Another l-o-n-g week... On Monday, DH and I got a break from everything and travelled to the 'big city' where I had an appointment with an ENT. This new doctor went over my ear ringing and he suggested a few new things. At this point, I'm willing to try anything! He's also referring me to a TMJ specialist about my jaw, which I think is a step in the right direction since I've broken 2-3 molars already :oS After the appointment, DH and I did a bit of shopping and picked up a few things for the house. Who knew that shopping for curtains could be SO exhausting!!!!
The movers arrived on Tuesday morning and all our 'junk' was delivered. DH and I are still shaking our heads wondering WHY we decided to keep so much stuff. Thankfully we have a full basement in this house but there is not as much storage space. So now we either have to be more creative or we have to de-clutter. Don't worry; my stash is not going anywhere! LOL!
Since the rest of our flooring won't be installed until the first of next week (GRRRRR!!!!), I have concentrated my cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting and washing on the second floor. As of today, I have our bedroom and the extra bedroom complete except for making the beds. Today I plan to tackle our bathroom but I'm not sure if I'll make it...
As predicted, the exhaustion has lowered my immune system and I woke up the other night with a sore throat :o( I've been popping Cold FX and Zinc tablets in hopes that it will slow things down. I was so sore Wednesday night that it took every last bit of energy to lift my arm and feed myself. I look like I've been drug through a knothole backwards. More cuts and bruises have appeared, enough that I won't be wearing shorts for the next least! LOL!
How's that for whining? Not enough? Okay, I haven't picked up a needle since May 18 :o( I miss my stitching!!!! At this point, I probably couldn't even focus on the holes. It also doesn't help that I'm ready for bed before it's even dark out. Even though I'm in one sad state, I'm SO happy about the house and getting it all fixed up :o)
I guess it's been awhile since I've posted a picture of the critter kids so here's one of The Odd Couple -
Duncan came back the end of April and Brie was ecstatic to see him :o) I haven't really written about Brie lately because we've been having some really serious issues and I'm very torn up about what to do. I know what 'should' be done but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.
So much for an upbeat post :oS
The movers arrived on Tuesday morning and all our 'junk' was delivered. DH and I are still shaking our heads wondering WHY we decided to keep so much stuff. Thankfully we have a full basement in this house but there is not as much storage space. So now we either have to be more creative or we have to de-clutter. Don't worry; my stash is not going anywhere! LOL!
Since the rest of our flooring won't be installed until the first of next week (GRRRRR!!!!), I have concentrated my cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting and washing on the second floor. As of today, I have our bedroom and the extra bedroom complete except for making the beds. Today I plan to tackle our bathroom but I'm not sure if I'll make it...
As predicted, the exhaustion has lowered my immune system and I woke up the other night with a sore throat :o( I've been popping Cold FX and Zinc tablets in hopes that it will slow things down. I was so sore Wednesday night that it took every last bit of energy to lift my arm and feed myself. I look like I've been drug through a knothole backwards. More cuts and bruises have appeared, enough that I won't be wearing shorts for the next least! LOL!
How's that for whining? Not enough? Okay, I haven't picked up a needle since May 18 :o( I miss my stitching!!!! At this point, I probably couldn't even focus on the holes. It also doesn't help that I'm ready for bed before it's even dark out. Even though I'm in one sad state, I'm SO happy about the house and getting it all fixed up :o)
I guess it's been awhile since I've posted a picture of the critter kids so here's one of The Odd Couple -
Duncan came back the end of April and Brie was ecstatic to see him :o) I haven't really written about Brie lately because we've been having some really serious issues and I'm very torn up about what to do. I know what 'should' be done but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with.
So much for an upbeat post :oS

Sounds like a tough time lately, but one laced with good things as well.
Hope you feel better soon. You've got too much on your plate to be sick too!
Adorable doggie picture.
I'm glad you're seeing someone about TMJ - you seem to have a number of the symptoms/parts of it. Yep, I have it ..
Keeping you in my prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts coming for you.
Oh Cathey Make sure you look after yourself ((Hugs))
Oh, boy, long week indeed. *whew* I hope you find strength for Brie.
Curtains, o boy, I know all about those... LOL!!
Hang in there! Hope the 'furry' problems aren't too bad!! Take care!
Cathey, you have had a lot on your plate on late, so take care of yourself and don't feel you need to have the entire house set up right now. Find a comfy corner to sit, relax and just be quiet for a while.
Take care of yourself and the furbaby. Happy happy thoughts for you.
Just think, once you get settled you will feel like you have so much time on your hands!
I hope you are feeling better soon!
I'm so glad Duncan is home! Brie? OMG. ***hugs***
You take it easy, my dear friend. I hate to think of you pushing so hard that you take yourself out of commission. There is always tomorrow to get things done. Listen to me all mothering you... not to mention I should heed my own advice.
I love the pic of Brie and Duncan. I love when people have two different types of dog, so completly opposite.
The tone of your comments about Brie, and I'm only speculating, is breaking my heart. Sending you the biggest hugs ever.
You know where I am if you need to chatter.
Sounds like you're overdue for some things to start going right. Sorry things have been so chaotic lately. Hope your house issues settle down soon and that you can get some rest so that you'll be feeling better. {{hugs}} to you on Brie, it's a difficult time. Take care of yourself.
Uh-oh! Seems you have alot on your plate besides moving and cleaning. Hugs to you and Brie. Tough desicions :o(
You sound exhausted. Take care of yourself.
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