
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Girl's Night Out!

YES! After about a month of planning, I finally got a night out with the girls :o) I can't even remember the last time I went out with "people" besides DH. It was almost too weird! LOL! To be brutally honest, I don't get out much at all so this was a wonderful and much needed treat. DH was a little jealous I think but in reality I don't think he wanted to stay home with Stinky Brie ;o)

Since a wonderful friend of ours could not join us, we devised a replacement for the evening and thus the birth of Flat Shannon -

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Hey, we didn't want her to miss out on all the fun! Plus, Katie and Faith Ann were traveling together so it was only fair that Flat Shannon travel with me :o)

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We began the evening by dinning out at an awesome restaurant called Seasons that specializes in Mandarin cuisine. As always, I was not disappointed and I wish I could go back for more right now! We each ordered an appetizer before the main meal and we were all surprised at Flat Shannon's appetite.

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She sure didn't have to worry about over eating with that slim figure of hers ;o) We tried to get Flat Shannon to pay our bills but it was a no go as she didn't bring her wallet. Typical!

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After reading our fortune cookies, we headed over to Stitch Night.

The stitching group welcomed Flat Shannon with open arms. They were all curious about the newcomer to the group ;o) Katie unloaded a pile of Christmas ornaments that she just happened to "whip" up. I swear that girl has too much energy! Faith Ann brought her Christmas Village by Victoria Sampler and I can't wait to see her progress with this project. The fabric she chose is GORGEOUS! I'm so in love but I've got too much on my plate to even contemplate that but usually those are the famous last words. LOL! Flat Shannon put a few stitches in but she didn't get too far with her project.

Shortly after 9pm (did I mention we were going to the late, late show?) we headed up the hill to the movie theaters. Flat Shannon finally got her Starbucks while we shopped around Chapters, waiting for the movie to start.

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Somehow, Flat Shannon was able to get in for free. Maybe they mistook her for a child because of her size ;o)

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We then loaded up with popcorn and I was able to get my Coke slushie fix. Ahhhhh! Goooood slushie!

Okay, I have to ask this...when did Jude Law get so scrumptious???? Holy Moly! I wish someone would have put a warning label on The Holiday because WOW! That's right, WOW! What a wonderfully romantic movie and I really want to see it again. I'm SO in love with the little English cottage and town. I wish there were places like that here. They look to be so quaint and quiet.

The movie got out at 12:15am and it was a foggy drive home. Luckily I had my co-pilot and Sarah's Sweet Delights to keep me awake :o)

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Myself, Flat Shannon, Katie & Faith Ann

We hope you had a great night Shannon!


  1. Love it!!

    It was a great evening. I'm not used to going out with the girls anymore either and it was a lot of fun. That's a movie I now want to buy to watch every Christmas :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great evening. I did smile reading all about it

  3. I loved "The Holiday", too! Totally agree with you about the cottage and town! Loved it! Definitely nothing like that here!

  4. I had such a great time ! :) Looove the post !

    Thanks so much - you all made my week ! LOL

  5. Oh that was fun, thanks girls!! I definitely don't get out enough!! ;) Shannon, next time don't forget the wallet ok?? ;)

  6. I love it!! That Flat Shannon sure does get around!! :o)

    So, in your picture with her, who's who?

  7. It sounds like you had a fantastic girls' night out, and I loved reading about Flat Shannon's adventure. :-)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)