
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Spring In My Step...

...and a smile on my face :o) Why you ask? Well, as of today there are several reasons!

First off, here is week two of my progress on Sabrina -


Isn't she gorgeous? Okay, besides the fact that she looks like a mutant without her hands ;o) I just LOVE the top portion of her dress. All the empty spots will be filled in with beads. Yeah, that's just the beginning. What was I thinking????

Anyway, back to the dress. The top reminds me of my wedding dress. I'm not a froufrou girl so when it came time to marry DH, I chose a simple design. The bodice had lots of intricate details but was balanced out by the plain skirt. Even today I still love my dress and there are days when I wonder if I could still fit into it. I doubt it though because I was quite tiny when I met DH ;o)

I keep telling him that I want to get married again so I can buy and wear another wedding dress. So far it's been a no go. LOL!

Have you noticed that I now have ONE HUNDRED stalkers???? I was incredibly happy when I spied that this morning! To celebrate this first milestone, I am (and a HUGE thanks to Anita) giving away a $30 Gift Certificate from Anita's Little Stitches :o) Anita is wonderful to deal with and has a great selection of cross stitch items to add to your stash. In order to win, you 'must' be a Pumpkin Stalker (old or new) and you must leave a comment on THIS post only. Remember; please leave me a way to get a hold of you if you are the winner. The contest will be open until 11:59pm on Sunday, March 7. I will post the winner on Monday, March 8 :o)

And finally...yesterday was a good day :o) I am still SO stoked! I met with a woman in a nearby community that is going to be opening a gallery and she was looking for artists. She and her DH had packed up everything and moved here from BC. They bought a local B&B and the gallery will be right beside it. I had emailed her samples of my photography and she was thrilled with what she saw and wanted to meet me in person. So yesterday I went for a little drive. When she looked at what I brought, she said what she saw was art and not just pictures. Ahhhh, that made me feel SO good because that's 'exactly' how I want people to see my work as :o) She even wants my whole collection for her shop! That means lots of work on my part but I'm really looking forward to it. Since I missed the tourist season last year, this summer should give me a really good idea of how things will move.

I now have FOUR places carrying my work...boing, boing, BOING!


  1. Sabrina is looking beautiful. You really do very perfect stitching.

    And how wonderful about your art! That must give you the most wonderful feeling. Hopefully, this is just another stepping stone to greatness!

  2. I'm so excited for you, Cathey! How wonderful to have your photos (ahem, art!) carried in so many places. And isn't it wonderful that something you enjoy doing can also bring not only pleasure, but some money to buy more stash :)

    Love Sabrina--my wedding dress was very simple, too (I told you in my last blog post what a simple person I am!)...

    Thanks for the chance on the giveaway, too--you are such a generous person...

  3. Well congrats on your stitching, stalkers, and photography prospects.
    Please enter me as I'm a loyal stalker.

    By the many days did it take you to consume all those Cadbury Creme Eggs?! LOL

  4. Congratulations on having a new place carry your work! That is awesome!
    Great progress on Sabrina. She is beautiful
    I have been following your blog through google reader, but have signed up as a stalker now :) Please include me in your draw


  5. Congratulations Cathey. You go girl! Continue with your "Art" and count me in on your draw. You know where to find me. But one thing I am a little confused on. WHERE'S THE LATEST FINISH, HECK YOU SHOULD BE ON AT LEAST 10 NOW???lol Sabrina is coming along very nicely.
    Be always in stitches.

  6. Oh, that is so exciting! It is wonderful to be appreciated for your work! Speaking of which, Sabrina is GORGEOUS!!! You are making me want to stitch her!

    Please include me in your wonderful drawing!

  7. Good for you...that is really exciting!!! You must really have a love for it.
    I am crossing my fingers for the give away. Dianntha

  8. Congrats on all your stalkers and your latest success with your photography! Sabrina is beautiful too--of course given how fast you stitch, we will all expect her to be finished when you next post! Please include me in your giveway--I NEED those new BBD charts.

  9. Sabrina is looking beautiful ! That will be awesome to have your art shown in a gallery, I think this summer you will do very well.

  10. Sabrina is coming along nicely! I love the colors in her dress. Looking forward to seeing more! The Mirabilia pictures on the charts never do the pieces justice.

  11. Sabrina looks gorgeous! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the dress!
    Please add my name to the pot~

  12. Sabrina is looking gorgeous.
    And wow! that is awesome news for your photography/artist skills, You go girl!!
    Congrats1 on the stlakers, please enter me.

  13. 100 stalkers/followers...Congratulations!

    I love the progress on Sabrina...such a intricate dress!

    Oooh...and to be an artist in a gallery...Woo Hoo! You ROCK!

