
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Aftermath

Whew! We made it through Christmas :o) LOL! It's the same thing every year. There's always wrapping paper flying everywhere, grumpy faces caught on film, people stuffed ten times more than the poor turkey and traveling with lots of parcels, only to return home with just as many. You'd think we'd have gotten used to it by now ;o)

This is one Christmas that will hold wonderful memories for me though. I had my dad home for the holiday, DH and I got to spend Christmas at the ocean, gifts were not a priority this year and we got creative and decorated what we call our "environmentally friendly tree" :o) Remember, I told you we had NO ornaments. We were left with a bag of white mini lights and a tree skirt. That's it. So what did we do? Drum roll please...


Ta-da! What do you think???? DH cut the tree from the property and we spent Christmas Eve decorating. I originally came up with the paper snowflake idea but it didn't seem to be enough. DH collected some mussel shells and drilled holes into them so we could slip a ribbon through in order to hang them. Finally, we had the dilemma of the tree topper...

We had talked about making a star out of twigs but then DH went out for a bit and when he returned, this is what he brought me -


I think she's the most adorable angel I have ever seen! Her body and wings are birch bark, she has moss for hair and her halo is made from a birch twig. This tree, by far, is definitely one of my favourites from over the years.

Yesterday DH and I packed up Duncan and Brie and headed to my parents for the day. Brie had had three gifts under her belt already but she was ready for more! It didn't take her long to show her cousin Brandi (once removed) how to unwrap a gift ;o) Mom put on a spectacular dinner with all the fixings. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it's to take small amounts of everything. That way you get to taste all the good stuff and you have nothing to regret afterwards. LOL!

So Christmas is done for another year. As of right now there are 365 days until next Christmas. Okay, how many of you just groaned? ;o)

By the way, remember to enter my contest! I'll be drawing and posting the name of the winner later this week :o)


  1. great tree orni's DH did a super job with the angel

  2. I think your tree is beautiful! You've made it so special.

  3. That is without a doubt one of the most beautiful trees I've seen all year. The angel is stunning and so simple. Are you able to keep it for years to come?

    Isn't it interesting at times, the amount of money we spend on presents, but the things we highlight are the simple inexpensive ways to show you care. Homemade tree ornaments, the well-being of a loved one, none of them have a thing to do with money or stores. Now you've got me thinking.

    Merry Christmas to you again.

  4. Glad to hear that your dad is doing better and was able to be home for Christmas :)

    Your tree is absolutely beautiful!

  5. What a beautiful tree! And the topper ... how cool that your DH is as creative as you! I think I'll spend next Christmas with you two ... I might actually get a chance to relax then! *lol*
    I'm so glad your dad got home safe & sound for Christmas!! That's the greatest gift for all of you!
    As for the groan at the "365 days" comment - bah humbug! *lol* You probably heard my groan around the world!
    Hope you continue to have a relaxing, restful, joyous time at the beach!

  6. Your tree is very pretty. Sometimes simple & elegant is best :-)

  7. THE best tree I have seen in many years. You and DH are both so creative, love the angel top.

  8. You didn't hear me groan! It should be Christmas every 3 months ;)

    There's something so appealing to me about an environmental/country Christmas tree. Must be my crafty side that loves them so much. Beautiful job, you 2.

  9. I really love the tree. I love the outdoors, so the more natural, the more beautiful. I'm glad Christmas was good for you guys, peace on earth
    and peace to you

  10. Your tree looks wonderful, and how creative for the angel, I love it. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, I so glad.

  11. Love the tree... the angel is AWESOME!!!

    Your family photo in front of the tree is beautiful too. Glad to hear that you had a great day.

    Wishing you and Paul all the best in 2008!!!!

  12. That has to be one of the best trees ever. I love the angel.

    Fantastic work by both you.

  13. I'm glad that you and your family had a lovely Christmas! Your tree is beautiful!!

  14. That's a beautiful tree along with that topper.]
    Happy Holidays!!

  15. That tree is splendid! Far prettier than mine!

  16. Your tree is gorgeous, especially since there was so much love and attention put into it! The angel topper - perfect!

  17. A wonderful tree made by a creative and cute couple, a lovely card with lovely dogs too. That's lots of gifts: Thanks for sharing, Cathey.

  18. Your tree is so pretty!!! =)))
    Are those all paper snowflakes?! it looks awesome :D lovely lovely lovely :)

    "traveling with lots of parcels, only to return home with just as many".. sounds so familiar! LOL ;)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)