
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Finish FIFTY!!!!

YAY! Photobucket Actually I hit fifty early last week but I couldn't post a picture because it was a gift and I had just sent it to its' new home :o) I have confirmation it has been received though so now I can post pictures for you! I made this cute mitten ornament for my pal Shannon for Christmas -



This pattern comes out of the October 1991 issue of Leisure Arts The Magazine. I just customized the colors to my liking and to what ribbon I had on hand. They are so fun to make and if you recall, I made them last year but they were green :o)

My Creative Mojo is starting to come back! Woohoo! My mind feels lighter. Everyday objects are sparking new ideas in my head. I can look around and see potential in my surroundings that have been passing me by. I feel that I can start to breathe :o)

Yesterday was just beautiful here with mild temperatures and a gorgeous blue sky. I think Brie would have disagreed with me on this though. Our poor 'little angel' was suffering from CH (Christmas hangover) ;o) It serves her right though because we don't think she had a proper sleep for a few nights beforehand. Mix in the 'tons' of treats that she got from her grand-parents and great grandmother and we had a disaster :o( The minute she came to my side of the bed I knew what was going to happen. I yelled to DH and he got her outside for her first barfing session. Ewwww! Needless to say, she went back to bed for the rest of the day. LOL!

Around lunchtime, DH and I went for a walk down to the bar road. The tide has been very high here the last few days and we found a lot of stuff washed up on the beach. I'm not sure if you remember or not but back in September I had promised some pictures of sea urchins and I see that I never got around to it. Ooops! All will be made up in this post ;o)

For those of you not familiar with what green sea urchins are...let me explain :o) Their shell is green, globular in shape and covered with dark green spines. When you turn them over, there is a center hole that is the mouth and it contains five hard teeth, almost like a beak. When the sea urchin dies, the spines fall off and you end up with a very pretty shell. If you can find a shell that is not broken, it's like finding gold :o)

A few years ago, I started using them in my pictures. These are some of the shots that I got yesterday -



I especially like my Sea Urchin Snowmen -




  1. I love those sea urchins - they're so cool. (and I am jealous that usually the best I do beachcombing is assorted clam shells and the occasional piece of sea glass)

  2. Cute mittens and love the Sea Urchin Snowmen. Poor Brie, hope she's feeling better.

  3. Congratulations on finish #50! What a great idea for an ornament! I love the colours you chose.

    Those sea urchins are beautiful, wow!! Great photos.

  4. The mittens are too adorable. Poor Brie hope she is feeling better soon.

    Love the sea urchin pictures.

  5. hope Brie is feeling better, great photos of the sea urchins the mittons are very cute

  6. Congratulations on your 50th finish!

    The sea urchins are so cool...they almost look like beaded pincushions :)

  7. When I look at your stack of urchin, I see green Christmas trees ;) Wouldn't that be cute!

    So glad you are feeling well and happy.

  8. Loved seeing the Sea Urchins, they are so unusual, and they did make a great snowman. Your mitten finish was very cute too, what a fun 50th finish. So, are you still looking at a 51st or even a 52nd finish for the year as a possibility?

    Sorry Brie wasn't feeling well after all the excitement and Christmas goodies, I hope she's feeling much better now.

  9. Your mittens are so cute!! And the sea urchins are lovely. I love the 'snowman.' Decorating with nature is the very best.

  10. I love the ornament you made. I love those colors. Great job on them. The sea urchins were pretty. I had never heard of them before.

  11. Poor Brie... Jam is very much the same... Lol!
    Your mittens are so cute and exquisitely stitched!
    And the sea urchins pics are gorgeous. You're very talented at taking pics. I know I've already said so but I can't help pointing at talent when I see it...

  12. Poor Brie! I hope she's feeling better.

    I love the sea urchin snowman!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)