
Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Junior!

I know I'm 'very' late again with my updates but it's been a grueling three weeks to say the least and my mind hasn't been in the best of places :o( Aside from that, I wanted to share the most recent news from our home because it was a huge event. Plus, I see there must be quite a few of you checking up to see if I have updated my Blog recently ;o) How I keep holding onto all my Stalkers, I don't know... you see by the title, Junior had an official birthday and turned ONE YEAR OLD on April 10!!!! It was quite the event because he had not one but TWO parties! LOL!

The night of his actual birthday we had both sets of grandparents over and Junior got to open his larger gifts. He got an All Season Wagon and a Radio Flyer Steer & Stroll Trike :o) He had his very own birthday cake and it was so funny to see how reserved he was with it. Most kids would have had it smeared from head to toe but not our little guy; face and fingers were just fine :o)

Then on Saturday, April 13, we had an open house from 2-4pm as I mentioned in my last post. It worked out stupendously! We had 24 people in all and somehow our little house managed to squeeze them all in. Junior had a ball and made sure he mingled with everyone now that he is WALKING! He had another piece of cake and opened his presents for everyone to see (all without any fuss!). We put out peanut butter and jam sandwiches (crusts cut off), Kool-Aid, fruit and veggie trays along with a half of slab of cake (part vanilla, part chocolate). Btw, thank you Christina and Harmien for the books you sent! Junior just LOVES them! A note will be in the mail soon :o)

So here's the final picture of the year for the big man -

 photo OneYearOld.jpg

I keep saying he looks all grown up but he does. He really does.

 photo OneYearOld2.jpg

As of today, Junior has another two teeth. His two (first) lower molars broke through so now we're up to ten teeth in that little mouth of his. He's still a chomping machine. It looks like his two upper eye teeth might be coming in next. Ugh! The drool is just crazy. And the snot! We've realized that when his teeth come in, his sinuses go crazy. What we thought were colds were just teeth coming in.

I've already let slip that Junior is now walking ;o) He started when he was eleven and a half months old. It's funny to watch him because he's so proud of himself. This has now led to climbing the stairs and now he's trying to climb the furniture. Sigh! DH and I keep putting things higher and higher but eventually we'll have nowhere else to go. LOL!

Little man has a few words under his belt but he's trying to copy whatever words you're saying. He's also associating words with objects so that's quite neat! It never gets dull watching him learn and grow.

I know I promised you an update about me and I will try my best in the next few days. It's been one of the hardest months for me but I'm trying to crawl out of my hole. I miss you all! Until then...I hope everyone is keeping well :o)


  1. OMG! He DOES look all grown up! So handsome! And look at those dimples! Happy belated birthday!

  2. Junior is a little cutie. Happy belated birthday to him.

  3. Cathey,
    Oh my what a handsome young man he is becoming. I'm glad to hear the parties were a success. I know I promised I was working on something for you. It isn't happening as of yet. I have it started just haven't gotten the chance to sit and stitch.

    We are in a move from this house to a newer house. We are packing and waiting for the tile to be installed and then we will go in and repaint. Then this house we are currently in will have to be repainted and cleaned up as we will be making this a rental.

    Enough about me. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the updates on Junior and yourself. I wish I could meet you in person to give you a hug and we could do some stitching and talking.


  4. Happy Birthday to Junior! He looks quite handsome in his button down and tie. So cute! Hang in there. *hugs*

  5. Happy belated 1st Birthday to Pumpkin Jr. He is so adorable and you can see how happy he is.

    I've been thinking of you and wondering how you were doing. So many of us here really care about you :)

    Take care, Hugs, Angela

  6. Aww, he just slays me! He's going to be quite the ladies man when he grows up. Good to see a post from you, take care!

  7. One year, Yay! They change so very much in that first year, it's so amazing to see! Sure sounds like he's keeping you guys on your toes, exactly what little boys are supposed to do! ;)

    Happy Birthday Junior!!

  8. Happy, Happy Birthday Junior! What a gorgeous little man. =)
    Cathey you are in my prayers. Hang in there. Give it all to God. Let him be your strength.♥

  9. That beautiful smile, rosy cheeks and gorgeous hair! I'm in love.

    Happy Birthday to Jr. and I continue to send positive vibes your way.

  10. Happy Birthday to the gorgeous boy. Hope you are ok . Thinking of you .XXX

  11. Happy Birthday Junior--he is very handsome. Walking, talking, he is a busy guy.

    Two birthday parties--glad he enjoyed.

  12. Junior looks so handsome! Sweet little man! huggles to you hon and know I think of you often and keep praying for you.

  13. Cathey!!! Oh my!!! He just keeps getting cuter, and cuter!!! I have his other photo on my fridge....he's just adorable!!!
    Think of you often, I hope to hear from you.....give my love to your mom as well!!
    Take care

  14. He's the sweetest kid I've ever seen. Prayers to you daily. luv. MaryO San Pedro, CA

  15. That little guy gets cuter everytime you show a pic. I hope your doing well. Sending more hugs and happy thoughts your way.


  16. Oh my.... how cute he is that little tie! Such a little man... kudos on such a cutie.

  17. He is just the most adorable grown up little man I have ever seen!! And apparently quite tidy from what you said about his cake. Wow!! I hope you are doing better. Looking forward to an update on you and if you are doing any stitching too!!

