
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stunning Beauty

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all! I'd offer to buy a beer all around but that might be a little tough to do ;o)

Here's Sabrina in all her glory -


I really can't tell you how much I'm in love with her :o) I love picking her up and stitching on her almost every day. It's officially been one month since I started her. It's hard to believe. I've been meaning to put this in my Blog for a few weeks now but it keeps getting missed. I want to dedicate Sabrina to my Secret Santa (whoever you may be) because without your generosity, she wouldn't have been possible. Thank you!

I took this picture outside in the sun and it gives a good representation of the color of the fabric. It's pretty much all dress from here, except the cluster of roses on her butt. I even think I'm going to break my own rules and bead the dress as I start downwards. I've never done this before but there are A LOT of little black beads in this dress and I want to keep my perfect 20/20 vision ;o) LOL!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Have you seen the new chart by Brittercup Designs???? It's called Bunnies Galore -


OMG! OMG! OMG! I just HAVE to have this chart. I've been chomping at the bit ever since I saw a little preview. Unfortunately with money being tight at the moment, I'm going to have to be patient and wait. Me patient? HA! This will be a true test. Now off to try and stop hyperventilating or maybe eat a Cadbury Easter Cream Egg...or two...


  1. Now I'm loosing it over those bunnies too! So cute.

    Your detailed stitching on your lady is awesome. What will you do with it once finished?

  2. Simply stunning! You are doing a beautiful job! And I too adore this new chart! I just love bunnies!

  3. Did you know that bunnies eat pumpkins? They are adorable. Happy St. Patty's Day.
    Be always in stitches

  4. Sabrina is looking gorgeous ! Those bunnies are so cute.

  5. She is stunning. You are making me want to do her too, and I just can't do it! I can't, I tell you, I can't!

  6. Of course Sabrina looks fab! OMG! Have to have the bunnies chart. I love bunnies. I could not find it anywhere on the web, though. Where did you see it? Also, I want to send you a little gift. Can you send me your mailing address? I thought I had it, but cannot find it. Thanks.

  7. I love her. She's so beautiful. Nice to hear that you like stitching her so much. I've never tried one of those Mirabilia's... I'm afraid I'd like doing the face and get bored doing the dress.

    Cutie patootie bunnies like all Brittercup designs.

  8. Sabrina really is gorgeous and that fabric is just perfect! I'm not one for BC designs but those bunnies are just way too cute :) Please enjoy an Easter Creme egg for me too, they are my ABSOLUTE favorite chocolate! I keep passing by them in the store and stopping! LOL....then I keep walking!

  9. Your Sabrina is gorgeous....but I am more an animal fan so I absolutely love the bunny patterns...omg too cute.

  10. I knew you'd like those bunnies.

  11. Sabrina is sooooo beautiful!!! :D
    You're brave for doing so much beading!! It'll look fabulous! :)

    Oh! those bunnies are so cute!!! =) How do you buy the charts? In a local store or online?

    New post on my blog ;)
    big huuuuug :D

  12. She's beautiful...makes me want to dig out one of my Mirabilia's. Stargazer is sooo close to being done, but it will have to stay in hiding for a while longer :(

  13. Your job on Sabrina is just too awesome for words. I just love her and maybe one day will stitch her or somebody like her.
    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx

  14. Mmmm, Sabrina looks terrific, Cathey! It looks like your secret Santa's effort paid off!

  15. Those bunnies are certainly cute. Sabrina is looking gorgeous.

  16. You sound like a kid in a candy store, you are that excited! Good for you...enjoy life and all it brings you.

  17. she is beautiful and love the bunny chart

  18. She is so beautiful. You're doing a lovely job with her, I'm so glad you are enjoying it.

  19. Wow!Your Sabrina is a beauty!

  20. Sabrina is coming along so nicely. YGG! The bunny chart is cute.

  21. Sabrina is stunning, Cathey! Can't believe how quickly she is coming together.

    And, wow, you're up to 32 Cadbury eggs so far--at this rate you'll definitely break last years record :)

  22. Sabrina's very pretty. Love the colours in her. I like the 'bunny' chart as well

    Happy stitching to you

  23. Sabrina looks gorgeous and I can understand that you don't want to put her down. What I particularly love are the roses in her hair and hands, those colours are wonderful.

  24. Utterly cute bunnies!

    Please visit my blog to accept an award.

  25. Oh, those Brittercup Bunnies are so cute!!!

    psst ~ you have an award, check out my latest post :)

  26. Your Mira is looking gorgeous!!!!

  27. Beautiful progress on Sabrina, I enjoy watching your progress.

    Cute bunnies!



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)