Don't worry, I wasn't abducted by aliens! Although maybe that would have been less painful than the process of packing and moving ;o) LOL!
Yesterday was THE day. The movers arrived shortly after 9 am. I couldn't have picked a worse day to move too :oS It rained, or should I say 'poured', ALL day. It went rather quickly and smoothly although there were a few issues and I have no idea what our stuff will look like when it comes out of storage. That's the problem with doing something like this on your own; you can only be in one place at one time.
Mom and Dad were a huge help and I thank them SO much! I think I was either too worn out or too overwhelmed and it was nice to have someone else there to make some of the decisions for me. There are still a few things that I need to pick up but after that, the place will be completely empty! I have to do a quick clean up but that won't take very long. I wish the closing date was now instead of the 30th because at this point, I just want that break.
I'm now settled into my bachelorette apartment :o) Brie is starting to get used to the new digs but I think the poor thing is quite confused. Here are a few pictures of my little space -
Yes, that's Stitch! LOL! Around the corner just off to the right is the bathroom but I don't think you want to see a picture of that ;o)
This is my new stitching area, not that I have done any stitching there yet. Thankfully I decided to keep my big Ott-Lite with me.
No need to wonder where I'm Blogging from anymore. I have a pool right outside my room although it might be just a 'tad' bit too cold for a swim right now ;o) LOL!
Finally my little kitchen area. Cute isn't it? I don't know how much 'cooking' I'll be doing but it does serve a function.
So what do you think? I told you it was small ;o) Notice how much stash I have around the room though? I'll need something to get me through the cold winter months. LOL!
Anyway, it's good to be back. I'm still catching up on my reading and hopefully my next post will be about stitching ;o)

Yesterday was THE day. The movers arrived shortly after 9 am. I couldn't have picked a worse day to move too :oS It rained, or should I say 'poured', ALL day. It went rather quickly and smoothly although there were a few issues and I have no idea what our stuff will look like when it comes out of storage. That's the problem with doing something like this on your own; you can only be in one place at one time.
Mom and Dad were a huge help and I thank them SO much! I think I was either too worn out or too overwhelmed and it was nice to have someone else there to make some of the decisions for me. There are still a few things that I need to pick up but after that, the place will be completely empty! I have to do a quick clean up but that won't take very long. I wish the closing date was now instead of the 30th because at this point, I just want that break.
I'm now settled into my bachelorette apartment :o) Brie is starting to get used to the new digs but I think the poor thing is quite confused. Here are a few pictures of my little space -
Yes, that's Stitch! LOL! Around the corner just off to the right is the bathroom but I don't think you want to see a picture of that ;o)
This is my new stitching area, not that I have done any stitching there yet. Thankfully I decided to keep my big Ott-Lite with me.
No need to wonder where I'm Blogging from anymore. I have a pool right outside my room although it might be just a 'tad' bit too cold for a swim right now ;o) LOL!
Finally my little kitchen area. Cute isn't it? I don't know how much 'cooking' I'll be doing but it does serve a function.
So what do you think? I told you it was small ;o) Notice how much stash I have around the room though? I'll need something to get me through the cold winter months. LOL!
Anyway, it's good to be back. I'm still catching up on my reading and hopefully my next post will be about stitching ;o)

Oh so glad it went relatively ok,I love your little place, it looks so cosy!!And yes you have to have something to do!!
Glad you are OK!!
I wouldn't be able to resist keeping every single bit of my stash with me!
You new temp home looks great! Will DH get to visit at all? I'm full of questions. I forget, are Pickles and Duncan with mom & dad? Can I get your new address?
Glad to hear moving day is behind you. Your pad may be small but it looks very cozy and just think, very little housework, so more stitching :)
Looks very cozy to me. You are so organized already. I'll never be that organized!
Glad the big moving day is over. I love your new place, added bonus of small spaces is they are much easier to clean.
Nice digs! How many heart beats are living there?
Can't wait for you to visit my blog, hehehe.
I am happy you are back and the most streeful moment of moving out was not so bad. Your new place looks very nice. Looking forward to seeing your new stitching.
No more walking up and down stairs to get things, no more walking across to the other side of the house. Everything is easily in reach. As Irene said. So easy to keep clean. I know moving is hard, so CONGRATULATIONS!
Congratulations on the move. The apt. looks cute. I love Stitch!!
It looks like you've been there for months... you're all settled in comfortably already! I'm glad you got the move over with even if it was during that torrential rain... at least it's over.
Love the new digs! Cute & cozy!!
I know you are relieved to be done moving...the new place looks great!
Gotta love the unpredictability of the weather, especially on moving day.
Your new place looks cute and cozy. Your temporary digs may be smaller than mine, they are also nicer looking too. I don't think I even have pics of the place we're in now. No need for pictures. This experience will be forever burned in my memory! LOL
Big hugs to you and Brie while you make this transition to a new and different life!
It's good that the move went okay despite the rain. It looks like a cute little place! You should be a stitching machine, with less chores to do and surrounded by all of that stash :)
It's nice to know that housework won't interfere too much in your stitching time!!!! Your set up looks lovely. Hope the weather isn't too cold. Minus 35 here this morning....brrr!
Take time to rest because we were so exhausted, we couldn't do anything after the move: too much cleaning at the appartment to make it perfect I guess ...
Your place is small but it is yours and you'll feel comfy and safe during these long and cold winter months !!!
I'm missing reading you dear friend !!!
Looks great, with all your stash and Stitch and Brie to supervise looks like you're all set. Glad the moving part is done, it will be so nice to finish up with the close and have it finished. Enjoy your new space and some stitching time as things quiet down.
It is great to hear from you, your new digs look great. You must have been totally shocked to see your DH when you went to see your Gram, your post made me get all warm and fuzzy, take care of yourself and enjoy your new surrounds.
Cathey, it looks great! You already have it so organized!
Love your new digs....kind of reminds me of my first place...and you won't have much housework to do so just think of all the stitching you can do:)
It's cute! I like it!
Welcome back, Cathey!!! :o) Your new home looks wonderfully warm & cozy!
Sweetie, it was an awful day weatherwise but it got done anyway. We were happy to be there for you. We are also pleased to see you settled in your new place.
Welcome back! Looks cozy, especially with all that stash! What a wonderful surprise getting to see your DH when you went to visit your gram! And, BTW, Stargazer looks FABULOUS!!!!!
I miss you: where have you been ? Got kidnap in the US? or too busy choosing my gift there? I'm not too greedy: I just want a brand new car !!! (Santa is you read this ... lol)
Let me know how you are dear Cathey!!!
Merry christmas to you both and a kiss for the girl ;-)
Happy Holidays! Love your new apartment and glad you're all settled.
Well. Looks to me that you don't have an internet connexion yet?
Just in case you can read this, I'm sending you and your hubby and Brie many many wishes for a happy 2009.
I wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog in 2008. I hope 2009 is even better than you imagined it could be. Best Always, KD
Glad the move went well.
Where are you???
Miss you!!
Are you o.k.??
Happy 2009!!
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