
Monday, March 08, 2010

Zee Winner Is...

Sorry for making you wait this long ladies but I was in the 'big town' today so my day was pretty full. I'm finally done supper, settling down and starting to enjoy my evening. Ahhhh!

There were a good number of entrants but unfortunately only 32 out of the 35 were qualified for an entry. I'm sorry about this but I did lay down the rules and I can't go back on that afterwards :o( Because of this, I wrote each person's name down on a piece of paper and made them into little individual pearls :o) Aren't they so pretty in their shell -


Yes, I know, this isn't an oyster shell but it's the closest thing I could come by. LOL!

Since DH had to go back to work and Duncan was too engrossed in The Dog Whisperer (he LOVES this show!), I had to do all the work myself :oS So after a lot of mixing and swirling, I finally picked a pearl and that lucky pearl belonged to -


Congratulations Karen from Gathering Thoughts! Since I can't find your email address, can you please email me so I can get your information off to Anita :o) I hope you will enjoy your shopping spree and remember, if you spend $60, you only have to pay $30! That's like going to a 50% off sale! You can just spend the $30 gift certificate but I like the logic behind getting more for less ;oD

I want to thank everyone who entered and I only wish that I could send something to each of you because in a way, each of you has become a part of my life. I LOVE getting on the computer and seeing what comments you've left me. Some days I laugh out loud and those are usually the days that I need it the most. And then reading your Blogs is like sitting down with a friend and a cup of tea. I've met so many wonderful ladies over the years and it makes my heart smile to know there is still so much kindness still out there in this world :o)

PS - check back tomorrow for a progress picture of Sabrina. I've been bad...sooooo bad...


  1. Congratulations to Karen.
    Patti xxx

  2. Woooo Hoooo for Karen. Congratulations for having such a successful give away. Can't wait to see Sabrina.
    Be always in stitches

  3. Congratulations, Karen! I can't wait to see what you buy!

  4. Love the shell :) Congratulations to the winner!
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and admiring your work :) you also make us laugh loud!! Thank you from my heart for sharing this space with us... And sorry for my (sometimes) bad english :p lol
    Have a great week sweet pumpkin :)

  5. Congratulations to the winner :) Looking forward to seeing a Sabrina update!

  6. You make such cute pearls! Can't wait to hear/see what Karen chooses.

  7. Congrats to Karen! This was very generous thing to offer and I've sure you've made someone very happy.

  8. Oh my gosh!! That's ME! : ) Thank you so very much Cathey! : ) I will e-mail you with my info. How fun!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)