  18. What a precious little man; he's grown so much and is so handsome..:) Sounds like he had a wonderful birthday..Hope your doing good hun.

    Hugs, Shar

  19. Oh my gosh! He just gets more and more beautiful with every month that passes. Happy Birthday!

  20. Handsome little guy =)))) he looks so cute! Gorgeous eyes :D
    I was very happy to hear about little peanut's party :D glad to hear it was so much fun for him and that he is walking!! I believe you, it must be so amazing to watch him grow :) enjoy it my friend!!
    I hope your days are getting better and soon you'll be here more often =) hugs to you!! Miss you xoxo

  21. Oh my God, what a boy! He looks so smart!I wish I could cuddle him. so cute! Happy belated birthday to him from Germany.
    Take care, big hugs to you

  22. ho year...
    I can remember me stitching his bib !
    Can't be 12 month ago already...=D
    Happy belated birthday to Junior
    Sure in some years you'll have lot's of young ladies ringing at your door =D
    He is over cute
    I love the all seasons wagon he got !
    big hugs to you both

  23. Happy, Happy Birthday to Junior. He is adorable. I remember those teething years....snot, drool, bitting anything and everything that my sons could get their hands on. I, unfortunately, had to deal with ear infections they both got until we opted for ear tubes.

    1st birthdays...reading your post really brings the memories to the surface. I remember both my boys staring at their cake, as if it was a foreign object. Too afraid to touch it. My older son, who really doesn't like to get too messy or touch squishy things, cried when my husband and I finally dipped our fingers in the frosting and put some on his face. Every 1st birthday child needs frosting smeared on their face, right?

    Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your 1st birthday experience with us. Now that I have a 17 and 14 year old, I truly miss those early years!

    Take care of yourself!

  24. He is just so dang adorable! Happy Birthday Junior. Sounds like he was definitely the man for his birthday! So sorry to hear that your month has been hard. I hope and pray it will get easier.

  25. Happy Birthday to Junior!! Wow! He sure is a handsome little man and grown so much! I love it when they begin to walk with those waddly steps!! So cute! It's good to hear from you and just so you know, I've been thinking of you and praying for you.



  26. Belated Birthday wishes to him XXX What a handsome chap he is!!

  27. Happy birthday to your little guy!!!! He looks so amazing and so adorable in that pic. Definitely a more grown up look. Big huggles to you! So sorry you had a terrible month. :(

  28. Happy Birthday Junior!
    He looks so grown up now... And walking :). How quickly they grow up
    Take care xx

  29. What a handsome young man you have. And a wonderful birthday celebration. Such a joyful time with all your friends around.

    Prayers for healing being sent along. Wishing you a Sunday filled with sunshine, warmth and budding flowers.

  30. Belated Happy birthday Junior you look so handsome in your shirt and tie :)

  31. Such a handsome little chap.
    (Big hug) x

  32. Wow, congratulations to you and your 1-year OLD boy :) he is so cute!


  33. Oh my gosh he is so cute, I love his little tie.
    I hope you are doing good I am still praying for you three times a day.
    Happy Spring

  34. Happy, Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! It sounds like a wonderful celebration.
    Hugs for you.

  35. I've so enjoyed seeing "Junior" grow into such a handsome little man each month! Amazing all the changes a baby goes through in that first year. He has to be (honestly!) one of the most adorable little boys I've ever seen. And now he's walking--you're in for a real workout now, Cathey... You and your husband should be so proud of your son--you can tell what a happy child he is with that brilliant smile and the gleam in his eyes...

    Sending you a warm hug and all positive thoughts--please know how much I care and how often I think of you, my friend.

  36. I can't wait to hear about you and your progress, my have been in my thoughts a lot of late.

    Junior certainly does look quite grown up and very handsome...and so glad to hear the birthday was a success.I can't believe it has been a year already!

  37. Happy Birthday little man :-)

  38. Such a big boy! Happy Birthday!

  39. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous little man! He does look very proud of himself in the picture - love his outfit!

    It amazes me how baby clothes now are made so little ones look like wee versions of adult folk. I miss 'baby clothes' but I have to admit I love how adorable they look dressed up like this too.

  40. Happy Birthday Junior!

    Cathey, your youngster is growing in leaps and bounds. I love how his eyes always seem to twinkle with wonder & just a hint of mischief.

    Hope your spring is better than ours...we had no snow on the ground Sunday but now have ~ 3" with bitter north winds. Sigh...may need to move back east at this rate!


  41. Happy happy belated birthday..
    It is a year ago alreday you told us you got a baby boy!!
    How fast time is going..
    And he looks so handsome!!
    Well done.. so great!!
    I love this picture of him!!
    very great!!
    he got some awesome gifts!!
    How cool.
    Enjoy the little boy!!

    I read you have a too hard month.. I hope your feeling well..
    Sending many many wishes for you!!!
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  42. Happy Belated Birthday Junior! It sounds like it was a fun day for all.
    Cathey, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Post an update when you can.

  43. Happy Birthday to Junior! He is growing into a handsome little man!

  44. Oh, Cathey! Your little man is the cutest thing, every! That hair and those eyes and that sweet face - ADORABLE!!!

    I think of you often and keep you in my prayers.

    Hugs to you!

  45. What a handsome little guy! Happy belated birthday, Junior!

  46. He's such a wonderful and handsome boy. I love his pictures! Isn't the first year just fantastic? They come up with something new nearly every day and you are just surprised by everything they do.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)