
Monday, October 17, 2011

Thanks A Bunch!

WOW! I am truly touched with all the comments that were left on my last post :o) So much support and so many well wishes. Thank you! I am still sifting through comments and meeting new Stalkers so please bear with me. I'm almost caught up with my emails but my Blog reading is behind...again. I know, I know, what else is new?

Tomorrow DH and I are off to the IWK for another appointment. This one should just be routine. It's kind of wearing thin driving to Halifax every two weeks but at least I know I'm getting good care. I thank my doctor for that because I was a complete basket case when she first met me but she got me back on track.

Yes, I was just a 'tad' overwhelmed when we found out I was pregnant. I can't tell you how many times I looked at that pee stick, then back at the instructions. Looked at the pee stick again, then back at the instructions. Hoping somewhere along the line, I read the instructions wrong ;o) I even asked DH to double check that I was reading things right. Of course my family doctor's office must think I'm right out to lunch because I called them up first thing and wanted to know how accurate a pregnancy test was. Needless to say, there was just laughter on the other end of the phone.

I always knew there was a lot to being pregnant but it's definitely not the fairy tale that my mother and my friend K make it out to be! No one told me about the consistent peeing, being oh SO tired all the time, the pulling and stretching of your sides as things grow and best of all, the bowel distension and constipation! Oh what fun! LOL! In the end, at least I'm going to have someone to blame for the 2 am and 4 am wake up snack calls ;o)

In the past little while, I've been lucky enough to win a couple of giveaways :o) The first was one from Lizzie Kate! I won one of the lime green calculators but she also included a free chart in the package -


I thought that was so sweet. Thank you so much :o)

Not too long ago, I was a winner on Andie's Blog and this is what arrived last week -


I know! That red, sparkly fabric is just yummy but I'm having fun with it all ;o) Thank you Andie!

I still have some stitching to show you so stay tuned for more...


  1. All the little hassles will be so worth it when you hold the little bundle of loveliness in your arms for the very first time, that moment is the best EVER!

    I keep thinking that old saying 'breeding like rabbits, hope the bunny I sent you didn't come with 'germs' lol

  2. Congrats on your giveaway wins. What fun!

  3. congratulations dear for winning the giveaway.
    hugs for you xxx

  4. Good to hear that you and Peanut are in good hands. Soon the fairy tale of being pregnant will be over then the real fun will being. Congrats on your contest wins!

  5. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to hear you ask DH to read those instructions! And the laughter from the doctor's office (sorry, totally laughed out loud)

    Hate to tell you this - but you haven't hit the, dare I say it, hemorrhoid phase yet. Glory be! lol

    Beautiful wins! Lucky you!

  6. LOL all the ache and pains are worth it at the end, it must be I did it twice more after the first LOL

    Lucky you winning two giveaways

  7. it will all be worth it.

    For me it was the throwing up everymorning

  8. Oh, I have missed such grandiose news. I congratulate you and I wish to you all the best and health to both of you.

  9. OMG How did I miss this???

    Congrats Cathey and big hugs!!!

  10. I always say there's no kind of tired like a pregnant tired!

    Congrats on your wins :)

  11. Congrats on the wins! You will forget about all those little side effects of being pregnant once you hold that little one in your arms!

  12. Ooooooo, that red sparkly fabric is lush. Lovely giveaway wins, well done.

  13. Oh dear, they are worth it all in the end.... I did it 6 times! (crazy huh?!)
    Congrats on your wins ;)

  14. hehehe .. your tales brought back lots of memories ... it will be worth it honest :) and well done on your wins ... that red fabbie is gorgeous :) take care :) love mouse xxxx

  15. Again, I am just thrilled to hear your great news!! A little peanut on the way....Nothing could be finer!!! Take care of yourself~~~ Faye

  16. Fun story about the pregnancy test :)))
    Congratulations with your wins and waiting to see stitchings :)


  17. Ooh congratulations on the winnings. I hear you about that red fabric. It's completely gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you decide to do with it.


