
Friday, December 08, 2006

Santa's Little Helper

Look what arrived in our mailbox this week :o)

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Isn't that just the cutest little thing you've ever seen???? This is our newest nephew and I can say without a doubt that he's not only cute but he's got a wonderful temperament as well. If someone could guarantee me that my child would turn out like that, I would have ten of them! Okay, maybe not ten but I'm sure motherhood would be much more appealing ;o)

DH and I both had the afternoon off so we hooked up and decided to get a few errands done. We met at the framer's where I'm getting some pieces framed for Christmas presents :o) DH brought Brie in with him and she was sporting her new red coat. I promise to take some pictures of her this weekend :o) We then went next door so I could get our Mango Lime Salsa by Stonewall Kitchen and I also picked up their Raspberry Salsa. It looked intriguing so it will be interesting to see if it's as good as the Mango. It was on to the toy store where we picked up a gift for our nephew. If it wasn't so crowded, I'm sure DH and I could have played all day in there! LOL! We had one more stop downtown and that was at the German bakery where we picked up some bread and cinnamon buns. Yummy! Boy was it cold though! DH and I weren't thinking clearly and neither of us had any change for parking so we ended up far away, on one of the side streets. I don't think the $10 parking ticket was worth the frozen ears though :o(

Before we headed for home, we made the most important stop...the Christmas tree. Yes, we now have our tree and what a nice tree it is :o) We went to the same guy that we did last year and although it's not a big tree, it's full and nicely shaped. It was the first one I looked at and I've learned, the hard way, to always go with my first instinct. I have to say that just picking up the tree has started to put me in the holiday mood. We are thinking about putting it up on Sunday. That seems to be good timing as Christmas Vacation will be on television :o) That has become a classic in our household now including The Christmas Story. I have yet to see It's A Wonderful Life but it's my goal to watch it this year. What's your favorite Christmas movie?


  1. Congrats on getting your tree! I'm sure that will help lift your spirits tremendously.
    My fav Christmas movie ... hmm ... I have so many! But I guess my 1st favorite is the old Miracle on 34th Street. I love Natalie Wood in that movie & the bubble gum blowing ... Ok, I'm watching it tomorrow! ;-)
    And your nephew is a real cutie! I get to see my first great-nephew in a week - yea! We're truly blessed with our families, aren't we, Cathey?

  2. Oh, your little nephew is such a cutie!!
    I'm glad to hear that getting your Christmas tree has lifted your spirits, and I have my fingers crossed that the tree stand cooperates! :-) I love all the Christmas movies you mentioned, but my favorite is Miracle on 34th Street--the old version.

  3. Your new nephew is adorable Cathey. Miss you girl. HUGS!

  4. I can't wait to see the tree I love other peoples tree's they always look way better than mine , my fav Christmas movie is also Miracle on 34th street. Thats one cute photo

  5. Your nephew is just adorable !!

  6. Oh you know me, I'd have to go with National Lampoons Christmas Vacation :) Somewhere in the top five would be The Muppet Christmas Carol and Santa Claus with Dudley Moore.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)