
Thursday, February 09, 2012

The Countdown Is On!

I know I'm late in posting this but hey, better late than never ;o) LOL! Last Tuesday, DH and I had another check up at the IWK and I got him to take another picture of me. I'm starting to look a bit tired now -


But guess what? That was me at 30 weeks so the countdown is on! People are still surprised that I'm that far along when they see me so that makes me feel good ;o)

The appointment went very well and my doctor is still very pleased with my progress. The second gestational diabetes test came back negative, as I predicted. That was definitely NOT a fun three hours. My leg/pelvis pain has shifted to my right leg and really packs quite a punch of pain :o( I'm still avoiding too much walking or stairs. I can hardly lift that leg now. I'm one unhappy Pumpkin! I was hoping that when Junior moved it would go away but not so. He moved position on Tuesday and is now vertical. I'm not sure where his head is yet but hopefully he's upside down ;o) LOL!

We've taken in two prenatal classes so far and I have to say it hasn't been too bad. Interesting people to say the least...

DH continues to work on the nursery and I should have pictures soon :o) The crib arrived yesterday! We haven't opened the box yet but I hope it's what we want. The cushions for the rocker would have been here today but I wasn't home. Hopefully they will arrive tomorrow. I was really surprised that they came so soon so fingers crossed they look good!

I put through TWO FULL loads of clothes in the wash for Junior. And that was only everything up to six months! This child is going to be a clothes horse but then that's not surprising if he takes after his daddy ;o)

I have finally finished and put together Junior's Noah's Crew and I will be posting pictures of it soon!!!!


  1. So excited for you and your DH and counting down with you ~ stay well xxx

  2. Great pic. You will be needing all the clothes you can get, with how messy little ones are. Looking forward to seeing pics of his room. Sorry you are still uncomfortable.

  3. The time left will fly by and all the pain and suffering will soon be forgotten:)

  4. I sometimes wish I could be pregnant again. I really did love it. Two girls is really enough. Loving every minute of it, well most minutes.
    Looking great, Cathey.

  5. Wow, so many good news! 30 weeks! Congratulations! You look great :)

    Hope to see a lot of photos soon :)


  6. Looking great! Glad to hear everything is going so well. Won't be long now... I can hardly wait to see the little fella :-)

  7. Counting down with you. Won't be much longer. I am so excited for you.

  8. You look great! Enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. Little one will be out of your belly soon enough and then you will be really tired LOL

  9. Glad to hear everything is moving along as planned. How fun to set up the nursery. Enjoy.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  10. Look forward to seeing pics of the nursery! I'm so happy for you.


  11. You look great. Glad to hear everything is going well. Look forward to seeing the nursery. Babies go through a lot of clothes.

  12. You're looking fabulous Cathey. Not too long to go.

  13. Woo hoo you looking blooming fantastic!!!

  14. you looking so sweet..glad to hear that everything is fine,,
    sending you hugs
    keep well xxx

  15. That is a beautiful bump... ;o) Good luck on the last stretch - don't take that too literally... LOL!!

  16. What a great photo. You look wonderful xx

  17. I think you are a good looking pumpkin, even if you are a tired pumpkin. Time sure is flying :@

    LiBBiE in Oz

  18. woo hooo I can see a bump sorry to hear you having probs with the legs and hips etc ... good excuse to get some stitching done though heheheh ....
    ooooo wash days .. lines full of wee outfits blowing in the wind is lovely ....
    glad tests came back negative too ...
    and coooo not long to go now :) love mouse xxxx

  19. I hope you'll share some pics from the nursery too =) Isn't that so fun? Put all together for the little peanut to arrive :D
    Enjoy every step sweetie!! :D

  20. You look great!

    It won't be long now.

  21. Not much longer now :) You look radiant :)

  22. Counting with you! We still haven't ordered the crib and things, just the bedding. And I'm afraid to wash anything clothes-wise til we know how big he or she will be, all we know is "big and tall" so have been trying to go for bigger sizes. so happy for you.

  23. You look adorable, Cathey! I will enjoy counting down with you! I hope Junior moves soon so it will relieve some of the pain you're having. If it was only true "It's not how you feel, it's how you look" that mattered, you'd be good to go 'cause you look GREAT!

  24. It's great to hear everything is going well...I am looking forward to pictures of your little guy. I hate to say it but if you think you're tired now...:)

  25. How great all is going well with you and the baby..
    have fun with teh baby room, and al others things around the liitle guy..
    Enjoy it

  26. You look so happy! :) EXCITEMENT

  27. You are going to be a wonderful Mommy!

  28. Your home sounds like a beehive of activity preparing for the arrival of your little one, Cathey!! I can't believe he'll be here in two months!! You look amazing--keep up the great work :)

  29. You look fabulous! I have always thought it funny, that they prep you with all the prenatal classes and once the baby is here, they send you home without a manual!

  30. Just look at you and that little pumpkin! I am glad everything is going well for you. Looking forward to seeing some nursery pictures. What color/colors are you using?

  31. You're looking so good. It's just bad that you have that pain in your leg and pelvis, but hey, it's just for a short time. I wish you all the very very best for the next weeks.

  32. Your looking great, I can see that glow
    Enjoy your free time

  33. You must be getting so excited now! You look fantastic! I just hope your discomfort eases some.

  34. Looking good girl! Happy to hear things are going so well. Sending hugs

  35. Yep you now definitely have a pumpkin in the oven! Loving the bump :0) All that washing & bub isn't even here yet!

  36. Soooooooooooo excited for you!!!! :)

  37. You look great!! When I was pregnant with my twins, one of them was lying so low that oh my gosh, it felt like they could reach out a hand and help me pull up my pants. LOL The pain was really bad. I loved taking baths--it helped ease the pain a bit.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)