
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi Everyone!

It's Junior here :o) I've snuck onto Mommy's computer and thought I might leave a quick post to let you know what's been happening around here. I know you have all been waiting for my monthly picture but it hasn't been taken yet. Mommy and Daddy were going to take it on Sunday but I feel asleep and when I woke up, my hair was a mess, I had a crease on my face from the bed sheet and I had crusties from a snotty nose ;o)

Since her last post, Mommy has been doing quite well except that she has been very, very tired. So much so that she had my Grammy and Grampy come over for five days and then my Grandma and Grandpa over for four. You just know that I was spoiled during this time ;o) I have been trying to help and took up the task of washing windows -


It was hard work though -


Mommy says that she's halfway through 'Cycle 2' and the swelling has gone down under her arm. Whatever that means. All I know is that she seems quite happy about it. She also complains that her fingertips and toes are quite sore. I don't think she caught them in the door but that's usually how I hurt mine.

Daddy has been very busy at work so Mommy has her hands full with me. I don't allow her to do much these days because I'm always on the go and like to have her undivided attention. Hey, it's all about me, right? I'm a super crawler and I'm determined I'm going to walk very soon. Mommy thinks it's hard to keep up with me now. Just you wait!

I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about 'Christmas' and apparently we're going to NB for the holidays. I'll get to have my first ferry ride! I'm anxious to see my Grammys and Grampys again and all my cousins. I'm not sure what the big hype is but everyone seems quite excited. I keep seeing this jolly old man in a red suit. I've never seen him before but he looks kind of funny to me.

I guess I had better get off the computer before Mommy catches me. I know she'll be back as soon as she can. She keeps talking about how much she misses her Blogging friends :o)


  1. You're getting so big, Little Man.

    Take care of your Mommy and have a great Christmas.

  2. Thanks for the update, Jr. Nice to hear that things are going well. I guess you will want your own blog soon!

  3. Merry Christmas Junior! Enjoy your ferry ride!

  4. You are a brilliant baby! ;-) Happy Christmas to you all.

  5. Junior you are quite the window washer!! I am praying for all three of you. ♥

  6. Merry Christmas little man! Hope that we all get a special present from Santa this year - good health for your Mommy.

  7. Junior,
    You are so cute and growing up into a fine young boy. You keep a watch over mommy and keeps us posted. Give her a big hug and let her know she is in my daily thoughts and prayers.

    Wishing you, Mommy, Daddy and the rest of your family A Very Merry Christmas!


  8. Junior, you make your parents so proud, updating Mommy's blogging friends and including some photos. I wish I had help cleaning my windows.

    Give Mommy a great big {{{Hug}}} for me.

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!!

  9. awww junior that's lovely helping out with the windows and glad to hear you have been keeping every one entertained ... you will love the jolly old man .. trust me
    tell mummy glad to hear the swelling has gone down and that the sore fingers are part of what she is having done .... (((HUGS))) letter will be in the post on Monday ... need to finish it off ... work is taking lots of time up .. take care and be a good boy for your mummy ok :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. Junior, so glad to read your first post! I look forward to many more from you in the future as you get bigger and have more life adventures! Good to hear Mommy is doing as well as she can. She is strong and will surely beat this thing! Merry Christmas to you and Mommy!!

  11. Hello little pumpkin!! I love your first post :D You are a smart prodigy, aren't you?? LOL!!!
    I'm so glad to hear your mommy is feeling happy! Please, post more often, we love to read about you too :D
    Have fun on your first ferry ride!!! Grab the jolly old man, he will give you goodies in a few days ;) Happy holidays to you, mom&dad and all your family!! Warm hugs, Nia :)

  12. Merry Christmas Junior! Give your mommy a big hug from all her friends out here, we're so glad things are going well! <3

  13. So nice to hear from you Junior. You're growing so fast. Please give your mummy a big hug from me. And wishing you lots of fun - and of course lots of gifts from Santa

  14. Merry Christmas, Junior! Thanks for updating us on your progress and Mommy's, too. Enjoy your ferry ride, and tell Mommy to take care. <3

  15. Ow I need to laugh so much about this post!!
    Junior.. your so darn cute..
    Lovely Cutie pie!!
    Take good care of your mommy.
    let her sleep alot..
    Give her my best wishes.. and have a lovely and wonderfull Christmas your your family... have fun

  16. Hope you have a wonderful first christmas.

  17. What a precious blog post... you did such a great job for your very first one! :-) Please let Mommy know that I am thinking about her, and wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

  18. Junior I wish you a beautiful Christmas with your loving mommy and daddy - you are their most precious possession!

  19. Junior, you are just too darn cute for words. Sounds like mommy is a tad bit better. Merry Christmas to you and mommy and daddy.
    Sending cyper hugs and loves.


