
Monday, March 15, 2010

I Have Radish Seeds On My Ears

Last Thursday, I went for my second acupuncture treatment. For someone who absolutely HATES needles and will do just about anything to avoid them, this is quite a step for me. So why am I purposely torturing myself? Good question!

To be brutally honest here, I have what's called General Anxiety Disorder. This may be surprising to some of you who read my Blog because who in their right mind can be this uptight and still talk about snot, poop and farts so freely? ;o) Truth is, I am.

I used to thrive on stress when I was younger and did my best work in school when I was under pressure. I'd have to say that it was my experience with breast cancer that crumbled any walls that were still standing because now any little thing can make me feel anxious and I'm prone to anxiety attacks :o(

A few weeks ago I was told about an acupuncture class here in town and that maybe it was worth looking into. I've always wondered about acupuncture and since I had nothing better to do and it was free, I thought, why not!

This particular class does Auricular Acupuncture. Basically what this means is that all the needles are inserted into your ears. It's believed that each area of the ear corresponds to a different anatomical part of the body; between 200-300 sites. They say this type of acupuncture has been known to help with anxiety, depression, pain, sleeping problems and cravings. Hard to believe but I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Our class uses 1-5 needles in each ear. In the first session, I practically jumped out of my seat when the first few needles went in! Once in, you sit back and relax to soothing music for 30 minutes. They tell me it takes 8-9 sessions for results to start showing. Tomorrow will be my third treatment. Before leaving, they attach a radish seed to the back of your ear, on one of the pressure points. If at any time you're feeling anxious or you're having trouble sleeping, you can rub the area and it's supposed to help.

I've had my seeds on for a week now. They've been in a warm place and watered so my concern is...when will they start to sprout? ;o)


  1. Your post makes me think of this old song. Not quite the same, but it triggered that memory:

    Hope it helps you chill though. I'm a high anxiety person myself. Worry wart is how I usually phrase it.

  2. You'll have to let us know if it really works! I'm pretty high anxiety too. And to think I thrived on stress in college!

  3. LOL I was worried how this was gonna end!!

  4. how do they attach the seeds so they will stay on? Interesting....

  5. LOL about the radish seed. :)

    I hope the accupunture helps.

  6. You are a brave girl, I don't know if I could stand the needles. Does it get easier each time ?

  7. ok, you did it,,,I am speechless...well, maybe not entirely, you just never know when you will be called upon for a veggie tray and you'll be half way there...
    Be always in stitches

  8. I can relate...I find that since I turned 40 (and this was a while ago) I have started to suffer more and more from health anxiety. I would worry that the needles would puncture something vital and thereby cause my early demise, lol. Let us know how it works out.

  9. WOW! How brave are you?
    I have been an insulin dependant diabetic for most of my life and no laughing anyone but probably the only one in the world that's scared of needles unless I'm the one in control of it - otherwise I'm out for the count! I do get 'stressy' as the kids like to term it but my daily walking of 10,000 steps is a great solution for anyone wanting an easier solution - hope it works for you - good luck!

  10. I had acupuncture done on my lower spine once - I would take the ear any day. Just the thought of those little needles going in totally negated any calming effect it was intended to have. Hope it helps you though!!

  11. My first concern is that you say talking about poop and such makes you less than normal...what does that say about me who laughs at those kinds of things?! Do I need help too? LOL

    Seriously, I admire your bravery with the needles. I've actually thought about doing something less stressful called neurofeedback/biofeedback. It can help with anxiety.

    I get in a diddy every now and then. I tend to worry to and obsess too much.

    Oh...I had another cadbury creme egg!

  12. LOL! you will have to take a pic of the when the radishes sprout, lol
    And please keep us updated, I am curious if it works well.

  13. You're a brave woman but I have heard all kinds of good things about acupuncture so I wish you really good luck!!

  14. This was very informative! I always wondered about acupuncture but never had an opportunity to try it. How exciting for you! Please keep us posted on your may be going on my bucket list!

  15. You'll have radishes when the anxiety stops, that's how you'll know it worked :o) I would love to give it a go.

  16. How are the radish seeds attached to your ears>?

  17. I have heard really good things about acupuncture. HTB tore a ligament in his arm and it took away the pain. I hope it works for you before the radish sprouts, otherwise you will be part of the localvore movement.

  18. LOL! I'm imagining the seeds stuck to your skin :p that's wierd! hahaha But I hope it works ;)

    We all have fear of acunpuctura but the word around is that it's a great therapy, I hope you'll have results soon! :)

  19. Anxiety attacks... check. Me too. My mom swears by accupuncture, but I am still freaked at the thought of the needles. Let us know if you sprout enough radishes to add 'em to your salads. ROFLOL

  20. I'm late into this conversation, more than a year in fact, but here I sit with radish seeds on my ears and Googling. In case the question was never answered (and several asked), the seeds adhere to the ear with a tiny square of surgical tape - and they do stay all week apparently. That's when my next 'smoking cessation' class will be held. BTW, acupuncture in the ears doesn't hurt. Some you can't even feel; others just a wee pinch. Wish me luck :-)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)