
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bah Humbug! Part III - The Return Of The Christmas Tree Stand

Seeing that his initial plan wasn't working, the evil Scrooge
decides to attack from the inside. He sends his
Scrooge Troopers in with the last available weapon...
the Christmas tree stand. Again, Young DH
gets wind of the evil plan but will he be
able to save Christmas for
Princess Pumpkin...

Yes, tree stands are another issue in our household. I have no idea why. When I was growing up, we always had the same stand year after year. It was metal, painted white with red and green stars on it. From what I can remember, Dad never had a problem getting the tree to stand straight but then again, we're talking about my Dad ;o) Right from the beginning, DH and I have had problems with tree stands AND trees. We've tried different stands over the years ~ metal ones and plastic ones. I can't say that I have been impressed with any of them.

I've been desperately trying to convince DH to invest in this super cool new tree stand from Canadian Tire that enables you to straighten the tree without fuss. It was like it was invented just for us! No fuss, no mess, no swearing! You get the picture ;o) And plus, with his $60 "savings" we'd be breaking even! I doubt DH appreciates my skewed reasoning, LOL!

At least DH is trying and he was pretty proud the other night when he came home with our new tree stand that only cost him $6.15 after he cashed in his Canadian Tire money :o) Since we are "supposed" to have a small tree this year (small to us usually means at least 6'), it should work well. To reinforce it, DH is going to mount it to a piece of wood. My thoughts ~ yes it should technically work but I've had enough Christmas tree disasters to know the real truth ;o) I'm going in with my eyes wide open! DH might be avoiding the tippy tree but there's still the leveling to contend with. We've tried this stand before and where did it end up? It was pitched out the door, still attached to the tree! Will this be the fate of our new Christmas tree stand? Only time will tell...


  1. I have complete and total confidence that your DH will be able to make that tree stand work. Yup. 100%.

  2. I love the story of the gallant DH vs the evil Scrooge! DH will prevail!!! Have faith! :-)

  3. I hope DH wins with the tree


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