  20. Best update ever. He has a grand blogging life ahead of him. ;^)
    Happy holidays!!!!! Glad to hear you are doing well. :)

  21. Oh little dude you're too cute. Here's hoping mommy feels good enough for Lily and I to drop by when you're up in New Brunswick

  22. Junior, tell Mommy that we miss her too and are glad that you got on the computer to let us know how she is. But only tell her that if she catches on that you were on the computer. Otherwise, it is our secret. LOL Have a great Christmas and have fun at Gramy and Grampy's. Give Mommy a big hug for me and here is a hug for you too!! {{{HUGS!!}}}

  23. Lovely update post Junior! You are growing so quickly and sounds like you are keeping your Mommy very busy. I'm glad to hear that the treatments are helping and will continue to include her in my thoughts for a full recovery.

    Have a wonderful ferry ride and enjoy your Christmas too! Say "Hi" to your Mom for me :)

  24. You will be walking in no time little man and then watch out!!! Hope you have a great ferry boat ride. I've never been on a ferry boat.

    Hugs, Shar

  25. Thanks for the update Junior. You are getting so big.

    Have a lovely Christmas xxx

  26. Hi JR, good to hear that things are going well. Have a wonderful Christmas and take care of your mummy.
    Warm greetings from Germany, Gabi

  27. A great update, lovely to see your sense of humour is still with you.
    Junior is growing so fast and is so cute.
    It's such a wonderful time of year and so fabulous you will be able to enjoy the festive season and Juniors first Christmas with family.
    Wishing you a very happy and memorable first Christmas with your little treasure. He's sure to be spoiled by Santa and his elves.
    Much love xxx

  28. Oh you are growing up!
    Good to hear that things are ticking along. You keep taking care of your wonderful mummy :)
    Have a very Merry Christmas & a wonderful new year. See you in 2013 :)

  29. hoooo Junior, how cute you are =)
    very well done using Mum's computer, we won't tell her, feel relieved =D
    you're having great adventures , that's super (love how you wash windows hehehehe)
    Don't be afraid when you see the old man in red suit for the first time, he is really kind and I'm sure he will spoil you
    say Mum that I think a lot of her, and that I wish her a good trip on the road to recovery
    Merry Xmas to the whole Pumpkin family =)
    love from France

  30. So glad for the update! Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday and all good things in 2013!

  31. You are growing so fast Junior and you are so sweet. Lovely to hear an update on you and your Mum. xx

  32. Hello Junior, you sure are getting big. Sounds like you are keeping Mom and Dad very busy.

    Glad to hear Mom is doing better. Still keeping her in my prayers.

    You sure are a cutie.

  33. You're doing a great job helping Mommy, Junior. Keep up the good work!
    I know you'll be just as excited as the rest of your family when you get to Christmas and see what all the hype was about.
    Take care of Mommy and thanks for the update!

  34. Merry Christmas Junior! And family! So glad to hear that Mommy is feeling better! I think of her often and say a little prayer... You are growing by leaps and bounds little man! Hugs!

  35. Well, Junior, aren't you a smart little boy--already blogging at the tender age of eight months!! What's next? I know your mommy and daddy will really spoil you on your first Christmas--they are so lucky to have a little one around for the holidays. How I miss those days...

    Please give your mommy the biggest hug ever for me and tell her she is always in my thoughts... Keep on helping her by being the adorable little guy you've always been...

    Much love to all!! And Merry Christmas little one...

  36. What a sweet little man you are and such a blessing to your mom. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get big ~ enjoy every step! Give your mom plenty of hugs and tell her. Am sending continued thoughts and prayers!

  37. Hello Sweetest Grandson, you did a great job on your first blog. Glad to see you are helping Mommy with the window washing but I do agree it is a tiring job. You are growing up so fast and both Grampy and Grammy are looking forward to you're coming to NB so we can give you, your Mommy and Daddy big hugs.


  38. Love to all three of you. Have a happy Christmas!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)