
Monday, June 18, 2012

The Time Has Come...

I have some big news to share with everyone. On Wednesday, June 20, I am going in for my hysterectomy. Thankfully I got an appointment in less than three weeks so hopefully all this waiting will be over quicker than we expected. In a way I don't want it to happen so fast because I'm afraid what the outcome will be but on the other hand, I want it done and over with so that I can just get on with my life.

My surgeon is supposed to be excellent from what I've read and heard. She performed my neighbours' hysterectomy and my neighbour raved about her. That makes me feel good but I'm still very nervous about the whole thing. Since my breast cancer, I've avoided hospitals whenever necessary. Let's just say that my anxiety is a tad high right now. But...I keep telling myself that I gave birth to an 8 lb 10 oz baby, so this should be a breeze...right?

Last week I got some good news (on my birthday no less) :o) I had a blood test done awhile back that can indicate whether you have ovarian cancer or not. Unfortunately it's not 100% accurate but at least it gives us some idea. Anyway, the levels came back low so that's good. Again, that doesn't rule out ovarian cancer completely but it's A LOT better than if the levels came back high. Fingers crossed!

Tomorrow will be spent getting organized for my trip. I'll be in Halifax while DH travels back and forth. The poor man will be torn between me and Junior. Junior will be home with both sets of parents looking after him so I feel very good about that. Still, it will be hard to leave him :o( They tell me I'll be in the hospital from 3-5 days but I suspect I'll be in there for the full five.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments full of friendship and support. I can't even begin to tell you how much they mean to me. I have tried to email everyone that has left a comment but I haven't been able to finish yet and there were some people that didn't have an email address. My belief is, you took the time to leave a comment, so the least I can do is reply back :o)

So I will be away from the computer for at least a week, maybe longer. When I get the chance, I will update you again as to where we are. Until then, hugs to you my friends :o)


  1. I will be thinking of you!!!
    Good luck and hoping for super positive results!!!
    Junior will be in excellent hands and spoiled to death I'm sure! LOL
    Take care my friend......

  2. Wonderful news! Glad they aren't making you wait. You'll be back home to your baby very soon. Take care and I'm sending all of you more prayers.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you Cathey. I just know everythings going to turn out okay.


  4. Pumpkin - I've been praying and thinking of you every day. Positive thoughts - the turnout will be great!

  5. will be praying for you & also for your husband, junior and all the grandparents who are caring for him...praying the surgery is a success & things are all good!

  6. Glad to hear that you don't have to wait for your surgery. That's great that Junior will have so many relatives to spoil him! Prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

  7. Many good thoughts coming your way! Take care!

  8. Dear Pumpkin,

    I'm glad that you won't have to keep waiting for
    your surgery. The waiting is worse then the
    surgery it seems as it just gives you more time
    to worry. The fact that your neighbour has such
    high praise for your surgeon is good to hear.
    You'll be in good hands.

    Sounds like Junior is going to be the centre of
    much doting attention with both sets of
    grandparents (no less!!) in attendance while
    you're in Halifax. One less worry there.

    Will be thinking of you on Wednesday and
    sending fierce and strong prayers that all
    goes well. I know that you're going to be

    Love and hugs!!!

  9. You've been, and will continue to be in my prayers, Cathy. I am sendingits of good thought, hugs and love your way. P.S. no need to reply. Use your time to get well, my friend!

  10. Phew! I'm so relieved for you about these positive results! Sending you my prayers & best wishes... just remember to take care of yourself right now, Junior will be in the best hands possible! Hugs <3

  11. I send you all good luck and happy thoughts!
    Take care and don't be afraid!


  12. All my best Pumpkin - we're all hoping for a positive outcome from the surgery and good to know Junior will be in the best of hands while you are there.

  13. Pumpkin - I've been thinking about you and your family so much lately. My prayers will continue to go out to you all during your surgery and recovery.

  14. Glad they got you in so quickly. Will be thinking of you. If you don't have a chance to respond to me, think nothing of it bud. Just want to send positive thoughts your way...

  15. So glad you are going in earlier, waiting is the worst part of the process. I will be praying! Just update us when you are able! {{{hugs}}}

  16. Cathey - I am happy that your surgery is going to happen real soon. The anticipation can be difficult. It will be a relief for you that you have two sets of parents helping with the little one.
    I will pray that all goes well. Take good care of yourself.

  17. Good news. We'll be thinking about you. Wishing you a healthy speedy recovery.

  18. Happy Belated Birthday!!

    Glad your test came back with low levels. That is encouraging.

    Continued thoughts and prayers going your way.

