Sunday, May 30, 2010

Seeing Double?

I'm in love with my sewing machine
'Cause it hasn't let me down
And I fall in love with the thread that's seen
Whenever the bobbin is wound
Whenever the bobbin is wound
Whenever the bobbin is wound
(sung to Radio by Beyonce)

My sewing mojo is back and yes you are seeing double! Well, somewhat ;o) Back in February, I had stitched Dogs Leave Paw Prints by Lizzie Kate and made it into a pillow for our neighbour. Shortly afterwards, I stitched the same piece for myself with the same idea for finishing. Unfortunately that's when my sewing machine demon became apparent and it never got done >:o(

So here it is, finally finished -


I've got it sitting on the bed in the extra bedroom :o)


Now off to finish another sewing project that I had planned but for pictures of that, you'll have to wait until next time.


Christina said...

Your cushion looks fantastic against those crisp blue and white sheets...gorgeous!

Cole said...

A great finish!! I love the finishing fabric ~ too cute!!

Parsley said...

Bet you can't guess that I like this one! ;-)

Irene said...

The pillow looks wonderful and right at home on the bed !

LisaG said...

I love this finish, the fabric is fantastic.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Wonderful pillow, Cathey! Looks great sitting on the bed!

Brigitte said...

You've finished two very nice pieces lately. I loved the Hippity Hop pillow a lot. It is just gorgeous. And so is this little doggie pillow. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

The perfect spot for it! Looks cute.

Carol said...

Oh, your pillow is so sweet, Cathey--perfect fabric for it, too. Glad to hear that your sewing mojo is back (wish mine would show its face again, soon--I have a pile of unfinished things just sitting there begging to be finished off!)...

Annie said...

Too cute! And another song parody for our singing pleasure. You can publish an anthology one of these days!

Alberta said...

What a great spot for this piece! So glad your sewing machine has recovered from what ever it was that ailed it!

Laural said...

Great finish!! It looks great where you have it too.

Patty C. said...

That is really cute- Wonderful finish !!
By the way - You should see my hedgehog pin cushion - My cat apparently thought it was a mouse - I have been pulling pin sout of her fur for 2 days - yikes :O

Take Care :)

Aussie Stitcher said...

Your cushion turned out very cute indeed I love the fabric that you chose to finish it off with

Raven/Missy said...

A wonderful finish! Great stitching and an awesome pillow, well done.

Sharon said...

Ir's so pretty!

SiobhΓ‘n said...

Fantastic finishing! You did a great job.

Ranae said...

Adorable little pillow, love it!