
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Santa's New Entryway

Another successful Christmas has come and gone. As always, it was here and gone before we knew it! This year, my parents were here for the holidays and we had a very nice visit with them :o) They even gave Junior his first Christmas present! LOL! He got a HUGE stuffed monkey and I'm sure he'll love it when the time comes and he can lay right on top of it :o)

As I mentioned in my previous post, DH and I had already bought our Christmas gifts for each other and got to enjoy them even before the big day. Each year we buy ourselves a pewter ornament for the tree and this year it was two chickadees -


It signifies that this will be our last Christmas as two ;o)

We also bit the bullet and put in a propane fireplace!


It may be hard to tell but DH had to build out the wall around the fireplace and it's not complete. I wouldn't let him do any sanding because I had just put up all the decorations and cleaned the house ;o) Remember the white mantle? Well, it's been stripped (partially) and whittled down. I love the look but we're still not sure if we'll repaint it or stain it. We also still have to pick out some tile to put around the fireplace insert.

And do you notice the area rug? That's my new $3,000.00 addition! Nope, I'm not kidding! Did we pay $3,000.00? Are you crazy? LOL! When we were searching out area rugs, I came across this great site called Rugs On Time. The real price? Just $421! That included free shipping, no tax and a free under cushion. How awesome is that?

I've still got loads to share but I'm still catching up with my Blog reading. Hopefully my Blog won't be as neglected in the New Year ;o)


  1. Your fireplace and new rug look fabulous! I know you are enjoying that wonderful warm fire. Happy New Year!

  2. wishing you a very happy new year..
    love and hugs cucki xx

  3. Loving your area rug pumpkin & the fireplace looks lovely.

  4. What a cute pewter ornament for your Christmas tree.

    Love your rug and fireplace, looks very cosy. Don't you just love getting a bargain!

    2012 is going to be a big year for you and I am sure it will be wonderful. Happy new year!

  5. Love the fireplace and the rug! When the time comes, you'll have to show a picture of the baby with his monkey!

  6. ooooo love the fireplace and can't wait to see peanut and the new monkey :) wishing you a wonderful and hopefully very stitchy new year ;) love mouse xxxx

  7. Love your new ornament. Glad you had a wonderful visit with your family. Your fireplace and new rug are so pretty. Awesome deal on the rug. Happy New Year!

  8. WOW what an amazing year you have ahead of you, Christmas will be soo different from now on.
    Congratulations and enjoy!

  9. Happy new year.... I know 2012 will be a special one for you and your family.

  10. Love the new rug! Got us a new one the other night, just a bit of change.
    Happy New Year to you & your DH!

  11. Happy New Year! Love the new touches in your home. I can't believe the deal you got on the rug!

  12. Happpy New Year!!! :D
    Baby first Christmas present! so cute =))
    What a great deal!!! :D I hate how rugs cost so much =/
    Your ornament is lovely!!! beautiful =)))

  13. Great progress on your redecorating, Cathey--I need to do some (a lot!!) of that myself!

    I love your newest pewter ornament--next Christmas will indeed be an exciting one for you :)

  14. I wonder if next year the ornament will be a Baby's first christmas one. Love the idea though!!
    Wow that was a bargain rug then!!

    Have a fabulous New Year!!!

  15. Yeah...I can finally comment on blogs again!!!
    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!! Glad your mom and dad spent it in NS with you....and by the way....YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!

    Take care

  16. love the fire place and rug
    Happy New Year.

  17. Happy New Year Cathey & family!!!!

    Your room looks so cozy, can't wait to see the fireplace finished!


  18. A beautiful new ornament for your tree.
    The fireplace looks real cosy.
    2012 is going to be so much fun and hold such wonderful memories for you.

  19. Love the ornament and the sentiment too. The rug is gorgeous and the fire place looks so cozy.

  20. I love your new fireplace and rug!! And, your ornament for the year is especially adorable!

    Happy New Year!!!

  21. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

    The rug is FAB!! I can't believe you got such a great deal on it. Go you!! :)

  22. Love your rug and fireplace. Great deal on the rug!

    Your new ornament is beautiful. Next year you can get an ornament with 3 snowmen!

  23. Your room looks wonderful! Hope you feel good :)

    Happy New Year to you and all your family (and future little one too :) )


  24. Oh, I so loved to see your picture in one of the previous posts. You look great with your baby belly.
    You have some great embellishments added to your living room. Enjoy the new look!

  25. Hi Pumpkin!
    I love your chickadee ornament! I've been gathering up bird ornaments the past year or so. I plan on having a tree with just them on it. The fireplace looks nice, I see my little blue bear on the mantle :)
    Happy New Year!
    Donna in WV

  26. I love your new fireplace and that rug too. It's gorgeous! Thanks for the link to where you found it. I'm thinking of putting a rug on the hardwood in our living room.

  27. My in-laws have a summer home on Tancook Island and they bring us back an Amos Pewter ornament for Christmas every year. This year I got a snowman. Seems like I already posted this to your comments, so if I did, please disregard. HEEHEE.

  28. I remember the mantle. Looks great all sanded. The fireplace looks good and warm. I'm the color green ;)
    Last year as two... but three is soooo much fun!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)