
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Surprise...I'm On Time :o)

Considering what things have been like since my last post, it's a miracle I'm even here! I know I have complained about time flying by but I REALLY have no idea where it went since I posted on October 22.

So to bring you up to speed on Junior, here he is in all his glory at seven months old -


I guess he takes after his mother when he gets in front of a camera because he just freezes right up ;o) LOL! This was our best shot of this photo shoot.

Yesterday, Junior's top right front tooth came through! YAY! The left is very close behind. Very soon we'll have four pearly whites :o)

His crawling is still in the beginning stages but he will 'crawl' for certain things, including my Crocs. ???? It probably won't be much longer.

DH and I have continued to introduce new foods to Junior. We have found that he loves peas, green beans, peaches and pears. He LOVES sucking on his pieces of apple :o) I was getting a bit worried about his eating but I think he's starting to open up to new things. He definitely makes it known when it's 'cereal time'!

I've been taking Junior to a weekly playgroup that is just down the street from us. He enjoys watching the other children play. They range from his age to about 3 years old. And he's already been kissed by a girl!!!! GASP! My little boy! AND...she's an older woman too ;o) LOL!

Since I wasn't in human form for Halloween (literally!), I'm posting a bonus picture of Junior for you ;o)


Gee, I wonder why his first costume was a pumpkin...

I'll be back shortly to update you on what's happening with me. Thanks for sticking around :o)


  1. Gorgeous photos especially the pumpkin one.

  2. He's just an adorable little guy, always smiling! Hope you're feeling good this day:)

  3. awwww he looks lovely and toothie pegs as well :) and gorgeous picture of him in a pumpkin suit :) lovely to see you hear today too :) love mouse xxxxx

  4. He is just absolutely adorable!!!

  5. Awww your little pumpkin looks adorable.

  6. Where has the year gone?? Baby boy is 7 months old already! He's adorable and those dimples are killers!

  7. Of course he'd be a pumpkin! How about a rabbit for next year? ;-)

  8. Junior is growing so fast...where does the time go??? His pumpkin outfit is so cute. That's definitely one to show his girlfriends when he's18! Lol.
    Fingers crossed it's good news you have for us about your health. Sending positive thoughts.

  9. He is just so precious. Please don't wait too long to update us. ;) ♥

  10. Wonderful photos...he is soooo sweet! Amazing how they grow so fast! Glad you're able to be with other mothers and their little ones! My prayers are with you...I'm looking forward to your next post.


  11. Fab pictures. He's so adorable . Can't believe how quickly this year is going .X

  12. He looks so happy and so super cute. What a joy to have around.

  13. What a beautiful boy Junior is. Love that pumpkin outfit.

  14. Of COURSE you would let him be a Pumpkin for his first Halloween! Makes sense to ME! Love those dimples! He is too cute! And teeth now! Wow! Enjoy! Hugs!

  15. He sure is the handsome fellow and I love his Halloween costume!

  16. Cutest pumpkin I've ever seen!

  17. Great pictures. He sure is a cutie.

  18. That little stinker just keeps getting cuter all the time.

  19. Oh Cathey, such gorgeous pictures of Junior. I just love him in his precious pumpkin suit. Such a lovely little boy.

  20. What an adorable little boy! The pumpkin outfit is awesome! Grat photo.
    He looks so happy! Please don't wait too long to update.
    Hugs from Germany

  21. What a smiling, happy little guy! He's adorable.

  22. I love his Halloween pic!
    I am keeping you in my thoughts!

  23. SO cute!

    You're in my prayers.

  24. No doubt that 'older woman' couldn't resist such a darling with the cutest cheek dimples!!! I wouldn't either!

  25. Oh my gosh, those dimples slay me. So so so so cute. Just love these updates. :)

  26. Oh, how I wish I could hold your little man, Cathey... He is just the sweetest with those huge dimples and big blue eyes. I love his little pumpkin costume--just adorable. I just love these monthly updates--thank you so much :)

  27. He makes an adorable little pumpkin! Thanks for the update.

  28. awwwwww , this little guy is too too cute, even in a pumpkin costume =)
    it's so great to see him growing each month, thank you so much for sharing with us
    big hugs

  29. Oh, Pumpkin he has the cutest smile :) I love his costume too! It's so much fun to watch him grow.

  30. He is such a sweet little man :)
    And his costume is adorable!



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)