
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Caution...B-U-M-P Ahead!

This past Tuesday, I had another check up at the IWK. Before we left, I got DH to take another picture of me so you can see Junior's progress ;o) This is us at 27 weeks -


A little bigger, no? LOL!

The appointment went very well. The doctor is still extremely happy with my progress. I had to do a gestational diabetes blood test and the first one came back on the high side of the cut off line but the second proved it to be a false positive. I figured that was the case. I suspect it was all the candy and chocolate over the holidays ;o)

The nurse located Junior's heartbeat and it still remains strong. He kept avoiding her though so she had to keep moving the Doppler around. BOTH of us weren't happy when she decided to see if she could feel where his head was! I suspected it was on the right hand side and was right. That was until she found him and then he kept moving again to avoid her. LOL!

He definitely is an active one! I told DH that I hope this isn't an indication of what's to come... Our next check up is on January 31.

DH took this week off so we could do some baby things. Today he's putting the second coat of paint on the nursery :o) We chose Secret Garden by Beauti-Tone as the base and will accent that with stripes along the top of the wall with Muddy Waters (Beauti-Tone). I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet or not but the theme of the nursery is monkeys :o) Junior got his first stuffed monkey for Christmas and I found THE MOST adorable onesie with monkeys on it -


LOL! LOVE IT! He's our little monkey boy for sure :o)

I still have two more 2011 finishes to show you and my current WIPs. See, I wasn't kidding when I said I was way behind on my Blogging!


  1. How cute, love the monkey theme. Glad to hear everything is coming along just fine.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. Monkeys...too cute. Love it! And aren't you looking great - 13 more weeks to go!

  3. That is one uper nice baby bump! LOL! Junior sounds like he is pretty active. Or maybe he just likes his personal space and don't mess with him! Huggles.

  4. Your looking great.
    Glad you and little monkey (hihi) are doing OK!!!
    What a cutie monkey and onies...
    Have fun and enjoy!!!!!

  5. aww so sweet..i love monkey theme so cute..
    so glad to hear that everything is fine..
    sending you hugs cucki xx

  6. Glad to hear that everyone is well. You look great!

  7. You look wonderful:) Before you know it you'll have a wee bundle to hold. The monkey is so cute and I love the onesie.

  8. Great to hear that everything went well with your appointment, and you have one healthy, active little man. Love the theme of monkey's, and how small and cute is that babygrow.

  9. Great picture of your bump. Love the onesie and monkey.

  10. well I can just about tell peanut is growing ... stand next to something that isn't the same colour as your tee shirt .. glad check up went well and love his nursery theme .... love mouse xxxx
    ps can you send me your snail mail addy while I remember heheheh :)

  11. Love the monkey theme. I am so glad that you and Jr. are doing well. You look soooo happy.

  12. I'm so glad you're both doing well.

    The nursery is going to be so cute!

  13. Well I am sure she wouldn't want poking when she is comfy!!!
    Aww cute Monkey designs, cool!!
    You look radiant!!

  14. Nice baby bump! And, the bump does looks a little bigger, for sure!! : )

    Monkeys is such a cute and fun theme for the nursery!

  15. You are looking really good!! I love the monkey idea!! Very cute!

  16. awwww! you look amazing :D monkey theme is good for sure, with all that moving around in there he's already using you as a jungle gym! Take care :)

  17. So glad you and the little one are doing well. Sounds like he is hyper already. ;) Love the monkey theme.

  18. You're still small enough to be enjoying it, lol. Just you wait!! You'll be so eager to have him by forty weeks that you'll be begging to go in to labor! I hope you both do well all the way through. Enjoy as much of it as you can, and when he starts keeping you awake at night, press your belly up against your dh so he can share in the fun!

  19. You look real healthy, god news all is going well.

  20. I love your photo :D One year ago, you'd never imagine to start 2012 with a big bump! hahahaha :D
    I love the monkey theme!!! so cute =) Great idea!! :D

  21. Great to hear your update, Cathey--and you look wonderful... Hard to believe, your own little monkey will be here in three months, isn't it?

    I love your monkey theme and the room colors are great...

    I had the same gestational diabetes scare with my last one, but it also proved to be a false positive after the second test. He was just a very big baby... almost 9 pounds coming from little old me! Almost 1 1/2 pounds larger than either of my other two!

    Keep up the good work, my friend :)

  22. You look great! I'm glad to hear things are progressing well.
    The monkey theme is a great idea. I love that little onesie!!
    I'm looking forward to seeing pics of your nursery when it's complete.

  23. You are looking fantastic Cathey! I'm so glad that everything is going well.

    What a cute little monkey and onesie!

  24. Awww, you & Jr are just too cute...and the monkey theme is adorable!! Be sure to give us a "nursery room reveal" when it's all done...I bet is going to be lovely!

    Stay healthy & happy my friend!!

  25. MONKEYS??? Simply adorable! What a darling theme.

    Super glad to hear everything is going so well.

  26. Looking great girl :-) glad to hear you've been doing well too. I love the monkeys!

  27. Good to hear that all is going well. You look fantastic.
    LOVE the monkey and his onesies.

  28. Awwwww, it is so exciting!!!! You look fantastic. I love your latest finish, you do amazing work. Have a great weekend.

  29. Baby is growing! Your monkey theme is adorable. I had Elmo with my last one which was 14 years ago! Yikes!

  30. You look fabulous!! Good to hear everything is going well for you and the wee one. The monkey theme is adorable! My gf has tons of monkeys for his son. There's definitely no shortage of cute monkey stuff out there!!

  31. great to see a picture! You looks so happy and healthy.

    Monkeys, apropriate, since he wanted to play "stay away" with the nurse, hahaha

    Your finished Christmas banner lokks spectacular :)

  32. OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a BOMB !!!!! I'm back to the blogging world to see this AMAZING! WONDERFUL ! INCREDIBLE news !!! I have teary eyes right now ! I am sooooooooooooo happy for you two. OMG ! OMG !!!! Will I ever get over it ??? :D

    Hugs ♥


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)