These little guys have been finished for quite awhile now but with everything that has been going on, this is the first moment I've had to post pictures. So...I present to you Photobooth Snowmen by Bent Creek -
I absolutely LOVE this pattern! The snowmen are so cute and their antics are comical. I did not add the snow in the background though because I felt it really didn't add anything. I love them just the way they are :o)
Thanks to Nancy's generosity, she saved the project by sending me a skein of GAST Roasted Marshmallow! This was for the 'dirty' coloured snowman and as you can see, it was a really good variegated skein. Maybe I should get a personal shopper more often ;o) You were a lifesaver girl and I haven't forgotten about you!
Awhile back, I received the most amazing surprise in the mail -
This lovely birdie came from Ranae as a thank you for The Victoria Sampler giveaway that she won on my Blog. It was completely unexpected but what a thoughtful gift. I always feel honoured when I receive a piece of stitching from another stitcher. It will truly be cherished :o) Thank you again Ranae and I apologize for taking so long to post a picture.
I want to thank everyone again for all their wonderful support. I am starting to get back on my feet again, although it's still hard to find joy knowing there is a hole in my heart :o( I went grocery shopping today and lo and behold what did I need but Dill Pickles. Sigh.
I absolutely LOVE this pattern! The snowmen are so cute and their antics are comical. I did not add the snow in the background though because I felt it really didn't add anything. I love them just the way they are :o)
Thanks to Nancy's generosity, she saved the project by sending me a skein of GAST Roasted Marshmallow! This was for the 'dirty' coloured snowman and as you can see, it was a really good variegated skein. Maybe I should get a personal shopper more often ;o) You were a lifesaver girl and I haven't forgotten about you!
Awhile back, I received the most amazing surprise in the mail -
This lovely birdie came from Ranae as a thank you for The Victoria Sampler giveaway that she won on my Blog. It was completely unexpected but what a thoughtful gift. I always feel honoured when I receive a piece of stitching from another stitcher. It will truly be cherished :o) Thank you again Ranae and I apologize for taking so long to post a picture.
I want to thank everyone again for all their wonderful support. I am starting to get back on my feet again, although it's still hard to find joy knowing there is a hole in my heart :o( I went grocery shopping today and lo and behold what did I need but Dill Pickles. Sigh.

The snowmen look great. That's a perfect fabric too. That was a very clever idea by the designers. It's so hard to come up with something a little different, especially when it comes to snowmen since there are so many snowmen designs out there.
Happy stitching and hope things continue to get better and better.
those snowmen are sooo cute! I may have to go and get that pattern now. I love it! :) Wonderful finish, and a lovely gift.
That design is too cute!! You did a great job...congrats.
What an awesome finish...gotta love a photobooth, even with snowmen in it!!!!
Glad you are starting to get back on your feet despite the heavy heart. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here.
They are adorable!!
What a lovely gift from Ranae
Cathey, I do love this pattern. It is so cute. Also the gift from Ranae is just sweet. I am going to try getting to my blogging again.
{{{Love and Hugs}}}
They are so cute ! Lovely gift from Ranae.
Those photoboot snowmen are a real hoot. Such cute guys. I really love the ideas Bent Creek comes up with.
What a nice birdie you received.
They look great. I must treat myself to that pattern
What a cute design! I agree that the snowmen are definitley up to some antics.
This is a cute design, congrats on a lovely finish! Hugs!
Have a nice weekend!
Those snowmen make me laugh. What a wonderful finish! thank you for sharing.
Congrats on your finsih: they are adorable !!!
Thanks for your wonderful surprise :D I thought: she played again with my address !! lol That was very sweet of you!
Photobooth Snowmen are just way too cute. I love it.
Your very welcome. I am glad the little birdie had a safe flight to you.
Take care
Wonderful finish, Cathey! I just love these goofy snow buddies!
They turned out even cuter than the picture!!! I love them and can't wait to stitch them for myself!!! :) Great job!!!
I love the snowmen! I have that one on my wishlist.
You are still in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is.
Your thank-you gift is so pretty!
What a fun finish, it would help to brighten your day to see it. I'm so sorry to hear about Pickles. I'm behind in my reading and just saw your entry. It is so hard to loss a pet, they're family, children with a fur coat as they say, and such a joy in our lives. It leaves such a gap in your life. {{hugs}}
Fab finish! I have that little delightful kit winging it's way to me now from Drema! Congrats! Lovely gift from Ranae!
I sure relate to your feelings about looking for treats for your dear Pickles. That's what I kept doing for my dog. Now we have a new Puppy and it's a great feeling. But it took us seven months to reach this point.
Many hugs, Cathey,
oh I love the snowmen! Really cute =)
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