
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The Final Countdown

We're in the homestretch now! Seven more days until my actual due date but I want this over with NOW! Please, please, please! I really shouldn't complain since most of my pregnancy has been a good one but I think it's time for the hotel to close and for Junior to move out ;o)

Since my last post, we've had two appointments and Junior has passed his tests with flying colors. I think our boy is going to be an A-1 student ;o) We got an ultrasound picture of his sweet little face last Thursday but unfortunately due to my limitations, I haven't been able to scan it so I can't share it with you all :o( I guess that just means you'll have to wait for a real picture!

Last week the doctor did an exam and told us that I was dilated the thickness of a fingernail but that my cervix was very thin (good thing). Junior has also dropped into my pelvis and was in a -1 position. For those of you not familiar with this (we had to look it up), hopefully this picture will give you a better idea -


The doctor also stated that she won't let me go much over my due date. I'm not thrilled about being induced but I sure would like this over with. The anticipation is killing us! Our next appointment is tomorrow afternoon. We have our bags packed and they will be coming with us just in case. Fingers crossed we won't be coming home ;o)

I'm getting quite shack wacky though because I've officially given up driving. It seems that driving aggravates my chest pain (muscular skeletal), along with a lot of other things, so I'm pretty much a couch potato now. Let me tell you, there is a lot of crap on daytime TV! LOL! At least I can still stitch and that's been keeping my mind off of things. Of course I'm WAY behind on my Blog posts so you haven't seen what I've been up to. DH is just as frustrated as I am. We're both anxious to meet this sweet little boy :o)

Just a warning...if I drop out of contact, I'm either too tired to respond to emails or Junior has finally arrived. I'm not on the computer very much anymore so I'm very behind in emails and Blog reading, although I am trying to do a bit of both when I feel up to it. I'll try to keep everyone as updated as I can and as quickly as I can. Thank you for all the wonderful and supporting comments my friends :o)


  1. Wishing you all the best most of all an easy delivery. Can't wait to meet junior!

  2. Hang in there!

    I hope all goes well with the delivery.

    I was induced twice. Isn't wasn't nearly as bad as all the horror stories I'd heard.

  3. Good luck Cathey! Hope all goes well with Junior's arrival!

  4. Oh, how exciting Cathey!!! And I love the pics of Junior's gorgeous did that turn out??!! Can't wait to see pics of your sweet little boy...I will keep all three of you in my thoughts and prayers :o)

  5. Hang in there! Can't wait to meet him.

  6. Very exciting time! Glad to hear that things are in good shape and here's hoping things continue to go well.

  7. Well Cathey, I will be praying for all three of you. So close now. It would be great if it is tomorrow. Stitch while you can.;) Take care and Easter blessings to you.

  8. Awww, when I saw that you'd updated I wondered if Junior had made an appearance! Today would have been great as it's my birthday! Never mind. Good luck with the next week or so. If Junior is -1 station I think he may be making an appearance before April 11th! X

  9. oooooo am getting excited toooo to see junior :).... fingers and paws crossed all goes well for you ....
    and let us know as soon as poss that he is here and you are both ok :) and a few details would be nice too heheheheh love mouse xxxx

  10. Wishing you an easy delivery! Can't wait to see photos.
    Much love,

  11. All the best Cathey to you, hubby and Junior. I also can't wait for this pregnancy to be over to see the peanut, who is going to be very handsome and a definite A1 student. Happy Easter.
    LiBBiE in Oz
    PS Finally got your Chrissie card, can you believe it! Love IT, and so did the long dogs. Although I am sure people are going to think I am strange with a Chrissie card on my mantle :@

  12. This is an exciting time! I wish you an easy delivery.

    I know how exhausting it is with a newborn (or any small child) so I am not expecting much from you for a while! You take care and visit with us when you are able. Wish you lived closer...I'd bring dinner. And paper plates =)

  13. Well thank you VERY MUCH. Now I have that Final Countdown song stuck in my head. :D I can't wait to meet Junior! :) Take care!

  14. All the best. I hope your delivery is ordinary and not dramatic! Can't wait to see the little guy.

    Be well...


    P.S. There's a lot of crap on TV at night, too!

  15. Good to hear from you. I've been wondering how things were going. Won't be long now. I'm anxious to see the little guy too :-) Wishing you the best blog bud!

  16. Oh good lucky Cathey. I hope he comes sooner than later.


  17. You, Paul, and Junior are always in my thoughts, Cathey! Can't wait to meet him and learn his name!! Hugs to you, my friend...

