
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yup, it's that time of year again! FIVE years! Can you believe that? I've been Blogging for 1-2-3-4... FIVE years :o) Who would have thunk!

These have been the best five years too. I've enjoyed meeting others and sharing the love of stitching with you all. Not only have friendships been made but there is a lot of inspiration out there if you're willing to look :o)

So to celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm giving away a gift certificate to Anita's Little Stitches :o) And thanks (a HUGE thanks) to Anita, it will be a $100 value!!!! Are you doing a little stash dance? LOL! Anita is such a pleasure to deal with and she has a wonderful variety of items in her store. She has 'the most' adorable collection of scissors, not to mention she sells her own designs! Please check her out.

This giveaway will have to strict rules so PLEASE read them carefully!

You MUST be a Pumpkin Stalker, old or new.

You MUST leave me a means of contacting you (somewhere in your post or Profile page) if you are the winner.

You DO NOT need to have a personal Blog to enter.

You MUST have commented on every one of my posts since AND including September 9.

This giveaway is open worldwide but just remember that you will be responsible for your own shipping costs.

If you fail to meet all of the rules, then your name will not be entered. Sorry!

The winner will be drawn on October 4. Good luck everyone. This IS meant to be fun :o)


  1. I'd love to be entered and I stalk you! THANK YOU!

    Thought of you and your dogs. We went to the pound and saw a Heeler that looked yours in color and a black and tan Dachshund as well. I know you miss them so. :-(

  2. I am not meeting all of your rules to get the gift. I am only here to say you "Congratulation!" with your 5 year anniversary. I wish you good luck and many many another good years.

  3. Congrats on five years Cathey, I have certainly loved coming by to see what you are up to.

    What a great giveaway, Anita is so generous and talented.

  4. uhuuuu it's Party time!! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ƪ(˘˛˘)ʃ ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*
    Happy blogversary sweet Pumpkin!!

    Oh my! I got lost with all those scissors! so many and so pretty :) Great store!!
    And that's an amazing gift!!! 0_o Oh well, a girl can dream and try her luck! I'm in!! :)
    Old and active stalker here! ;)

    Good luck to everyone! :)

  5. Congrats on five years of blogging. I am a stalker and would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  6. What a great prize! I just placed an order with Anita yesterday.

    Congrats on five years...keep up the good work. This is a fun place to visit when you post.


  7. Congrats to you! Five years is a lot of blogging. And how kind of you and Anita!

  8. WOW!! Congradulations on five years. Hope I can make it that long. Your giveaway is awesome. Thank you. Please enter me in your giveaway.


  9. Congratulations on your 5 years!!!

    I would love to be entered into this giveaway, so generous!!!

    I am most definately a pumpkin stalker, and I have commented on all your posts since sept 9th :)

    Heres to another 5 years! :D

    Allie xo

  10. Lol I don't think I qualify for the giveaway, but congrats on five years anyway, that is impressive!

  11. Wow, 5 years is a real achievement. I love reading your blog and now commenting!
    Congratulations and thank you for the generous giveaway.

  12. Cathey, How nice of you and Anita. Congrats on 5 years in the blogasphere! I always enjoy reading about your stitching and life's adventures, and am a proud Pumpkin stalker. Here's to another 5 years of blogging!

  13. Congrats on 5 years of blogging. I have been a follower and love your blog.

  14. Wow, five years! Congratulations!

    Anita has a great selection of stitching supplies. I'd love to win.

    Please enter me.

    trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com

  15. Congrats on 5 years of blogging! I hope that you have many more to come. I wasn't sure if I actually commented on all the posts but it looks like I did! woohoo! I'd love a chance at your generous giveaway. Anita is fantastic!

  16. Oh, I'm still here. Congrats on Five Years. Here I am almost 2. Hope I'm still going strong for the next 3. Thanks so much, Pumpkin.

  17. Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary. Although I am a stalker ( all be it a new-ish one) and I have commented on the posts I won't enter as I've only been visiting and commenting for that short amount of time.

