for the Christmas ornament issue...
I want to thank everyone for sharing your tricks on how to keep on top of Blog reading now that Google Reader is gone. I've checked out the other sites that were mentioned and I'm still not sure what I'm going to use yet. For right now I'm going to stick with Bloglovin' but it doesn't mean that I'm happy with it ;o)
For awhile I have been promising you an updated picture (sorry it's so dreadful) of Roses Of Provence by Mirabilia so here she is -
Her dress has expanded since my last update. I've also done more since this picture was taken but I've also taken a break from her. Not to worry, I'm not getting sick of her! I just find that in the heat of the summer, I stick to smaller projects and she's not as portable either. My hands are itching to get back to her though and I'm sure it won't be long before they do. I miss her :o)
So, has everyone gotten their JCS Halloween special edition magazine yet? There are some beautiful projects in there but I was a bit disappointed though because there didn't seem to be a lot of ornament sized pieces. Am I the only one that thought this? I can tell you one thing though, I absolutely LOVE Ghoul Tidings by Plum Street Samplers! BTW, there is an error on the chart for this design. Now to patiently wait for the Christmas ornament issue...
I want to thank everyone for sharing your tricks on how to keep on top of Blog reading now that Google Reader is gone. I've checked out the other sites that were mentioned and I'm still not sure what I'm going to use yet. For right now I'm going to stick with Bloglovin' but it doesn't mean that I'm happy with it ;o)

I was just thinking about you and how you are getting on. The stitching looks amazing..well done! Looking forwards to seeing these come to beautiful completion!
She is beautiful. I am so glad you are able to get some stitching in here and there. You take good care of yourself now! I have prayed for you today.♥
She looks lovely.
Nice to see that you are stitching. Your lovely lady is progressing nicely.
I agree..summer is a better time for smaller projects. I skipped the Halloween many large Halloween items can I use!
Nice stitching there my pumpkin friend!
She is looking so beautifull. Really wonderfull.
How you still have the mood to craft!!
So happy for you you can stitch do this. I can imagine its really not easy!!
That's early.. what times fly's.. in morer then 2 months already halloween again.. hope the Xmas is better!!
I didn't like last year Xmas
Great progress Pumpkin. What a pretty design.
She's gorgeous!
I got my JCS Halloween issue the other day, and I totally agree with you. I felt a little 'deflated' after going through it. I found a few things to stitch, but I really would rather see more ornaments since they are so easy to stitch over the summer. For now I'll stick to my blue poppies and wait for the JCS ornament issue in a few weeks:)
"Roses" is beautiful!
Glad to hear you are stitching. I have not :( too many distractions (good not bad)!
Beautiful progress!! So happy to hear that you still have needle in hand. I just finished the PSS Ghoul Tidings and loved every stitch!
Wow your Mirabella is lovely. I told my husband to have me committed if I bring one home. :-)
You are doing a beautiful job stitching on Roses Of Provence.
Yes, I picked up that Halloween issue but have yet to stitch any of the designs. If the designs are a bit large for ornaments then I may just stitch them over one.
She is beautiful!
So glad to see you are stitching Cathey. Your lady is looking gorgeous. Hugs x
Gorgeous stitching progress! I think that you are absolutely right about the JCS Halloween issue. In the past there have been more cute smalls but I am very happy over all with some of the designs.
She looks super, the design in her dress is wonderful.
It's so wonderful to see your beautiful stitching again, Cathey! Her colors are lovely and I'm always so amazed at how realistic the flesh-tones look in these pieces. Have you stitched Junior anything? I still can't believe he is almost 16 months old!!
Haven't seen the Halloween issue, but if there aren't many small designs in it, I won't be buying it--you know me and my love of "small!"
Give Junior a hug for me (and one for yourself while you're at it!!).
Very nice progress.
This one of mirabilia patterns is especially my style-I love roses - both stitched and real :)
Very lovely! I love the purples in her dress.
I did get my issue right away and that PSS piece was my favorite thing in there too. I didn't notice the lack of ornaments but, then again, I've yet to do an ornament from any of the 3 issues I have now so I'm not sure I would miss them either. (I WILL stitch them one day though, right??? :))
Your Mira is gorgeous!
So glad to see a post from you! Your stitching is beautiful! I love that Halloween design by Plum Street!
This years Halloween mag is offering bigger progects I like that.
Your Mirabilia is positively beautiful.
Roses of Provence looks beautiful and you have made good progress on her :) I was disappointed with the Halloween JCS last year that I haven't even bothered to look for it this year but I always look forward to the Christmas one :)
Have a great week :)
I have just found your Blog. I really like your Blog. I have now become one of your Followers.
I would like for you to be a Follower on my Blog as well. Here is my Blog:
I love all of your photos and your stitching as well. You do beautiful stitching.
Happy Stitching
Your lady looks beautiful! :D I always love to see your stitching :)
You were the one to inspire me to stitch my Nora Corbett's Fairy, Bluebell :) I really want to make more but my Gorjuss family has taken my time heheheh maybe next year I will have all my girls done ;)
No!! I don't have JCS yet! Saw the issue on a freind's blog today, seems to have some really great projects :D
I haven't seen it all, just a few pages on her blog, don't know about the ornaments options yet.. But I am curious to get my hands on that issue, need to make my order ASAP! heheheh
I was a fan of Google Reader, sadly it's gone but we need to adapt. I picked Bloglovin, looked very simple and user friendly. Also the most popular around the crafters community so it works fro me :)
I know I have loads of emails from you!!! :D Happy happy happy Nia :D
I promise I'll return soon, catching up on blogs first and then.. email box ;) heheheh
Huge hug and loads of kisses to you!! :D
You are like me - when it's hot in the summer I prefer smaller projects, I don't know why, and when it's too hot I don't stitch at all, lol.
Your Mirabilia project is so beuatiful, I can see why you don't get bored with her.
wow ! what a beautiful lady !!
really a great stitching, her dress is wonderful and she looks so delicate =)
very well done sweetie !
can't wait to see more from her =D
big hugs
Gorgeous progress!
Oh my goodness - she is stunning! I love the purples - my favourite colour. I am really looking forward to receiving my JCS Halloween special. I think Halloween stitching is my favourite stitching.
Roses is stunning :)
Love the colours. I recently bought this design but goodness knows when I will get around to starting it.
Looking forward to seeing your next update :)
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