
Monday, December 03, 2007

Finish Forty-Seven

On Saturday night I finished putting this cutie together :o) This is Remember Your Mittens by San Man Originals -

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Again, I did some changes to the backstitching. I replaced all the colors, except the nose, with just regular DMC 310. I thought that since the snowmen in the fabric were outlined in black, it would make the pattern pop out more and I'm happy with the results. I changed the color of the orange nose from DMC 3340 to DMC 3853 as well.

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His little tuck came with the pattern and it's got a wire hanger. For now I have him hanging off my Ott-Lite along with another special something :o)

I SURVIVED!!!! Okay, I'm going to 'publicly' admit that the root canal wasn't-that-bad ;o) Apart from being up most of the night, downing Tylenol 3s and muscle relaxants, it was pretty much like having a filling done. Easy peasy! My gum is a bit tender but I came through it in one piece and I conquered another one of my fears. Now if I could just get rid of this awful sore throat, I'd be laughing ;o)


  1. Great finish! DH agrees that having an abscessed tooth is much worse than the procedure to fix it.

  2. Glad everything went well at the dentist's! I never had any pain//discomfort from my root canal, but did have an allergic reaction to the stuff they clean the canal poor face puffed up like a balloon. But I survived!

    Love your latest finish, so timely on this cold and wintery day!

  3. So cute! Great job.

    Hope you're feeling better soon. Even though you're sore now and getting a root canal sucks, it's worth it to be pain free after a few days. Hang in there and rest up!

  4. Aww, cute little snowman lol. I'm glad your root canal went well. That is something I dread having to have done. You hear so many horror stories don't you.

  5. How cute is that? I love it
    Hope you are feeling better

  6. Awwww, cute little snowman! Glad to hear your root canal went well.

  7. What a precious finish! Cute, cute, cute!

    I'm glad your root canal went well. I'm soooo scared of the dentist! They have to give me gas before I'll even open my mouth!

  8. Cute pattern !!! Glad you survived the root canal.

  9. Very cute finish!

    I'm glad to hear that your root canal went well. I know that I would be totally worked up into a panic beforehand :)

  10. Awww...Remember Your Mittens is so adorable. The finished result is great, so your changes must have been inspired. And I am so glad that you got through the dreaded root canal well. It is nice to have those things behind you.

  11. Your little snowman is adorable. Well done.

    Glad you survived the root canal without too much trauma.

  12. Oh very cute finish , glad you surivied your root canal , I have had 2 done and I was convinced the dentist was trying to climb in my mouth feet first both times. Sorry to hear you have a sore throat hope it goes away soon

  13. your sanman mittens are just great !!!

  14. That design is sweet!! Glad your visit to the dentist wasn't too bad!!

  15. Now that the dentist is over with, you can enjoy Christmas much more, I'm sure.

    Love that pattern. At the disadvantage of being a late member on the board ;)

    Oh, and Katie explained "flat Shannon" to me ;) hahaha

  16. Oh this is just soooooooooo cute!! I love all the blues in this!!! Very pretty!! Debby :)

  17. lovely finish, hope you feel better soon

  18. obw adorable Cathey!!!!! It looks great!!! Thanks for sharing & glad to hear your root canal wasn't too awful!

  19. Mittens is adorable, you have done some super cute designs this year for Christmas. I'm really enjoying seeing what pops up next as a finish in your posts. I now have Cocoa in my stash as a to do, but need to finish Ready Santa first. Glad your root canal went better than expected. Hopefully you are feeling totally better from everything soon.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)