
Thursday, February 25, 2010

In The Beginning...

I'm sorry I have not posted before this but I was trying to get enough done on Sabrina so I could post a proper progress picture. It's hard to believe it's been a little over a week since I started her and this is what she looks like so far -


All that is missing is the backstitching around her face and eye, plus the beads. I was going to add them before the picture but I'm going to stay true to my usual method and leave them until the end ;o) Even though I despise blending threads, I bit the bullet and got them done. On 32 count, it seems they aren't as noticeable.

Here is another picture with a better idea of the fabric colour -


Sabrina is pictured along with one of the gorgeous pairs of scissors that I received from Yuko :o)

My next plan of attack? I'll continue down and stitch her shoulders and then it's onto the dress! It's all about the dress isn't it? LOL!

Things have been pretty quiet here. Still no word from the job I applied for and it closed on the 18th :o( I'm really pulling my hair out so I'm going to get some help and see if my resume needs a revamp. I'm told it's not easy to find a job around here but this is ridiculous! I told DH that I might have to dumb down my qualifications ;o)


  1. Good luck on the job search.

    The stitching is STUNNING!

  2. She looks great!! Good luck with the job hunting

  3. Fingers crossed for you with the job.

    Sabrina looks great.

  4. Gorgeous! I love Sabrina. Yes, it is all about that dress.

  5. She looks beautiful. I'm not a fan of blending either, but it sure worked well here.

    Too bad you can't get a job as a stitcher!

  6. Ohhh purty lady!!

    Good luck with the job hunt, I have to look for one too!!

  7. Lovely start on Sabrina! Good luck on your job search. It's tough out there but I think things are slowly picking up...

  8. Great start! My fingers are crossed for you on the job search.

  9. Wow, Sabrina is looking wonderful & so stunning on that fabric. Can't wait to see the dress.

    Good luck with the job hunt, fingers crossed you'll hear soon.

  10. The stitching is lovely.

    Good luck with the job hunt

  11. Oh, she is breathtaking! I sure wish I had a long, swan-like neck like hers :)

    I hope something turns up job-wise very soon, Cathey. Keeping fingers crossed :)

  12. Sabrina is beautiful! Good luck on the job search. It can be quite distressing, I'm sure. Hang in there!

  13. NIce the pink flower!

  14. Lovely work, looking forward to watching your progress.

    Best wishes with the job.

  15. Lovely start!
    Good luck with the job hunt.

  16. Great start, she looks so pretty!

    Good luck with the job hunting :)

  17. She looks wonderful! You are doing a marvelous job.

    Good luck in the job market!

  18. Hi Cathey,

    Oh Boy!! You've gotten a great
    start on Sabrina and she's already
    looking fabulous! Your stitches
    are beautifully done. I can't
    wait to see her dress developing.

    I'm sorry that you haven't heard
    back about the job you'd applied
    for. It must be so frustrating
    when a company doesn't even give
    a courtesy call back. You'd
    think that they'd be jumping at
    the chance to hire someone like
    you with strong qualifications
    who is eager to work for them.
    It's their loss!!

    I must say your post on weiner
    dog gadgets was certainly....
    entertaining. I think that the
    lamp was my own personal favorite, although the earbuds had a certain
    charm to them too.


  19. Sabrina looks so great. You stitch her over one, right?
    Good luck on your job search.

  20. Wow! you are off to a wonderful start!

  21. beautiful beautiful beautiful :)


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading each and every one :o)