
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And We Have...


And lots of it :o(

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This is the top of the BBQ so that gives you some idea of how much snow we've had since yesterday afternoon -

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ACK! Winter has 'officially' arrived and I guess I can stop laughing at Ontario ;o) I think this is going to prove to be a very interesting four months.

If you're bored, snowed in, or want to experience snow, why not make your own snowflake! Try it :o)

Need a Snow Day?

I just want to thank everyone again for coming in and reading my Blog :o) I truly enjoy going over each and every one of the comments left by you. I've met a lot of wonderful people by Blogging and I hope to meet many more. I have enjoyed visiting your Blogs as well and I love seeing the diversity of tastes because it makes each of you unique :o)


  1. OH WOW!!!! I would love snow like that!! you are so lucky!!! I haven't seen snow that deep for years!!

  2. It stopped there?! Still blowing and snowing in Monkeytown. :)

    I had to shovel a path for Frankie to go do #2, lol. He would have been buried. How did Brie handle it? :)

  3. Hi Cathey:

    Thank you so much for the compliment in my blog!!! Wow you sure have lots of snow!!! I don't miss that but it is much colder here this morning in Texas. It froze last night here. My round robin project is about 6 and a half inches square on 32 ct. fabric. I took on quite a bit with that but thought the house was pretty when I saw the pattern. I am so glad that you like it!! I worked on it pretty steady for 2 months. Debby:)

  4. I LOVE snowflakes! And I don't mind the snow either. we got ~ 15 cm yesterday and I never thought to take out my camera when I shoveled along with my faithful companion Cody. She loves running after snowballs!

  5. :P~~~~~~~~ LOL Just kidding. I tried not to send it your way, honest ! Stay warm ! :)

  6. We are quite sheltered by the Pennines here so the most we usually get is about a half inch. I don't so much mind the snow, it's the ice I don't like.

  7. Whoa! That is a lot of snow.

    I'm fascinated by all these pictures of snow I'm seeing in blog land. Just not something I've experienced. Thank you for sharing the pics.

  8. Look at all that snow! Those are great pictures. I enjoy reading your blog and try to stop by on a daily basis if not it is not daily I will stop by. Hugs.

  9. WOW and I thought we had lots. Wish I could send you the Pineapple Express :)LOL

  10. the only snow we have melts the next day!!! Stay nice and warm and cosy.

  11. wow I want snow send some this way, is Brie liking it or do you have to tie a flag to her tail so you can see her

  12. Wow! You did get a lot of snow! We got snow but not nearly as much of you. Snow is pretty to look out at though.

  13. Wow! You have really gotten a lot of snow :) It sure is pretty when it is fresh!

  14. Our BBQ looks very much like yours today... what a coincidence lol.

    The only good thing about snow is it makes hot chocolate taste better :)

  15. wow Cathey! I thought we had a bunch of snow!! We got about 5" last night. I was pretty surprised this am. Yours looks beautiful. There is just something about that first snow of the season!

  16. WOW that is alot of snow. Remember your Mittens is very cute. Love your stash pictures.

  17. I love snow and winter, but living in Texas now I'll just enjoy yours vicariously through your pictures. And thanks so much for visiting my blog too. I also enjoy seeing the diversity of stitcher's tastes out there.

  18. I think we should trade some snow, LOL.

  19. Oh how stunning. I'd love you to bottle some up and send it over here please :)

  20. wowww!!! beautiful :D
    did you make a snowman??? heheheheh


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)