
Monday, January 23, 2012

Twentieth Finish For 2011

FINALLY! Here is THE LAST finish for 2011. This is Snow Friends by Bent Creek -


I love these kits because you don't have to go hunting around for all your supplies. Plus, I enjoy stitching on 18 count linen with pearl cotton every once in awhile for a nice change of pace :o)


I have the frame for this piece but it's just a wee bit too small :o( I think I'm going to re-stitch this piece on a smaller count so not all is lost!

Third trimester has brought with it some unpleasant things. That wonderful energy I had is now zapped :o( I can't believe how good I felt for those few months! But I can overlook the fatigue; it's the pelvic pain that has me screaming at times. It feels like someone is tearing my legs from my body! Ugh! This has made getting around difficult, especially stairs.

At least this has given me more time to stitch ;o) So that means that very shortly, I can share with you my 2012 stitching!


  1. Sorry about the pelvic pain. On the up side more stitching gets done. Once JR arrives you will have very little time for stitching. Be well.

  2. it is a very sweet finish..
    i hope your pain finish soon..
    take care..
    hugs xxx

  3. A gorgeous finish. Hope the pelvic pain goes soon.

  4. What an adorable pattern!! I love this one!! Sorry to hear that you are having bad pelvic pain. I hope you rest and take it easy!!!

  5. That is just the cutest finish! The penguin just melts my heart.

    I feel so bad for you having to go through this more painful period. Rest up and I'll try telepathing some positive energy to you!

  6. Very cute finish! Sorry about the pelvic pain but more stitchy time is good! Enjoy while you can, your stitchy time will be limited once the baby comes!

  7. Love your wee snowman!! I am working on your 19th finish and love stitching it but have run out of 'juniper' so will have to wait a bit . All the best with the wee pumpkin in your life! hope you are able to get around more easily soon .

  8. I hope you'll feel better soon sweetie =/
    Your stitching is so cute!!! =) adorable!
    I'm still behind on HRules :p But there's still time til the end of the month.. I hope! hehehe ;)
    Hugs&Smiles to you

  9. Oh, Cathey! I hope the pelvic pain goes away - I don't remember having that but I had other pains, I guess. Your finish is adorable. And, like everyone else has said, enjoy the stitching while you can. It's hard to find the time or energy after babies arrive.

  10. Sorry to hear about the pain. Hopefully soon it will ease! Your finish is adorable - love the penguin.

  11. I think the third trimester is crappy to make you want to get it over and have the baby! I had terrible back pain with my second, so I hear ya lady! Take heart; enjoy your stitching, and know that every pain is soooo worth it when you get to meet your baby. There's no love like it:)

  12. Sorry you are having discomfort. I hope you feel better. Great job on your stitching, that is a really cute one.

  13. This is precious! That penguin is sweet and the snowman's multicolored scarf is wonderful!!

    So sorry to hear you've started having pain. I remember round ligament pains that made me wish someone WOULD take my legs off. It passed quickly (not quick enough) after my body adjusted to the bigger heavier load it had to carry but it was agonizing to go through. I pray yours feels better soon!

  14. Adorable snowman.
    Would you be able to tell me where I might be able to find the chart "Rabbit Egg" by Elisa Tortonesi. I have admired your finish but cant seem to find it in the online shops. Many thanks

  15. Oh, what a sweet finish, Cathey! I've never worked with pearl cotton, but it really makes a spectacular finish. I love the multi-colored scarf on the snowman :)

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear your energy burst has disappeared. Please rest and don't push yourself too much. It's hard to believe your little one will be here in less than three months!

  16. Another great finish! Hope you are feeling better soon....happy stitching.

  17. Your little snow buddies are so cute.
    Sorry you are feeling uncomfortable.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  18. Adorable finish Cathey! I have a couple of the zipper kits down in the bottom of my stash. I'd forgot all about them until I saw yours.

    Sorry to hear that you're feeling some discomfort and fatigue now. Enjoy your quiet stitching time for you'll be busy once more soon enough.

  19. Another wonderful finish! Rest and take it easy--while you still can! : ) And, I hope the pain gets better soon.

  20. Cute little snowman.
    Rest lots, it will all be worth it when your little bundle arrives.

  21. Such a cute and lovely finish!
    Love both the snowman and the pinguin :)


  22. What an adorable it!

    <> so sorry that you are having pain and discomfort...hope you find some relief soon!

  23. Cute finish!

    Sorry to read about your third trimester issues. You're on the home stretch now!

  24. He is adorable!!!
    Such a cute pattern =))

    I hope you feel better and lesser tired soon.. but more time to stitch... let your SIL, or MIl do the housecleaning or DH.. and you can sit and stitch, and watch how they

  25. I do hope that the pain subsides as your body adjusts. You will most certainly forget it all about it once the baby arrives!

  26. Super adorable finish!
    Hope you are feeling better soon. Like, sooner than childbirth time, you know? Take it easy, chicky!!

  27. Love, love, love your Snow Buddies finish. It is so sweet!

    I hope your pain subsides soon.

  28. This is such a cute design. Sorry to hear about your third trimester pains. Hope it subsides soon.


  29. congrats on such a cute finish.....I feel your pain(I remember it even after 16 years). They have belly support strap(kind of like a garter belt) to help with the support

  30. Congrats on the finish! Very nice. Also congrats on the bundle. 3rd trimester... what makes us want to get it over with. Sorry the romantic part of pregnancy is over with :(
    Take good care!

  31. what a cute little penguin!!!!
    its a great finish to 2011

  32. Such a sweet finish and a great start with the LK Halloween SAL!! I hope baby starts behaving himself... ;o)

  33. Hi Pumpkin,
    Love the snowman finish, so cute! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Take it easy.
    Donna in WV

  34. Such a cute finish! Sorry to hear about the pelvic pain. You might consider trying a maternity support belt such as prenatal cradle-which is the actual name-you can google of course! ;-)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)