
Friday, July 16, 2010

I Smell Gingerbread!

A gingerbread cube finish that is ;o)


On Tuesday I went to the Little City and bought my cube and then on Wednesday it was the trip from H*@% to the Big City and I was able to pick up the remainder of the supplies that I needed. I didn't have a lot of choice for gingerbread fabric and this isn't what I really had in mind but I think it works :o)


Working with a fabric that has straight lines in it is tricky but I really surprised myself with this finish and how happy I am with it. Btw, this is a no-sew cube.


I wasn't sure about the white ribbon but I like how it makes the white in the design pop. If I had gone with a green or burgundy it probably would have been too hard to match everything up. As it was, I had a hard enough time finding the white wired ribbon!


Since I spend part of last night and this morning finishing my cube, I haven't started my new stitchy project yet. It's still hot and humid here and my energy level is nil! Tonight I hope to sit back, watch a movie and hopefully stitch :o)

Some of you have been asking for pictures of Popcorn and lately it's been hard getting a good one of her. She's got her 'moods' now and I just hope that I did the right thing in adopting her. I've never had a pet rabbit that was this hard to bond with. Don't get me wrong, she is excellent at times and always loves to be petted but I haven't gotten the 'bunny greeting' yet :o(

The good news is Popcorn has learned to use her new glass water bottle! I was using a stainless steel dish that I used with Pickles but Popcorn is a much messier rabbit. It must be a girl thing. LOL! Now she has more room and she can 'pop' all over her cage and I don't have to worry that she'll dump water everywhere.

Here is Popcorn's parting shot for you -


This is the 'invisible bunny' pose ;o)


  1. Lovely! Your bow is PERFECT! That is the one this that has prevented me from doing a finish this way. I'm bow challenged...


  2. The cube finish looks absolutely perfect. I think you were lucky to find that cute matching fabric, and really skilled to get the striped fabric stretched with the lines so straight.

    Show it to Popcorn. Maybe it'll soften his heart.

  3. cute finish. Cute rabbit,too. They are rarely kept as pets in Australia because wild ones are pests.

  4. Great finish!! I haven't done one of these before... did you follow a tutorial??

  5. I think your cube looks perfect ! Popcorn is so cute, so what is the 'bunny greeting' ?

  6. That is one sweet smelling cube.
    The fabric is perfect.
    Popcorn is sooo adorable.

  7. Yeah - Bunny photos :)
    I think the cube looks charming - I haven't done one of those - makes me want to try ;)

  8. Great job on the cube, Cathey! You really kept the lines of the fabric straight - not easy!

    Popcorn is a very pretty bunny - hopefully the bonding will continue and you'll adore each other before long.

  9. That is so sweet, Cathey--I know how hard working with fabric that has straight lines can be. You did a perfect job. How did you learn to make such a nice bow? I've never done well with those big, fluffy bows!

    Popcorn is so cute--hope you get that "bunny greeting" soon!

  10. Your finish is p-e-r-f-e-c-t! You did a great job!

    Popcorn is still cute and the "invisible bunny pose" is too funny... lol

    When Xena tries her 'invisible cat pose', I always laugh and tell her: "I can see you!"

  11. I absolutely positively LOVE LOVE LOVE your gingerbread cube. The ribbon is just perfect. I love the stitching and the fabric too. Just perfect.
    Patti xxx

  12. I think the fabric looks great! What a nice finish. Did you have to buy a piece of foam at the fabric store and cut it up, or do you know of some foam-cube source I don't?
    Good luck with your bunny love!

  13. That has to be the most perfect bow I have ever seen! Your finish is great and I like the fabric. That is a great design for a cube!

    How much do you charge to tie a bow???? :)

  14. This is the most adorable cube. I love it. Need to try my hand at that one. Great Job.

  15. A very nice job on your Gingerbread Cube. Congratulations.
    Be always in stitches.

  16. Cathey,
    Your cube looks wonderful!
    Popcorn is so adorable!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  17. A new bunny!! Congrats... I will have to read back to catch up, so pardon all the mass comments you will get, hahaha.

  18. Great finish! Love it! Thanks for sharing the pic. :) Cathryn

  19. Beautiful finish!!! I'm oh-so-jealous over your perfect bow. lol I can't manage those very well no matter what and I used to work with some superior bow-makers at a Michael's once. lol

  20. WOW!!! Your cube came out wonderful. You did a great job. The material works great and I wish I can make bows like that.
    Popcorn is adorable.

  21. Your cube is lovely, really love the big bow on top.
    Popcorn is soooo cute, is she a lop & if so are you making sure you massage her ears down? (I always loved that bit with my baby bunnies!)

  22. Hiya Popcorn!!!!
    I love love love the cube. GREAT JOB!!
    Hope your weekend is sweet!

  23. Fun picture of Popcorn, she's such a cutie. Love your finish, the cube looks great. The bow especially looks awesome, I can never get bows to look right, very nice job.

  24. Ohhh, such a nice finish. I love the cube finishing with that gorgeous fabric for the "backing".

  25. Evertyhing you've selected is working. It's beautiful. Love it.

  26. Very nice. Love the finish on your Gingerbread cube.

  27. Oh wow! Your cube rocks! This is a finish I have never tried before, seeing yours makes me want to give it a try. Your bow is beautiful!
    Popcorn looks so adorable, maybe she will just take a bit more time to fully settle in.

  28. It is a beautiful cube! I haven't done one of these yet. You did an awesome stitching job! Popcorn is so cute. I sent you an email regarding your package. I hope you got the email.

  29. OMG!!! Looooooooooooove it!! :D
    So - but sooooooo - cute =)
    Perfect fabric and the ribbon is adorable!
    I have to make one of those cubes! lol!

    Popcorn, like all girls, just needs a little more time to get used to her new home ;)

  30. Your cube is lovely. I have never seen a bow so nicely done and even with pins, mine would come out looking like a mess. So nice!

  31. Your cube is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I love your bow on top too! You are quite the talented finisher!!! Nice job!!!

  32. Your cube is just perfectly gorgeous! Love it! Tell Popcorn I see him-LOL He is quite handsome!

  33. I LOVE the cube, it's adorable!!!
    Donna in WV


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)