
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finish Forty-Nine

This should have been up last week but I only finished it last night. I lost a few days of stitching and that's usually a pretty rare thing. Of course it didn't help that I slept from 2 pm on Friday to 8:30 am on Saturday! Yes, I was tired ;o) Anyway, here is Christmas Motif Sampler II by JBW Designs -

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I stitched it on 32 count antique white Lugana with CC - Spinach. You might notice a slight difference at the bottom of the tree :o) I took out the reindeer on the right hand side and replaced it with a mirror image of the bunny from the far left side. The reason I did this was because I already had a gorgeous green suede mat that I had picked up at Michael's last year and it was a wee bit too narrow for the width of this design. No problem because a few tweaks took care of that -

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All I need to do now if find a standard 8 x 10 frame! That makes finishing easy. Yay!

So...I am down to the final piece and I have a few to choose from but I'm not sure which it's going to be. I guess you'll just have to wait and see ;o)

I'm sorry for the quality of the photos lately but the light inside/outside has not been very good. We are all waiting for a huge storm to hit us this afternoon. They say our area is supposed to get 15-25 cm of snow :oS A white Christmas it will be!

Last night DH and I went to a birthday/early Christmas party. My in-laws, SIL/BIL/nephew and another sister with her fiance were there. My BIL had bought a Wii this past summer so we had a roaring good time trying our hands at bowling. I think by the end I was starting to get the hang of it. What a workout though! Now DH is determined to get one at some point ;o)

We had KFC for supper and since it was my MIL's birthday, it was her choice :o) The girls made a delicious birthday cake and it was topped off with candy cane ice cream. Yum!

Our entertainment for the evening, besides the Wii, was my little nephew :o) I just can't get over this child. He's very smart and what a little cutie too. I wish I had taken my camera. He was walking around in his jeans and white t-shirt, hiking up his pants and just being one of "the boys". I think he's one of the rare children that don't scare me because I find myself quite comfortable with him. Don't ask me to change a diaper though ;o) LOL!


  1. Cathey, your latest finish is stunning especially with that suede mat!

    Hope the weather people are wrong about how much snow you should get! Looks like a white Christmas for you and your loved ones!

  2. I love #49!!! You're definitely going to make your goal of 50... that's awesome!!

    Your party sounds like a lot of fun. I just saw a commercial for KFC and it looked pretty tasty :)

  3. This piece is gorgeous.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful evening.

  4. Lovely stitching finish. It looks so elegant.

    I'd love to get a Wii, it is the only computer game system I've ever looked at and thought "I want". Maybe next year if I save my pennies.

    Your nephew sounds soo cute.

  5. I love this design , sounds like you had a good time at the party

  6. I'm glad you had a great time. See why I have been having a hard time getting things done?... those Wii are too much fun ;)

    Almost at your goal... That was some nap you took.

  7. Lovely finish and the mat is so perfect, can't wait to see the frame you pick out.

  8. The tree turned out lovely, and the mat you had for it was awesome, it will be gorgeous all framed up. It is nice when they are a standard size, makes framing so much easier (and generally less expensive). Glad you had such a good time at the party, sounds like a lot of fun between the game and the company.

  9. It sounds like a great time!

    Your finish is just lovely. Keep 'em coming!

    Good luck with the snow!

  10. Oh Cathey your Christmas stitching is just awesome!!! I love everything I see here on your page!! You have really been busy stitching and it all is just beautiful!!! Thank you for the really nice comment in my blog and for the email!! It is always so nice to hear from you! Debby :)

  11. Congratulations on your finish, Pumpkin!
    This is absolutely stunning!
    I love this kind of calm Christmas design very much!
    By the way, I'm happy to hear that you found the signiture site and found your favourite sign!!
    It's nice, isn't it! I love mine, too!

  12. That tree looks so elegant,I do love these sort of designs

  13. Love your 49th project.. I am so excited to see #50 :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)