
Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome Winter With A Little Something Special

For awhile now I've been thinking what I could do to give back to my Blogging friends for being there for me over this past year. You know it's been a year of major ups and downs for me and all your comments kept a much needed smile on my face :o) Just knowing I had such a vast support system helped tremendously.

Oh how I wish I could send each and every one of you a little something but that is not possible at the moment so I've had to resort to Plan B. Unfortunately there can only be one winner BUT I hope I can put back a smile on every face that gave one to me :oD does a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE sound???? And what if that gift certificate was for Anita's Little Stitches???? Huh? I bet you're smiling now! LOL!

I love Anita's! If you've never been there, check out her website. It always amazes me each time I go because she carries some fun and unique items not found elsewhere. What about a one pound bag of Christmas buttons? Or 55 count linen? Or maybe check out Anita's own designs. Her strawberry emery patterns are adorable and she has 15 sided Biscornus.

There are just a few teeny weenie rules so PLEASE read carefully :o)

1) In order to cash in on the gift certificate, your order must be $150 or more. Technically you're only paying $50 but you know there's things you've wanted to buy for awhile now ;o) Have you been wanting to buy those scissors you've been drooling over but just couldn't justify it? Now you can! Don't think you can buy enough for yourself? Hey, buy some for a friend too! Anita has been so generous to donate this gift certificate so please follow through.

2) You must be a Pumpkin Stalker and a regular commenter. You know who you are and I do too so don't question whether you qualify or not ;o)

3) There must be a way for me to contact you if you are the winner. Either leave your email with you comment or make sure you have it in your Profile. Chances are I probably already have it.

The giveaway will be open until late December 31, 2012. I will be away from the computer from December 21-27 so if your comment does not appear right away, don't fret! When I'm back online I will push comments through. You might want to double check just to make sure though.

I'm sad to say that we did not send out Christmas cards this year (only the second time since DH and I have been married) but I want to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! May your holidays be filled with the company of loved ones and may your tummy be filled with turkey ;o) Hugs to all from the Pumpkin Patch!


  1. Oh my! What a generous giveaway.
    It has been a privelige to share this year with you. I love the monthly pics of Jr. and I always keep you in my thoughts.
    Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a wonderful celebration!

  2. Ho my !!!!!
    This is too much !
    you're too kind with us....
    don't be sad not to have sent Xmas cards, we truly understand !
    I wish you and the whole Pumpkin Patch a wonderful Christmas
    big big hugs sweetie
    take care

  3. Happy winter to you deary..we enjoying summer here..
    Please count me in the superb giveaway ..
    thank you
    Love cucki xxx

  4. That's such a generous offer. You know you didn't need to do that. I'm going to pass since I have more stash than I know what do with and I suspect there are others who could really put these $$ to good use.

    Have a wonderful holdiday and best wishes for the coming year.

  5. Re: your last post - Yay for you! You really deserve it. You will have such great thoughts stitching it being reminded of all the good people in your life that the finished result will be extra special.
    Wishing you and your sweet family a wonderful Christmas,

  6. What a lovely thing for you to do to give back to everyone that has supported you :) Please don't add my name into the giveaway if I spend anymore $ on stitching anytime soon my dh will go mad ;0) LOL

    I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May 2013 bring you the good health and happiness that you truly deserve :)

  7. What a generous giveaway; you've more than outdone yourself. I am a follower, and I often pray for you and your family, but I don't comment often - usually I'm sneaking a few "reads" in on my phone at work. (Did I just admit that?!?) I leave it to you if you want to include me. I'm just glad to hear when things are going well for you!

  8. I really really wish you a Very Merry Christmas! May you make many happy memories with hubby and Junior! Charge the camera!! Get lots of film... however you can capture those moments! Hugs!

  9. I am floored by your giveaway! You know I'll stalk you, giveaway or not.

    Please enter me. Praying for you still and wishing you a Merry Christmas.

  10. Cathey, that is such a generous, wonderful thing for you to do. I am always so happy to visit you. Please do not include my name this time, I am sorry to say money is beyond tight, and I just don't have the $50. Good luck to everyone. God bless you Cathey and your family. I am praying for you.♥

  11. Oh, what a thrill that would be to win a gift like that from you and Anita, Cathey!! I would love to enter your giveaway--thank you so much for your generosity.

    I know your first Christmas with little Junior will be so special--he is the best gift ever, isn't he? Enjoy each and every moment--can't wait to see some photos!

  12. What a generous gift anatia's is offering. Merry Christmas.

  13. So glad the ladies came through for you with the Mirabilia piece...what wonderful acts of thoughtfulness!

    I would love a chance to win your giveaway...I love Anita's too and have placed quite a few orders with her in the past. Thnak you for such a generous offering!!

    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and am sending the happiest of holiday wishes your way my friend!

  14. I love Anita; I had called her once about rather or not she had a certain pattern and we talked for about an hour; what a wonderful, sweet lady she is hun. I just love her, my order(S) have always gotten to me so fast. I'd have NO PROBLEM getting my order up to $150, I have a "CART" going I hope you and your wonderful family have the greatest holiday hun..Jr. is so special and a very loved little fella, I bet Santa is good to

    Hugs, Shar

  15. Oh please, please enter me. I'm already drooling over the scissors comment lol.
    Email is
    Wishing your and your family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. May your first Christmas be filled with laughter and wonderful memories.
    Sending hugs and continued prayers

  16. I am gonna have to check her site out. Can't buy right now but looking is just as fun! Merry Christmas!

  17. Cathey,
    Wow! A gift certificate to Anita's? She does have some awesome items and I have purchased from her.

    Please put me in for the draw! This is so kind of you.


