
Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday's Photographic Memories

I was hoping that I would have some great pictures for you today but the last few times I've been out, the camera has been home. Yup! It just didn't feel like going for a drive I guess...

It also doesn't help that it's SO HOT and HUMID here this week :o( WHY? Yes I know, summer is not over yet but WHY?

So in order to get through today and the rest of the week, I'm going to share the most wonderful picture I could find in my files. What I wouldn't give for this right now -




  1. Umm, could we just go to fall? You know, colorful leaves, cooling temps, no humidity, and Halloween. I would like to save the snow and ice for Christmas.

    Smiles - Denise

  2. I think I agree with you! its pretty hot and humid her in NB too!

  3. I love your snow picture, Cathey! I say bring it on!

    Robin in Virginia

  4. LOL ! We are over the hot and humid here and I hope it stays this way for a long while, I dread the snow.

  5. OOHHH! That looks so great! I'm dying down here in Texas!

  6. As hot and humid as it was today in NB, I still prefer it over that snow picture. I have to say that after a fresh snow fall, It is very pretty but it doesn't stay like that for long.

    {{{Love and Hugs}}}

  7. oh you got me -- Its hot and humid in Ohio. I don't think I'm ready for snow but I'd sure like some "sweater weather".

  8. It's terribly hot and humis here. I am ready for the snow. Love your picture.

  9. Your snow picture just reminds me of how much I hate winter. Gives me a sick feeling in my stomach just to look at it. I'll take this heat wave to that igloo any day!

  10. I keep singing...Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow...I would have no problem with 3 months of fall and 9 months of winter.

  11. Ahhhh... that does cool things down!! Thank you :)

  12. Lol! :D
    I'm a summer girl, I really love a sunny day.. it gives me energy!
    Today.. it's rainning outside =/ It would be funnier if I had snow!! I like the water to swim, not to fall on me with clothes on! :p

  13. It will soon be cold enough for that stuff to fall here and I'm not looking forward to it that's for sure. I can't walk that good when that stuff isn't on the ground. More stitching time is all I can say.
    Patti xxx

  14. Lol, I love this pic! Now I'm singing "Jingle Bells"... :P

  15. I like your snow picture. Living in El Paso, TX, we don't see scenes like this in our city. But it is a refresher from the heat. Thanks for the laugh!!

  16. I hope this is not premonition of what we are to expect this winter here in the UK, the summer has passed by way to fast


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)