
Monday, January 04, 2010

FIRST Finish For 2010!



This is Let It Snow by Heart In Hand. I just love this guy :o) I had issues with the fringe on his scarf and I know I made mistakes there but I don't think you can tell. It was hard getting all the colors in order, counting and watching a movie at the same time. Shame on me ;o)


The little sign he's holding is sweet and all but if I can find another one, I think I'll change it because we have way too much snow, with more coming towards the end of the week. Ack!


I had planned on squeezing him in for the end of 2009 but it was a no go :o( But, on the bright side, he counts towards one of my small pieces for 2010! He's too big for an ornament so I'm thinking I'd like to make a flat fold. I've never done one before so if anyone knows of a great tutorial, it would be greatly appreciated if you could leave or email me the link.

I have lots more to show you but I'll keep this post short since it's close to bedtime for me :o) That just means you'll have to come back and see what goodies arrived here today and what I found at the grocery store...


  1. Chek out Vonna's lessons at the twister sister. So easy to follow
    Isn' t this snow insane?

  2. That is so cute...I think I may have this one in my stash...I know I have the turkey. Will have to look and pull it out. I especially like the fringe. Great job and can't wait to see it finished.

  3. ooh! cute! is that scarf all different colors? or is it a vareigated?

  4. Oh my gosh I love him,,he is so cute,,and what a great piece to start the new year finishing...hey I am having a giveaway over on my blog,,come on over and check it out..

  5. Oh my, isn't he charming! I really love all those colors in his scarf. Which was more fun to stitch ~ all the white or all those colors???

  6. OMG...that snowman is adorable! Congratulation on your first "happy dance" of 2010! I love the scarf, you did a great job on that. Well, if "Let it Snow" has worn out it's welcome already, maybe "bring on spring" might be better :)
    Take care!

  7. Happy New Year! from another fellow Canadian stitcher! Your little snow guy is darling! I think I have to have this for my stash . Do you know the name of the leaflet?Mistakes? What mistakes? I certainly don't see any . He's perfect We finally got snow in my part of Ontario. All the best!

  8. Dummy me! I see it is called 'Let it Snow' on your blog!

  9. Ohhh, he looks so sweet!! Love the striped scarf, too. I have never made a flat fold either so I am of no use to you on that one, sorry!

  10. He's a dapper looking fella with that scarf...does he have a name?
    Such a cute first finish!

  11. He is such a cutie !! Check Vonna's blog, she has some great tutorials.

  12. I love that snowman :) You can't go wrong with Vonna's (The Twisted Stitcher) tutorial for doing a flatfold - here is the link:


  13. He's gorgeous! Love the colours and the fringe on his scarf. He's just perfect!

  14. Good luck with all that snow. Mr. Snowman is adorable!

  15. This is what I used for my one and only flatfold. The corners are the hardest.

  16. Already a finish ? :-o I feel I'm so slow compre to you !!! lol

    Congratulations: he's a cutie !!!

  17. He's such a cutie. But I would have changed the sign too. The weather doesn't need any encouragement in that direction! And no shame in changing colors...those aren't mistakes, those are individualizationS! ;-)

  18. He is too cute, even with that sign of his!

  19. Oh, he is just darling and I love those colors in his scarf, Cathey! If there are mistakes, I certainly can't tell :)

  20. Congrats on the finish. He is really cute. I'm going to pop back to see if you get that tutorial link as I've never made one either & am intrigued :-)

  21. He looks perfect! I think Vonna has a flat-fold tutorial on her blog.

  22. Just adorable!!
    Try for a different place for tutorials :0)

  23. is cute...i love the scarf

  24. Awww... he's so cute & I love the sign. Great design & great stitching job!

  25. What a cutie patootie! I love snowmen, you can "use" them longer than traditional christmas decorations...

  26. Awww He is adorable. It looks great, try and stay warm and toasty with all that snow.

  27. Why don't I own this chart? :) I love it! He looks great. I don't see any mistakes at all.

    Stay warm. Maybe its the last snow fall of the season? I wish!

  28. That snowman is sooo cute. You did a wonderful job on him and I love his scarf. As it stands tonight, we are leaving this snow behind on Thursday, so will be talking to you tomorrow.

    {{{Big Hugs and Love}}}

  29. What a darling finish, Cathey! His fringe looks perfect to me. We're supposed to get some snow Wed and Thursday, I think. UGH! You'll not find any "Let it Snow" signs at my house! ;-)

  30. Your snowman is so cute and I love the way you did his scarf. I love all your snow and so do snowmen. After all they wouldn't be around if somebody didn't get any snow.
    Our snow lasts until the sun comes out in about an hour and then it all melts.
    I must apologize for using your photo and not asking or giving you credit. I would not cause you pain for any reason. Please forgive me ~ I am so sorry.
    Take care and God Bless ~

  31. How could you not love this little guy, lol. He's such a sweetie.
    I would have suggested Vonna's tutorial as well. I have never tried myself on a flatfold but her tutorial looks very clear.

  32. He is too cute!! I love that little sign. I hadn't seen this design before--they do such great snowmen designs.

  33. Everyone has their first 2010 finish... I hate being sick =/ miss my needles.. oh I want to finish something too! LOL! :D

    Love the little sign :) and I see no mistakes! So cute =)

    Warm hug to you :)

  34. That snowman is just too adorable. I'm adding him to my wishlist!!

  35. I love your snowman, I am going to look for the chart at my local cross stitch shop. My part of Ontario now has snow, but not like what you have. It is very cold!
    Come visit my blog!

  36. Your snowman is absolutely adorable :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)