  18. Praying and thinking good thoughts my dear!

  19. Good luck, hope everything goes well....and quickly!

  20. Wishing you all the best! Hugs and prayers headed your way! Looking forward to "meeting" your little one!

  21. I wish you the best hun and hope things go smooth for you and your little man...I just sent you a e-mail.

    Hugs, Shar

  22. Cathey, I hope you have a quick and easy delivery of that bouncing baby boy. You know if you don't want to be induced, you could find a therapist that does reflexology and that can help bring him along in a natural way. That way you shouldn't have to worry about anything unless he decides he is too big and they decide that you need a C section. Looking forward to meeting this little guy.

  23. Don't worry about online activities for now, Cathey. Just take good care of yourself. Can't wait to see photos. Having my fingers crossed everything will go smoothly. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


  24. Thinking about you...hope all goes well in the days ahead...and looking forward to an update when there's news to share :)

  25. Good luck all of you :))
    Hope to hear great news soon (and see Junior's photo too!)


  26. Hope your delivery is easy and i can't wait to see pictures! Hugs, Deborah

  27. Take care, Cathey! Fingers crossed all goes smoothly!!

  28. It must be spring babies are everywhere. Enjoy the anticipation, things go by so fast after they arrive.

  29. Ooh, so close! How exciting. Hope the birth goes well, and can't wait to see Junior!

  30. Wishing you an early delivery tomorrow!! lol

  31. Can't wait to meet Junior. Hope everything goes well for you. Take Care.

  32. Having no news from you here since March 21st I thought Junior decided to leave the hotel to discover his wonderful bedroom =D
    Only a few days now...
    Be patient sweetie, and take care, doesn't matter if you can't come and visit us :)
    big big hugs from France

  33. Wishing you all the best and looking forward to meeting Junior:)

  34. Sending lots of good luck wishes your way. I hope all goes well and hubby is a tower of strength for you. A very special time for you both meeting your baby for the first time. I'm so looking forward to seeing the little chap.
    Rest plenty in those first few weeks, you will need all the energy you can muster to care for yourself and your new addition.
    much love xxx

  35. I can't believe it is time for him to meet the world already. Sending good thoughts that all goes well with delivery. Take care.

  36. So exciting. Stay rested, you're going to need it.

  37. I just popped over to see if Junior had arrived yet... anxiously awaiting pictures!

    Wishing you an easy delivery and a quick recovery!

  38. Can't wait to meet Junior!!! :D
    Hugs to you sweetie!!!

  39. This is so much fun (for me -lol)
    It is soooooo worth it
    Best Wishes ;)

    Happy Easter

  40. Can't wait till Junior makes his appearance. Take care.

  41. Best wishes Cathey for a safe and uneventful delivery! Looking forward to seeing the wee one!

  42. Waiting with bated breath for the big announcement!!!!
    Best wishes Cathey.

  43. I'll be thinking of you this weekend and hope that all goes well when your lovely boy arrives!
    Hang in there and hopefully the next time we hear from you, you'll have a picture for us!

  44. News from Junior??? :)

    Sweet Easter to you :)

  45. Wishing you the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!!! :)

  46. I've been thinking of you a lot lately. And waiting for your news ...

  47. How exciting!! I can't wait for you to have Junior too!! Looking forward to seeing your pictures!!

  48. Thinking of you as the excitement of Junior's pending arrival approaches!

  49. Hope all is going well & that Junior has arrived safe & sound ;0). All the best to you, hubby & Junior during this very exciting & no doubt exhausting time! See you soon ;0)

  50. I am getting excited for you, Gosh I remember 15 years ago when I was expecting my first, oh Cathey soon you'll hold your babe in your arms!!! Good Luck!!!

  51. Read the post. I see that you are three days past your due-date and hope that that means you are cuddling a certain small man! Congratulations to you and your husband.

  52. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little one .
    All the best to you and your family!!

  53. Congratulations! I see the note that Jr. is 4 DAYS OLD! YIPPEE! Hope you and baby are doing very well!

  54. Hope things are going well , and Junior has made his appearance.
    Take care .XXX

  55. Hey! I've been thinking of you guys, I've been looking for an updated post with baby photo's
    I hope things are all well and take your time posting, no rush, lol

  56. Hi Cathey! Just checking in you all! Congratulations!

  57. Been thinking about you too Cathey. I hope everything has gone well and your darling baby boy has finally made an appearance. Can;t wait to see some photos, hugs!

  58. Congratulations. Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to see the little guy in his awesome nursery.


  59. Hope all is going well...have been thinking about you :)

  60. I am guessing that the baby is here and all is busy and well!!!!!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)