
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Christmas Rules SAL Block Nine

As promised, here is block nine of my Christmas Rules SAL -


And here is the project to date -


I can't believe that we only have three more blocks left! Even though I've been stitching on this since the first of the year, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. I've been enjoying every bit of it :o) Nia and I have decided that come the first of 2012, we're going to stitch Halloween Rules as our new SAL. I can't wait!

Remember to read the important note on my September 9 post! Again, thank you for all your comments. They've been a joy to read :o)


  1. Great Stitching but I have to tell you.....instead of seeing Share your toys....I read it to be shake your toys. I guess the little kid in me was thinking of Christmas morning. Hahahaha I look forward to seeing your progress. It will soon be a finish!!

  2. I really love this piece. The colors are very 'cheery'.

  3. Looking good! I love the colors

  4. This is really pretty!! I think it might have to go on my wishlist (I stitched the 2008 Double Flips and loved how it came out).

  5. Looking lovely, xmas is sooooo my thing :)

  6. How long is your Christmas SAL going to be? It has been so much fun watching it grow.

  7. Great progress on your SAL. I admire you for sticking with it!

  8. Love it, love it, love it and the rules are so real as well ~ I'm all for Rule 7, keep the schedule light and will point this out to DH which will then mean enforcing Rule 6 to him!!!
    Have a good weekend Pumpkin xxx

  9. Whoohoo!! Only a few more to go and your done! It's looking really good and will be a fantastic finish for Christmas :D

  10. I really like the piece, and you're doing a great job! I'm not sure, though, whether you'll be happy to have it finished or sad that it's come to an end...

  11. It's looking amazing! I love it :D
    Allie xo

  12. Too Cute! Have you given thought to how you will finish this? It'll look great by the tree!

  13. I think that may be my favorite block yet, Cathey--so cute. And how nice that you and Nia will be doing a new SAL in 2012--you're a good team :)

  14. A cute stitch with some whimsy and some good advice.

  15. That is a cute piece. Great job so far.

  16. love this design. This is my favorite block so far.

  17. Great progress. I love seeing your and Nia's progress every month. Might have to stitch this one myself.

  18. Oh I love it! I really need to start stitching again. :(

  19. Just posted mine!! :D
    Yeap! Only 3 more months and 3 more blocks to finish it! And it's looking so prettyyyyyyyy =)
    Agree, I'm not tired at all! I think we will miss this one.. maybe Halloween Rules will help to fill the void ;) LOL
    Have I told you that it's a pleasure to have you as my stitching buddy??? :D heheheheh

  20. we defo fa la la when we decorate .. looks great and love the halloween rules as well so can't wait for you to start that one :) love mouse xxxx

  21. Looks great. I guess it really helps to keep you motivated when you do this kind of thing as a SAL.

  22. It's coming along nicely. Such lovely colours.

  23. You'll be done in no time. Great job. Do you iron your stitching every time you take a pic? Your work is always immaculate.

  24. You are just zipping along with your SAL. It's such a light and cheerful piece. I love the cute reindeer on top of the house - he looks like he's flying over the house!

  25. Woohoo! Looking great! I'm almost caught up to you. Maybe by the end of the weekend. lol

  26. I absolutely love this piece! It's so bright and cheerful:)

  27. This is a great design - So many bloggers have stitched this one - I need to think about doing it myself -

    I'll be watching your progress ;)

  28. This is a great piece for Christmas house decorating. The fabric looks gray--what color is it?

  29. This is just darling. I really like the reindeer block.

    I've not kept track...are you doing one block each month or just going along as it gets there? I'm much better going on a kept schedule but my "extra" stitching seems to suffer!

  30. Like everyone else, I just love this piece. I am really wanting to stitch Halloween Rules too but I want to do them as individual ornaments.

  31. Hi Pumpkin, Love the rules. Everytime I see yours it makes me want to work on mine. I only have part of the top and first rule worked on.


  32. It's looking really nice, I love the bright colours in it. I've just started LK '6 Fat Men'. I do think the seigns are really fun. Take care.

  33. Oh Christmas stitching!! I have loads that need finishing if you ever want some more LOL

  34. Lovely stitching, well done.

  35. Your "Rules" is coming along beautifully!

  36. Love all the Christmas rules. We should all try and follow them. I need to work on "Keep the schedule light".
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  37. Oh I love the Christmas do such wonderful work!

    xoxo Gert

  38. Pumpkin,
    Looking good ;)
    Donna in WV

  39. Great motive, and you are very punctual! So it will be a lovely stitching ready for New Year and Christmas :)


  40. With every new section, I want to have your piece in my home, more and more.

  41. Have loved watching this grow, and look forward to seeing LK Halloween take shape as well.
    LiBBiE in Oz :@

  42. Hmm... I missed seeing this post on my Google Reader :( Hope you don't mind me commenting on it so late.

    Anyway, Christmas Rules looks great! It's coming along beautifully. Three more blocks... you should be able to finish it in time for Christmas :)

  43. Growing nicely, the months of the year just fly be when you stitch a part a month, it makes you realise how fast life passes you by


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)