
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Happy Birthday To...

My MIL! Luckily she has been having one of those extended celebrations as it has been spanning out for almost a couple of weeks now :o) I imagine she is probably out again today as well!

DH and I went down to the ocean this past Saturday to have our own birthday party for her and we had a wonderful visit. It was nice and relaxing with lots of yummy food and DH even made creme brule instead of a traditional birthday cake. I think it went over rather well ;o) Brie got to play with Cousin Buddy and Cousin Samson. We were a little appalled at her "flirty" behavior though :-o

I was finally able to give my MIL her gift that has been done for a few months now! The pattern is called Spring Garden and it's by Hob Nobb Designs -

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I tried a few new camera angles and I love the way it picks up the details of the stitching -

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

During our visit, my MIL got out a new IQ game that they had bought for Christmas. I can't remember the name of it but it had a number of cards and as the difficulty of each IQ puzzle got harder, the higher the points. We went through a few of them just for fun and it really is an interesting game. One question I remember was for 12 points, I think, so it was one of the harder problems. Here's what it said -

A man gets into a waiting taxi. He tells the driver the address of where he wants to go. The two exchange no other conversation and have never met before. Along the way, the taxi driver stops and is able to lure the man out of the car and kills him. The taxi driver has never done anything like this before and it's completely out of his character. What made him kill the other man?

If you think you know the answer, let me know :o)

Boy, I'm a little disappointed in you guys! I only got one guess :o( The answer to the above problem is - the taxi driver had found out that his wife was having an affair but he had no idea who the man was. When the man got into his taxi and gave the destination address as the taxi driver's home, the driver knew it was the man his wife was having an affair with so he killed him.


  1. Lovely stitching! The pics do make its perfect aspects stand out: very impressive!
    Was this the taxi driver's address? Or his girlfriend's?
    Do you have the answer so I can sleep again, or not? lol...
    Take care!

  2. Cathey, that is simply stunning!

  3. Such a lovely birthday gift for your MIL--beautiful stitching!

  4. Cathey your stitching is wonderful, sounds like you had a nice visit


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)