  14. Sabrina is beautiful! Please post a pic so I can see your wedding dress! Wow 100 stalkers?! :D And congratulations on the new place taking your art :D

  15. Oh wow... well done you. You must really excited about your photos, thats really good news.

    Sabrina is looking fabulous but I certainly don't envy you the beadwork!

  16. Girl, you should be dancing. Well Done, Keep us posted about the Art. Sabrina is fab tooo
    Throw my name in for the draw, i could use a boost

  17. Awesome progress on Sabrina, Cathey! She is beautiful - love the flowers in her hair! Congrats on the photography commission at the new shop! Awesome and Yeah! for you!!!

    I would love to be included in your drawing - some stash from Nashville needs to come live with me! Thanks to you and Anita for the chance!

  18. Plenty of reason to bounce! I am so happy for you about the gallery!

  19. Ooohhh...I've never been called a stalker but I think I like it! Would love to be entered into your giveaway.

    Love Sabrina....she is so pretty and you are moving right along!

  20. I love Sabrina, she is so beautiful and the dress is so lovely. I saw the chart in our local shop, I was very tempted but I have so many to do a head of her. I am working on Evangeline, I just posted a photo on my blog, take a peek.
    Plwase put my name in the draw, the winter has been long it would be a nice way to cheer up for spring!

  21. I am so happy to hear your good news! Things can only go up from here as more people see your photography!
    Sabrina is gorgeous!

  22. Yes, Sabrina does look rather sad in a stunning sort of way... ;o) I'm no expert on wedding dresses, but I do love her hairdo! Happy 100th stalker... Mmm, some people might not get that...LOL!! Good luck with the gallery; sounds like a great opportunity!!

  23. How fabulous that you are getting more places to sell your Art!!
    Sabrina looks lovely I don't envy you all those beads though!! LOL
    I think if we ever re newed our vows it would be if I was slim and back into a pre kids size ;0)

  24. Congrats on getting your art out there, that is wonderful!

  25. Congratulations on your photos!! uhuuuuu I wish you lots of sucess!!! :D

    ohhhh so much progress on Sabrina!! She's looking beautiful :D

  26. WAHOOOOOOOOOO!! Congrats on the gallery news. That is fantastic. :)

    Your mutant--I mean, umm, Sabrina--looks great. ;) She really is pretty. Funny, I've had that same dream where I get married again, but it's usually that I'm going to wear my wedding dress and can't fit into it any more! LOL

    I'd love to be included in the giveaway! ;)

  27. That is incredible progress for 2 weeks. She is stunning. I love the colours on her dress. Now, you have me drooling over the fact that I want to do another Mirabilia. Oh, you're evil, but an evil I really like! :)

    I'm just beaming with pride and excitement over your art being carried by another source. Yaaaaaa! Can't wait to hear about all the excitment, fun and success coming your way!

    Big hugs!!!!

  28. Hi Cathey

    Sabrina is beautiful-I can't wait to see more:)

    It is so exciting to have a place to showcase your "art" and added bonus for you to make some money to buy more's a win win situation:)

    I had that thought once about Wade and I remarrying but he hasn't gone for it either... I think it would be cool to go to Las Vegas and get Elvis to do would be awesome...

  29. Sabrina is looking fabulous! Congrats on your increase in stalkers-LOL What wonderful news in regards to your photography!

  30. I am enjoying following your progress on Sabrina. I have always loved that dress from the film.

    Congratulations on your 100 stalkers! I would love to be included in your giveaway.

    Good news about the new galley!

  31. Sabrina is soooooo gorgeous even without her hands. Okay you now officially have 104 stalkers including me. But I stalked you anyway from my blog that is updated ever time you update your blog so I can see what you are up to.

    Congrats on the 4 places carrying your work. Want to share a piccy or two of some of it please?

    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx

  32. That is wonderful news about your photos, woohoo!! Pleased enter me in your draw, I enjoy being a stalker of yours.

  33. I'm sooooo far behind on my blog reading it's not even funny but Ihad to leave a comment saying how much I love Sabrina! She is really going to look stunning on that fabric :)

  34. Hi Cathey,

    Congratulations on having over 100
    followers!! What a wonderful and
    impressive milestone. It doesn't
    surprise me at all that you have
    that many fans though. Your posts
    are so well written, often funny
    (farting jokes, Shit Hawks and
    Easter cream eggs etc) and you
    demonstrate passion for the things
    that matter most to you. You are
    fierce!! I love it!

    Sabrina is beautiful. Such elegance
    in line and in style. You're making
    excellent progress on her.

    Okay, you were the one who brought
    up the subject of your beautiful
    wedding gown. Am I the only one
    who's asking to see a picture or
    two??? Oh, come on!! Please!!!

    And congratulations on having your
    photos accepted for the gallery
    opening in your area. That is
    such fabulous news. That lady
    obviously has a good eye for art
    in all forms. How exciting for
    you to have this project to work
    on. Have fun with it.



Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)