
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Goodies, Goodies & More Goodies

Monday was 'the' day for good mail! I get so excited when I see items in the mail for myself :o) DH doesn't understand my fascination but then again, as incredible as he is, he's just a guy. LOL!

Sabrina finally arrived in my hot little hands -


I know there are some issues with her shoulder area but I still find her so beautiful and elegant. As of right now, she's first place in my poll so if you haven't voted yet, please see the sidebar of my Blog and give me your input :o) There's only two days left!

I was 'extremely' happy to see an envelope from Jolene! I won one of her giveaways and the first package never arrived :o( It must have gone to the Bahamas or something because it never materialized. So Jolene sent out a second package and lookie at what was inside -


Stash and chocolates...does she know the way to my heart or what ;o) The coin in the picture is a magnetic needle holder and boy do I need one of those! I'm forever sticking my needle in places and forgetting where I put it...

I don't know if many of you have done photo books but I have found a website that does a fantastic job with them. Shutterfly sent me a coupon for a free 8 x 8 hardcover book so I decided to get one done of my black and white photography -


I've decided to use it as a kind of portfolio of my work and it's easy to carry around with me. Unfortunately the free book was very basic but it worked well for me because I wanted simplicity. DH loves it. They also sent me a coupon for 40% off another one of their photo books so I made one up in memory of Brie. It hasn't arrived yet so I'm anxious to see how that one turned out.

Finally, I went and got groceries on Monday. As I was walking through the bakery department, I noticed they had a display up of Easter candy and guess what was there...


OH YEAH! They're out and you know what this means ;o) Forty-one Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs were consumed last year. Can I beat that? I'm not sure but I'm up for the challenge! Keep an eye on the counter in my sidebar. Btw, for those of you who are new to my Blog, you might want to read last year's post to completely understand this idiotic obsession that I have. LOL!

I want to thank everyone for all their kind comments on Let It Snow :o) Boy, there were a lot too! I've looked at some of the tutorial links that you left me and flat folds don't look that hard. All I need to do is find some matching fabric and a block of time in order to get it done. I don't think that's 'too' much to ask. LOL!


  1. Great new items!
    And I love that book.
    Note to self: that is a great idea for my BF who is big into photography.

  2. Photobooks are really awesome. I need to make more of them! Did you have to pay any customs fees using Shutterfly to Canada?

    I voted in your poll...hope to see Sabrina win! I love that design!

  3. Looks like you are going to do some serious stitching!!!
    Love the photo book too..I will have to tell my ds about it since she does a lot of photography.
    I will have to read about the eggs...I must be missing something! lol Dianntha

  4. Sabrina all the way!! This pattern is gorgeous! I bought this pattern and supplies for my dear friend Margareta who is now 70 years young and still stitchin. She is "the" reason I love cross stitch today. She showed me the ropes of cross stitching in my early teens. She has probably stitched every L&L, Mirabilia, Told In A Garden, and some Passione R. Every year at Christmas I make it a point to give her the "kit" for the newest, latest and greatest lady in the market. So with this in mind, I would love to see you stitch this one, too. It is one of my favorites by Mirabilia.

  5. Love the photo book idea. Starting now I'm sure you can beat the 41 record :)

  6. I just adore getting mail so can totally understand!!
    are the photo books the same as photo albums?
    I had an email from Cadbury creme eggs yesterday and thought of you and Karen LOL I reckon you can beat last years total!!

  7. What a great bunch of new goodies. Can't believe Easter candy is in the stores.. it's not even Valentine's day yet!

    The photobook is really cool. I use Shutterfly for my albums and they send me coupons all the time. Nice way to make a booklet of your stitched finishes too I would think.

  8. wow, what treats, your so lucky
    Enjoy the eggs

  9. If the cover of that book is any indication of the work inside your book, it is must be absolutely breath taking! I hope you're not too long waiting to get Brie's book. What a precious way to honour such a pretty girl.

    Good grief. Those damn eggs. I will have the odd one, but nowhere near to 41 of them. You're a bit of a crazy egg though, so it fits!

    Have a great day.

  10. Loving your selection of gifts & i'm struggling to pick my favourite items... the LHN design or the Cadbury cream egg?!?!?

  11. i Have had 2 eggs soo far LOL
    love the book

  12. Great stash!

    I like the idea of those books a lot and that is a great idea to use it as a portfolio.

  13. Santa Of The Forest is lovely but not what I voted for :-) And as much as I love ECE's, I don't think I'll compete with you!

  14. Lucky girl! Love the book; what a great idea...

  15. Love the new stash! And one of Jolene's packages--lucky you. :) She is such a generous person.

    Neat idea on the book! My SILs who have little kids make them up for the grandparents, who love them.

  16. You have enough to keep you busy for a while. I vote for Santa of the Forest....I have that started about half done. One of these years I will finish it.

  17. Looking forward to seeing all of your stitching progress! I voted for Santa of the Forest! That snowman is awesome! I love the colors on the scarf. Happy 2010!

  18. I've done one photobook and was very pleased with it. I should really do more of them...

    Since I'm relatively new to your blog, I hadn't heard about your Cadbury Cream Egg obsession--good luck in breaking your record this year! (And now every time that I see one of them, I'll think of you!!)

  19. I will never look at a Cadbury egg and not think of you. :) I already had 2 so far this year. I was thrilled to see them at the store already. xoxox


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)