  18. Congratulations on the wins. Don't worry about the tiredness etc, in a few more weeks you'll start to feel better and have more energy....till the last few weeks and it all starts again, lol.

  19. I just found out my co-workers daughter is due the same time as you, Cathey! If it makes you feel any better at all she is pretty much flat in her back with "all day sickness." Things will get better very soon and you'll get more energy back :)

    Lovely wins--enjoy!!

  20. Congratulations on your wins :)

    As others have said you'll soon feel less tired and have bundles of energy :)

  21. Hard to believe now, but eventually you will back on those things quite fondly-LOL Absolutely great wins, loving that red fabric too. What are you going to stitch on it?

  22. Oh the memories!! I gained a 1/2 a shoe size with each boy - yep - a whole size and 1/2 total!! Other parts of my body will never be the same - but I wouldn't trade it for anything on the world!!
    Great goodies!! Can't wait to see something on that red fabric!!

  23. hahahaha you make it all sound so terrible!! ;) LOL

    Congraulations on your prizes!! Lucky girl :D
    wowww!! what fabric is that?!?! is that linen, jobelan.. how is that so red and sparkly?! LOL I can't even imagine how it is to stitch on that :p heheh

  24. You think it's "bad" now...just wait! Those last couple weeks about did me in! It's worth it though.

    Lovely giveaways you won! That red fabric, especially ~ wow!

  25. Congratulations on your soon-to-be new addition to the family.

  26. Congratulations on your wins. Lovely fabric - hmmm!

    I guess I forgot about the things you are going through right now, see one forgets those things when the new one arrives. It is all worth it.

    {{{Hugs and Lots of Love}}}

  27. Love your new avatar, and widdlytinks family :@ Just think of the wonderful reward you are both going to receive at the end of the journey. Glad to hear you are in good hands.
    LiBBiE in OZ

  28. Enoy your giveaway prizes. The red and blue fabrics are so pretty! Don't worry about all the little hassles of pregnancy. It's all for a good cause :)

  29. Congrats on EVERYTHING!!!! I loved being pregnant ~ yup, I am one of those wierd people.

    Have a great night

  30. Good luck with your pregnancy enjoy it!!
    What a beautifull give-away you won, beautifull fabrics..

  31. All those little aggravations will be soooo worth it! I still remember the feeling of awe when they placed my sons in my arms. Follow your body's cue and get lots of rest.
    Great wins! I love that sparkly fabric too, it's gorgeous.

  32. Lets face it if our mothers told us the whole truth there would be a lot less babies in the world. Thankfully they hold back most of the bad stuff. And thankfully we forget most of the bad stuff and we all have those babies that make our hearts go pitty pat!Enjoy the good things and ignore the bad ones. I have two grown up daughters and when I was pregnant I could not drink coffee or brush my teeth in the morning. When I did try me and the toliet bowl met every time.

  33. Hate I missed this, but congratulations to the winner

  34. Well, wow!! Get behind on blog reading and guess what I find?! CONGRATULATIONS on the bud forming in the pumpkin patch. ;) I'm so happy for you!! Prayers and best wishes going out for you. Enjoy the sleep now!

  35. I don't know how I missed this post, but here's another Congrats on your giveaway wins!!

  36. congrats on the winnings !1 =D

    I know exactly what you mean ...when I thought I was pregnant I didnt want to deal with the pink stick or the two sticks etc pregnancy test I wanted something straight up ...and got it .. when i read the words so clearly PREGNANT i threw it in one of the drawers and closed it lol so i slowly opened the drawer again ..and there it was straight up just staring at me so i closed the drawer and just left it there lol about an hour later i decided to double check and still said the same thing thats when i pulled it out and gave it to the daddy ...his face was funny too lol

    You should read the book baby laughs ...its funny but she talks about some of the things moms dont tells us about being pregnant until it happens ..its like they get amnesia or something =S


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)