  18. ooooooo wow that is a fab giveaway and I think that I have commented on all you posts recently ?? I am a stalker erm follower and woooooo hooo on the five years too :)
    email on my blog :) love mouse xxxxx

  19. Thus is the best! You know that I gave been stalking for quite awhile and I think that I have commented on all the posts, which I would have done anyway. WOW 5 years. Awesome.

  20. OMGoodness, such stringent rules for this wonderful give away...don't think I will qualify...good luck to everyone else!

  21. 5 years . . that is some dedication. Makes me want to look back and see when I started, but the new blogger format isn't doesn't work ha well for me so I'll wait until I have time.

    Anita's is a great site . . thanks for using her as your gift.

  22. The time does go fast when you are blogging doesn't it? congrats!

  23. Congratulations! to five fabulous years of blogging, and many many more
    Keep up the great blogging

  24. Hi Pumpkin! 5 years? Yay, Yay, Yay, Yay, Yay!!!! One of every year of blogging. Someday I may get that far. But first I have to have a blog. I have so enjoyed the short time that I have been here stalking your blog. Your work is beautiful. It is very nice of you and Anita to have this giveaway. I hope I meet the requirements. But if not, I am still happy since I can still stalk you! LOL I hope you have very many more years of happy blogging! Congratulations!!! Nancy

  25. Yay... congrats on your 5 years of blogging. I am most definitely a stalker :) I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.

  26. WOW!!! At first, my big congratulations - 5 years of blogging, fantastic!
    And prize is awesome :) I'd love to win!


  27. WOW 5 years, congrats to you!
    I'm pretty sure I meet all the criteria for a chance to win the giveaway. I am a follower, I have commented on all your posts, and my contact details are in my blog profile.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    LISA V

  28. Happy 5th Bloggiversary Cathey!! Good luck to everyone who enters your fabulous giveaway :^) (I have won 2 giveaways in the last little while, so I am going to sit this one out... as tempting as it is!)

  29. WOW five years, thats wonderful. I have been a stalker for awhile and I think I left a comment each day.
    I love Anita, she has helped with my scissor addiction.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  30. Congratulations on five years of sharing your beautiful stitching! What a fantastic gift; I've been doing some drooling at Anita's, and now maybe it will become a reality!

  31. 5 years!!! You must have been one of the original cross stitch bloggers, Cathey! Congratulations to you and I hope you'll treat us to many more years of your lovely stitching :)

    You're going to make some stitcher very, very happy--thanks so much for the chance! I'm off to check out Anita's site...

  32. Congrats on five years.....hmmmmm I think I qualify to be entered in your give away! lol

  33. Congrats Cathey, five wonderful years I'm sure!!! And oh bother, you are now going to make me go back and check that I have stalked you properly this month!!!
    LiBBiE in Oz, along with Meah and the Long Dogs, especially Podge :@

  34. Oh yes, I am a pumpkin stalker. :o) Congratulations on 5 years. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your gorgeous photos and stitching.

  35. Happy blogoversary #5, Cathey! The stitching blogger world wouldn't be the same without you. Congratulations!

  36. I can't believe I have made so many comments - This is kind of a fun challenge - LOL

    Five years - Impressive ;)

  37. Congratulations on five years!!
    I would love a chance to be entered for this generous giveaway! Thank you!

  38. Congratulations on fives years blogging think of how many things you have stitched in that time.

  39. Oh my goodness, that is a fabulous giveaway!!! Good luck to all who enter!!!

  40. Congrats on your fifth year blogoversary! Here's to many, many, many more ^.^

  41. Happy Blogoversary!! That's a looong time to be blogging! Good luck to everyone!!

  42. Looks like your Party is going well!


  43. I don't qualify, but just wanted to say congratulations :)

  44. YAY I qualify. I am an old stalker and have commented on every post. I have fed your fish on numerous occasions also, ( I know that is not a requirement, just wanted you to know LOL).
    Good luck to all that enter.


    Huge congrats on your 5 year blog anniversary, that is a fabulous achievement, there is always something lovely to see and read for visitors here

    Good luck to all who qualify to enter


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)