
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The N Crew

Can you believe that it's the end of January already???? Where has the time gone? I thought that I would sneak in one more post before the start of February :o)

So who are these characters -


Aren't they cute? These are some of the pieces to Noah's Crew by Imaginating. I started this project about four years ago (ack!) and it quickly became a UFO :o( With Junior on the way, I figured this was a perfect piece to go in the nursery so I got my butt in gear and dug it out again.

There are thirteen pieces in all and I'm finished eleven of them! Only two more to go. DH has already put the shelf on the ark so I'm ready to assemble it once I'm done stitching. Yes, there is actually a wooden ark! Check out the picture here for what it will look like when completed.

Some of you may notice a bit of a difference in Noah's robe and you're right, I did change the colors to suit the colors of the nursery :o) I'm quite pleased with the results. For those of you interested in how they convert to DMC, it's 3013 and 3865. LOL!

Later today DH and I go to the IWK for another check up. It will be a quick trip to the big city but that's all my body can handle right now. We also start our prenatal classes tomorrow. That should be interesting...


  1. Love Noah and all the animals. Can't wait to see the whole thing finished.

  2. That is going to look great in his room. Looking forward to a pic of it completed. Hope all goes well at your appointment today.

  3. These are so ppositively adorable.

  4. That will be just adorable in the nursery! I like it!

  5. Love the Noah set, can't wait to see the ark.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  6. This is adorable and will look fab in the nursery! Way to go finishing a WIP and decorating the nursery all at the same time!

  7. They are really sweet, I never seen anything like that before. Hope you have a good appointment and little man is growing big and strong. Not long to go now!

  8. They look cute!! Can't wait to see all the pieces together :)

  9. Very cool. The mothering instinct has kicked in. Knitting booties next?

  10. That is SOOOOO cute! And a wooden ark--how neat!

  11. Aww... Noah's Crew is too cute :-). Hope all goes well at the appt.

  12. This will look so cute in junior's nursery! My favourite is the giraffe.
    I think we're due a 'bump' photo update aren't we?! ;0) I hope your appt went well today. I loved ante-natal classes - husband, not so much!

  13. Noah and the animals are super, that is going to look fantastic when completed and so wonderful in your nursery.

    Hope all goes well at the check up.

  14. What a perfect project. Can't wait to see the finish.

  15. Your Noah's Ark is looking great. I can't wait to see pics of the finished product. Have fun with your classes!! I have another friend that is pregnant and her husband is so afraid that he is going to drop or break the baby. I think I am going to get him a doll for baby shower so he can practice. LOL

  16. What perfect decorations for your little one's room, Cathey! Can't wait to see them all displayed with the ark, too...

    Prenatal classes? Wow! Even though I had them almost 30 years ago, I still remember my breathing exercises! Have fun!!

  17. What a cool and perfect project! Looks great. I can't wait to hear how the classes go!

  18. They are soooo cool and perfect for the event

  19. Wow, where did the time go? I know, easy for me to say. Noah, etc. are very cute.


  20. ooooo that will look gorgeous in the nursery ... really cute :) love mouse xxxxx

  21. Things happen for a reason and you shelving this project when you did was so you could bring it back and finish it for your son. I absolutely love it!

  22. Really cute project, Cathey. AND THERE IS EVEN A MONKEY!!! I hope you will share some pictures of the nursury...*hinty hinty*

  23. Super super cute!!! These will look perfect in his nursery!!!

  24. How cute! Hope all is well with you and junior.


  25. Ha ha super cute!!

    Good luck with the check up

  26. So cute!!! I've never seen anything like this! Adorable Cathey!!! :D

  27. Those figures are so cute - don't forget to show the whole arch when it's finished :)

    Good luck with your class ;)


  28. This is an awesome project for a baby's nursery! I have never seen this before now and it's too cute!

  29. What an awesome project. I love Noah (who doesn't?) and this is just precious! Can't wait to see it all together. Hope you're feeling good - the tired can't be helped!

  30. This is going to be gorgeous when you can put all the little figures on the arch shelf. What a creative thing this is.


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)