  19. I am still praying for all of you. I think with your determination you will be out quickly!

  20. Best wishes to you! I hope it's a smooth surgery and recovery with the best possible outcome!

  21. Fingers and toes crossed for a speedy recovery and an overall good outcome!!! I'll be thinking of you...

  22. Wishing you all the best Cathey. Sending hugs your way.

  23. My prayers and positive thoughts will be with you :o) I will be thinking of you tomorrow and over the next few days/weeks while you're in recovery mode. You'll be back home with that gorgeous little boy before you know it.
    Hugs xx

  24. Wonderful news. Take care. Will be thinking of you. Junior will be in very good hands and probably spoilt rotten.

  25. Good luck hun; will keep you in our prayers..

    Hugs, Shar

  26. Oh Bless you, I would like to hug you in person,:0( but know I am sending you positive thoughts and wishing you all the best(HUGS)

  27. All my positive thoughts are now crossing the ocean to reach you...
    In fact they are constantly crossing the ocean to reach you =)
    Junior is in good hands and you will be together quickly
    take care
    lot's of love

  28. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering if you had a date scheduled yet. Good luck with the surgery. I'm sure junior will be completley spoiled by the time you get home.

  29. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like your little guy will be in great hands.

  30. Prayer headed your way, you have a wonderful attitude about this and I pray you enjoy all the years of raising your son.

  31. I will be thinking about you and holding good thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome.

  32. A lot of positive signs, not the least of which is your attitude. I'll be thinking of you and sending the best thoughts I have!

  33. Cathey I am still praying for all of you. Junior will be well taken care of but it must cause such anxiety to be away from him. I will be watching for you update while praying all the while. ♥

  34. Some good news , fingers crossed that it is all like that .
    Good luck with the surgery and recovery. Take care ,XXX

  35. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Cathey, and sending all positive thoughts your way. I'm sure the grandparents will delight in each moment spent caring for Junior :)

    Take care, my friend...

  36. Thinking of you dear Pumpkin. You have such a wonderful positive attitude {{{{hugs}}}}

  37. Good luck tomorrow!! At least the blood test results are positive news and well it takes away one of the biggest risks with taking Tomoxifen. I'd sign up for one too if they'd let me before 40, however the last surgery seems to be doing it's job.

    Hopefully it won't be the full 5 days, I was ready to peel after my section after 3 nights, the only thing that kept me in was a pregnancy related complication.

    It's also fabulous you have a resource to talk about the experience with. You'll just have to get DH to get you an iPhone so you can watch lil pumpkin on the webcam :)

  38. So glad you are able to get in earlier than later for the surgery! I will be thinking of tomorrow. You are everyones thoughts.

  39. Lots and lots of good thoughts for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*

  40. We'll be keeping the prayer circles going! Know that you and your doctor will be in our thoughts. Until you post again - stay strong.


  41. Our prayers are with you!!

  42. Hang in there! I'm praying for you and your entire family.

  43. Excellent news Cathey. I knew your birthday was approaching and I'm so pleased you had something to celebrate on your big day.
    Good luck with the surgery - I will be thinking of you. You're right - after childbirth this will be a doddle! ;0)

  44. I shall be thinking of you. xxxx

  45. Finally, some good news! With all the prayers and warm thoughts headed your way, things can't help but go well for you. I'll be thinking of you and will continue to keep my prayers going. I hope you have a swift recovery. Junior will be in excellent company while you're gone!

  46. Praying for a quick recovery!! I'm glad you got some good news regarding the low levels for the ovarian cancer test. Thinking of all of you!!! Hang in there!

  47. called in to give a ((((huge hug))))) and to say thinking about you all day :)
    glad to hear every one is mucking in and helping out and do as your told after ok :)
    take care and squeak to you soon :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  48. I'll be thinking of you today.

  49. Drove by the hospital today after spending a bit of time at The Halifax Market and thought about you.....will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.....take care!!

  50. "I gave birth to an 8 lb 10 oz baby, so this should be a breeze...right?" hahahaha you made me laugh with that :D but It's true!! ;)
    I'm sending loads of positive thoughts on your way, everything will work out great and time goes so fast! Soon you'll be back home with JĂșnior :)
    I'll keep sending you emails but you know ---- don't worry! Reply whenever you can, i just want you to smile when you read my messages :) hugeeeeee hug to you my friend! Stay strong and confident!

  51. I'm behind in my reader...again. I hope everything went well and you recover very quickly. *hugs*

  52. {{{{{Big Hugs}}}}} to you, Cathey. Just read this. I'm so behind on my blog reading. So how did the appointment go? Hope the results were good news. My thoughts are with you. All the best.


  53. I'm an so sorry to read what has been going on with you. I haven't been visiting many blogs lately due to ill health but my problems pale against yours. Good luck with everything. Take care:)

  54. Just catching up on blog reading, I hope that all has gone well with your surgery. Sending good thoughts, warm hugs and healing prayers..

  55. Much love to you and your family. I hope all went well and you are starting your healing process and will soon be home with your family.

  56. You have so much to look forward to with raising your sweet little man....this new ordeal should be treated as just another bump in the road of prayers are for you, you can do it!

  57. I often think about you and pray for you and know lots of people are doing the same ♥ Sending lots of positive thoughts !!! Hugs ♥

  58. I hope all went well and your prognosis is good. Much love.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)