
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Thank you for all your comments on the first leg of our vacation :o) I'm still not feeling 100% and have realized that I have a bout of vertigo :o( It didn't help that I was fighting a cold when we left and with my immune system being so low, it's not surprising that the vertigo set in. I'm still trying to catch up on emails and Blog reading so don't worry, I will be around to you soon! Now onto the second part of our vacation...

On Tuesday afternoon, we made it down to Freeport and decided to stay there for the night. If you're not familiar with the town, it's known for the outlet shopping and LL Bean. DH and I picked up a few things :o)

That night we went to our favourite restaurant for dinner. If you ever get to Freeport, I HIGHLY recommend The Azure! We were trying to figure out how many years we've been going there. We've never been disappointed. The Calamari Azzimata is like eating Salt & Vinegar Chips but 100 times better!!!! I start drooling as soon as we head anywhere near that restaurant. LOL! For my entre I had Mussels Al Fresco. OH-YUM! It's no wonder I gained eight pounds during this trip ;o)

The next morning we packed up and continued south to Portland where we left our car on the mainland and caught another ferry (similar to this one) -


On the twenty minute ride I got to see more spectacular lighthouses to photograph -



And sailboats everywhere -


Our destination? Peaks Island -




What a fascinating place! The population runs around 1,000 people year round but at least doubles or triples in the summer. The island is two miles long by one mile wide. It's not uncommon to see people walking, biking or scooting around in golf carts :o) There are cars on the island, although most of them are for island use only and have special permits. In other words, they are not fit for driving very far. LOL!

DH and I stayed at The Inn On Peaks Island -


We managed to get a special rate for our stay. The room was lovely and the food delicious! I had a Smoked Salmon BLT one day and there was enough smoked salmon on it to feed a small party...hence the extra pounds I brought home with me ;o)

Next time - fulfilling a lifelong dream while on vacation!


  1. What fun you must have had.

    Sorry to hear about the vertigo. That is NOT fun.

  2. Seriously, vertigo?? No fun, whatsoever... hope that clears up for you soon!! Sounds like you had a fun vacation though!

  3. Even more vacation fun. That inn looks like an inviting place to stay.

    Hope your vertigo subsides and you start feeling chipper again!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time, hope you are feeling 100% soon!

  5. Sounds like a great time. Hope you're feeling better.

  6. You were at all my old haunts! I have walked out to the Spring Point Light many times (on the ledge) and have even stitched it! And Peaks Is. is like my second home! You're making me really homesick, but headin' downeast two weeks from today!

  7. Your vacation just gets better and better. Hope your starting to feel alittle more like yourself.

  8. What a lovely trip and those pictures are enough to make a girl want to go east. Thank you for sharing and I sure hope you stop spinning soon. Been around that bend once in my life and to this day I don't go to the right without hesitation.
    Be always in stitches

  9. Glad you enjoyed my home state! Isn't Freeport fun?

    Hope you are feeling better soon!


  10. Maine is a special place! Can't wait to hear what your life long dream was!

    Smiles - Denise

  11. Hey, you were quite near me! Glad you enjoyed your visit - looks like you enjoyed great weather. I love taking the ferrys out of Portland around to the various islands.

  12. Oooooooh, love it. Love the pics, and I've just spent time looking at sites about Peak's Island. Can't wait for the next update!

    I hope your vertigo clears up soon.

  13. It looks like you had some great days! And you brought beautiful pictures on your return :)

    I'm sorry to hear about the vertigo but hopefully you'll get better soon!
    Sweet hug =)

  14. Sorry to read you have vertigo, hope it passes soon.

    Beautiful pics of your trip


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)