  18. Oh wow, thank you (and Anita!)... maybe I'll end up with a pair of Ginghers in this lifetime yet!

    Merry Christmas to you & yours my friend! I wish you a season full of love, laughter & good wishes! xo

  19. Merry Christmas Cathey and family! May the blessings of the season be yours to enjoy.

    Travel safe and take lots of photos of Junior's first Christmas!!!


  20. WOW!! Oh, what I could do with $100!!! Yes, by all means please enter me in the giveaway. Merry Christmas to you and Junior!

  21. A Merry Christmas and wonderful 2013 to everyone one at the Pumpkin Patch too!!

    What a SUPER GENEROUS (I just couldn't think of a different way to describe it!) give-away. I'll have no problem "trying" to spend an extra $50.00 Please include me for a chance... thanks so much!! :-)

  22. Blessings to you and your family. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  23. Wow! This is as fantastic giveaway!! How sweet of Anita to donate the certificate for you. I know I could easily take care of the $150 requirement....hehehe...
    Hugs to you and your sweet family. May you enjoy the sweet simple pleasures of Christmas.

  24. Merry Christmas you guys . Enjoy your first with Junior , and look forward to many more yet to come . XXX

  25. Cathey - I hope you, Paul, and baby boy have a wonderful holiday! You are having an incredible give away! You've mentioned this shop before - must be something to see.

  26. A wonderful giveaway, good luck to all who enter.
    Wishing you a very magical Christmas with your family and precious little boy. Xxx

  27. This is amazing Cathy, thanks to you and Anita. I will definitely be able to meet the requirements, and more ( haven't had a decent stash splurge for some time).
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and don't sweat the small stuff (no cards posted).

    My email is wright @ aussiebb dot com dot au.

  28. I would love to be included in your giveaway please. I am already a long time follower.
    Merry Christmas, I hope your little man enjoys the big day.

  29. ohhh my goodness me ... that is one wonderful plan B :) love your teeny weeny rules :)
    I am not far behind you in the sending of cards out either ... your letter is still here but waiting now till after the big day so it doesn't get lost in the Christmas post rush ...
    hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a even better new year :) love mouse xxxxxx

  30. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family :)

    What a wonderful giveaway! I'm going to exclude myself, though...have not been able to do any stitching for way too long now :(

  31. It sounds like an awesome giveaway to me. Spending $50 as part of the bargain.......yeah. Pretty sure I just did that on Anita's site a few weeks - fell down the candy cane striped scissor hole *ahem*. Would GLADLY do it again. Easily even. Heh.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!!!!! *MWAH*

  32. Oh Cathey. What a generous giveaway. I hope your feeling okay. I would love to be entered in your awesome giveaway.

    Merry Christmas and hugs to the little one.

  33. Goodness, what an incredibly generous offer!! I would love to be included in the draw. Anita's is my favourite online shop. I order from her all the time.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate.
    I hope you and your family enjoy a very Merry Christmas!!

  34. My goodness! How generous of you and Anita! I've never ordered from here before. I'll go check out her site asap. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and little wee one. Big Hugs to you!!

    Oh may I be entered?

  35. Thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway! I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Blessings to you Cathey!

  36. Just stumbled onto this blog. It is uplifting. Please know I am remembering you in my prayers daily.

    I am neither a nurse nor a doctor but I do work in healthcare. Believe me, cures happen every day. I bet you'll be one of them.

    Luv. MaryO San Pedro, California

  37. Wow, what a generous giveaway and Anita is such a sweetheart! Thank you for hosting. I would love a chance. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!

  38. Is Santa coming earlier??? Hahahaha what a wonderful Giveaway :D please, count me in!! :)
    I sent you a little card, late so probably won't arrive in time for christmas but I hope it will make you smile =)
    I hope you're feeling good and you'll be able to enjoy this christmas season with your family :) first christmas for little peanut! I bet that's really special :D have a wonderful time my sweet friend :) may 2013 bring you a bunch of great surprises and many reasons to smile!!!! Merry Christmas :D

  39. This has been an incredibly up & down time for sweet of you to think of your bloggy friends!

  40. Oh this is so sweet of you please enter me into the drawing,

  41. Wishing you a healthy and wonderful 2013. How excited your little one must have been to see all the bright Xmas lights. And what a wonderful gift of joy for you this year.

    Just looked over Anita's offerings and it is a return visit for sure. It always amazes me the creativity it takes to choose such a variety of neat items. So tempting.

  42. I would love a chance to be entered into your giveaway.

    Happy New Year and I know this year which be a fantastic one for you!

  43. Happy 2013!!!! Please add my name to this... What an awesome giveaway... Thank you for this, I have never ordered from this shop... But have enjoyed looking at the things... Thank you again!

  44. Happy New Year, my dear friend!
    Just wanted to wish you lots of happiness and health in the 2013 year!



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)