
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finish Forty-Eight

This is "The Never Ending" ornament that I have been working on -

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I won this last year from Stitches N Things :o) It's called Santa With Heart and he was designed by Trail Creek Farm. He came as a kit and it included the pillow ornament, buttons, charm and fabric so he is now officially finished finished -

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As I sometimes tend to do, I made some changes :o) It started out with me making a mistake with the two greens. I had mixed up their symbols, therefore switching the light and dark, so I ended up substituting CC - Desert Mesquite for CC - Poblano Pepper and CC - Poblano Pepper for CC - Frozen Margarita. That's okay though because Frozen Margarita is pretty much a lime green and Katie knows my feelings on this color ;o) I also left out the backstitching for his mouth and eyebrows. It doesn't show it on the model but the lines are on the chart. I also (gee, I didn't realize I made these many changes!) substituted SSS - Organic Strawberry for CC - Ripple for Santa's face color. There is one mistake, not my own, that I came across. The symbols for CC -Cupid and CC - Black Coffee are mixed up so just take note if you have this kit. If you're on the ball, you'll figure it out that Santa's suit is supposed to be red and not black anyway ;o)

I call this one "The Never Ending" ornament because every time I turned around, I felt that progress was not being made. I know I haven't had as much time for stitching so maybe that's why. I have to say that it was not the most enjoyable experience putting him together either. I learned, too late in the game, that a liner is a good idea :oS Attaching the buttons was frustrating but maybe there is a simpler method? I'm happy to have him finished though so I can at least enjoy him a bit this month :o)

Stay tuned for finish forty-nine :o) It's already been started and it's going faster than I thought it would. Maybe it's just making up for Santa With Heart. LOL!

Look at what landed at my door this morning -

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YUM! Christmas baking! My mom's Christmas baking :o) I want it noted here that I am the sole possessor of this bounty and I am not responsible for any actions that have or will have been taken on my part. If there's nothing left by the time DH gets back, then you know the old saying...he's missed the boat ;o)


  1. Great finish, so cute

    Nice goodies too, were there any left for DH ?? LOL

  2. Love the ornament. It's more about the journey with stitching than anything else, I think. This piece certainly has story attached.

    The goodies look yummy. Enjoy them with or without hubby.

  3. The Santa looks darling and those goodies, well let's just say if I were you all evidence of them would be gone in no time !:)

  4. did DH get any goodies?
    Great finish

  5. That's a cute finish ! :)

    Something tells me hubby is going to have to go without goodies. Your mom's baking looks scrumptious !

  6. Very cute finish! I just love it when these little kits include everything to finish-finish the piece :)

    The goodies look fabulous!

  7. What a cute Santa - and I love the finish! Yummy cookies on that plate! Were any left for DH? ;o)
    Your aunt bought more of those little jars than I did - and I used to have quite a stash of them! Have fun with them - they make up beautifully.

  8. Wow, I've definitely missed many posts... I especially love your sanman with your amazing tuck in pillow, Cathey!
    Your mum's baking definitely looks yummy, and the beautiful plate adds to the magic... Can I have your mummy? Lol!
    Oh and about that neverending santa, some designs just aren't as fun as they look like. I've been stitching one for a month now, but I just can get to finish it... Good news is that I haven't set any goals for 2007... Lol!
    Take care,
    PS: I hope you have received my email?

  9. You're almost at 50!!! Great "artistic lisence" saves. You must have been so frustrated, lol I know it would have driven me bonkers.

    You've gotta stop putting up pictures of yummy goodies... my screen is all slobbery! lol

  10. Your Never Ending Santa ornament is so cute! Those cookies look delicious, too!

  11. Lovely santa ornie,
    did you eat all those scrummy goodies or have you left some for your DH?? lol

  12. He is a very cute Santa. Congrats on the finish.

  13. Such a cute finish!! Are there any goodies left?? :)

  14. Congrats!!So cute your Santa!!
    Christmas baking seems to be so delicious.

  15. Great finish! I love the finishing job on the finish too!

  16. Santa is so cute!!

    Yummmm... the baking looks delicious!!

  17. The Santa ornie is cute as well as the finishing.
    That plate looks Yumo!!!

  18. The never-ending ornament from Trail Creek is adorable. And I hope the Christmas treats were delicious.

  19. your santa ornament looks great! I can see why it took some time. The cookies look wonderful too. Yum!! Nothing like Christmas cookies!!!

  20. Your little Santa turned out adorable, what a fun ornament finish. Your mom's cookies look wonderful too, what a fun and tasty treat to get.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)