
Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm Here!

Hmmmm...I see someone has hacked into my Blogger account ;o) LOL! I've always said that Junior is a smart little boy but I never expected this!

DH and I finally got things straightened around so we could get Junior's monthly photo. He was fantastic this time! I took less than two dozen pictures and voila -


Our boy is now 20 pounds and 27 inches long. He's now wearing clothes that are 12 months :o)

You're probably wondering what Junior's been up to lately. Well, let me tell you...he's crawling. And crawling. And crawling. Plus he's also halfway to walking! I have no idea where he gets his determination from ;o) He's so feisty and once he gets something in his head that he wants to do, look out because he won't stop until he's done it.

Junior has six teeth in :o) Those pearly whites are so cute! He's into eating meat now but we're a little worried that we're behind. We're trying the food for 8 month olds but Junior isn't crazy about them. We were quite surprised that they're so spicy so I'm not sure if that's what is turning him off.

I picked up Junior from the babysitter the other day and found out that him and R had their first fight. LOL! R's mother was telling me there was hair pulling and clawing! I just hope my boy learns to be nice to the ladies and realizes that a lady is always right ;o)

Thanks again for all your wonderful comments :o) Stay tuned for something VERY special later this coming week. Trust me; you aren't going to want to miss it!!!!


  1. Super cute pic of Junior! Love his smile :) I'll look forward to seeing what you have planned. Take care :)

  2. Awww such a cute little guy.

  3. Your Baby is so cute and adorable, I love a mistery and you have done a great job of peaking my interest I look forward to the end of the week, to see what you have up your sleeve, I have been praying daily for you and your health.


  4. Adorable!! Too funny about the fight ~ I am sure that you will guide him to be the perfect gentleman!
    Sending prayers and hugs!

  5. Gorgeous as ever , and such a lovely smile . Take care , and have a great Christmas .XXX

  6. Junior is PRECIOUS!! I have been praying for you. I so hope you have more good news.♥

  7. To fall in love with!!
    Junoir is so cute!!
    have so much fun, and before you know it he walks...
    Enjoy your family!!

  8. He looks so angelic there. I can't imagine him behaving badly at the sitter's. Oh well.. boys will be boys. I'm sure he'll get the message in due time.

  9. That young man of yours just gets cuter and cuter! I laughed out loud at your description of the brawl! They will be best of friends again by now I'm sure! ;0)
    Crawling at 8 months? Oh boy Cathey, you're going to running after him pretty soon...then the fun starts!

  10. It's good to see you posting. Junior is so adorable and growing so big!

    Can't wait to see what you have to share.


  11. Another lovely photo of Junior cute. I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas together!

  12. That is a fabulous picture! From what you are saying he may be walking by Christmas. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Oh that sweet little stinker! He is so precious.

  14. Super cute picture !!!! He is so cute with that smile!!! I hope you are getting so rest with all that crawling he is doing!!! I was glad to see a post from Junior.

  15. Junior is so cute! Hope you are doing well :)

  16. Junior is such a little ham.


  17. awwww look at that beaming smile ...sooooo cute :) well done on the toothy pegs and please don't fret about him not eating the food for 8 month olds ... he probably not ready for a bit of spice
    and cooooo crawling he will be up and off soon ... my DD2 many years ago was actually walking at 8 months she just got up and went eeekkkk .... be warned move everything up higher heheheh
    can't wait to see what you have got planned :)
    love mouse xxxxxx

  18. Again I can say: Cute little boy!
    Be proud!!

  19. SO cute. That smile is heart melting beautiful.
    Sounds like he is a little adventurer. :)

  20. Junior is getting so big!
    I am looking forward to seeing your post later this week!
    As always, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  21. someone hacked your account ??? we didn't notice that =D
    Super cute little guy you have
    soon you will make pictures of him on his feet =D
    Very impatient to know the very special thing you have to tell us =D
    Big big hugs

  22. Thanks for the update and photo of the bundle of cuteness :) It was a nice way to start my Monday!

  23. Oh my, he is so big and adorable. Love that smile.

  24. Wow, he is really growing! He is so cute and I can't wait to hear what the news is. You are such a tease!

  25. Super adorable! I love his little smile! You are keeping us in suspense about the news!!

  26. I wonder if Junior realizes just how big a following he has? I know I look forward to his monthly photo shoot. He looks so cute in those red toed/heeled socks.

  27. Oh my...look at that grin! He sure is a happy little guy!

  28. Junior is so sweet!
    Big hugs to him and to you :)


  29. Each month I don't think it is possible that he can get any cuter, but each month he does! I can't believe he is now wearing 12 months clothing--he's going to be a big boy, that's for sure :)

    Looking forward to reading about that "special something" later this week!! Give Junior a hug for me!

  30. Another cuteness overload!!! Your little man will be a heartbreaker =) those eyes and smile, will make many girls fall in loooooveeee :D
    Junior can come back anytime! I loved to read his post :D We know why you're not back to your old blogging rhythm, you spend all your time with little peanut ;) heheheh Who wouldn't?? :D
    I'm always happy to see you back sweetie =) Hugs to you!!!

  31. What a cute photo! Junior is all smiles and so cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  32. Junior seems like such a happy little soul! I can't believe how big he's getting.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)