
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bah Humbug! Part II - The Christmas Lights Strike Back

Having heard that the Scrooge Troopers are in full force,
Young DH decides to head them off on a different path.
The evil Scrooge is determined to ruin Christmas
for the Princess Pumpkin this year and
Young DH refuses to let that happen.
In his gallant attempt, Young DH
will try anything but
will that be enough to stop
the evil Scrooge...

I really appreciate DH's attempts at trying to make this a good Christmas for me but I have a feeling it's just not in the cards this year. A few nights ago, he dug out the outdoor icicle lights, determined to decorate the house for the holidays. For once he actually decided to listen to me and agreed to check the lights "before" they were put up. Last year he failed to do this and half the lights were out so the lights remained up but they were never turned on. So, last night I decided to offer my help in checking the lights, thinking that it would start to put me in the Christmas mood. Out of the nine strands of icicle lights, only three worked, thus began the task of checking e-v-e-r-y light bulb. After about an hour or so, I only managed to get half a strand working therefore still leaving SEVEN strands still not working. I finally decided to throw in the towel since my right index finger and thumb were throbbing with pain :o( Yes, that's right, my "stitch-ing" finger! Nothing is worth sacrificing the stitching finger ;o)

Gathering Eggs only received a bit of attention yesterday but I did make it through one of those awful pink flower/tree thingies. She has definitely been working up faster than I expected but those thingies have been slowing me down. I'm not sure how much stitching I'll get done tonight as we are heading to Mom and Dad's for supper.

Not too long ago, DH showed up and poked his head in the window where I sit at work. He had just come from Canadian Tire where he spent $60 on three strands of LED lights! Ouch! And these were not the icicle LED lights either. I really think LED lights are the way to go. There is no way on this earth that I want to fight with mini icicle lights each year! I guess the reason why they are so cheap is that they come with so much "frustration" :o) Thankfully, reason took over and DH decided to return the $60 lights but now he figures that he has "saved" $60 and that warrants a nice bottle of whiskey. As skewed as his reasoning is sometimes, I still love him ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Ughh... Christmas lights are one of the most frustrating parts of Christmas decorating.

    Hmmmm, I'd use the "extra" $60 on a new tree stand!!


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